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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 58 of 109 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11689.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Jan. 12th, 1901. Mr. G. V. Russell, Bluff, N. 0. My dear Sir:- Your favor of the 5th inst, was duly received. Allow me to report that only day before yesterday a bill was introduced into Congress (both Houses) asking for an appropriation of five millions of dollars to be. expended for the establishment of ft national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. This bill we. understand, is endorsed by the Secretary of Agriculture abd the President. I trust to be able to send you a copy of the same in a few days, I woull state that in case a forest preserve or park is established in Western North Carolina that it will work no hardship upon any one if the inhabitants. It is not the intention of the Government to run people our of their homes. If such a forest reserve should be established it will be In a thinly settled portion of the mountains and not In a thickly settle:! portion or near towns. If a site was chosen upon \shich some one was living they would of course be re-imbursed to the full value of their property and in many instances it would be un-necessary for thi persons living or- the property to even move '■Y > Further, even if the Government should acquxre lands and some individuals should not desire to sell, as I understand it, it would be the Government to allow hira to keep his property, only he %& aot be allowed to cut timber on tr i JovernKfent property whicn might be in his neighborhood. I am not able to say whether it #ould be the policy of this Government to possess lands by em.mine.nt domain and leave the valuation of the same to a party of appraisers or not, but I can assure you that it is not the intention of the Association to pxish a movement which will in any way, shape manner or form work a hard-ship or an inconvenience to any citizen,ntf matter how humble, of North Carolina, If we get this matter through, it will be the greatest thing that ever happened to North Carolina and the people residing in the section ishich; Might be chosen will find that there will be employment for all if there and at better wages than they have ever received before. In conclusion allow me to state that the prospects are brighter now than they have ever been before and, while of course, it is a difficult matter to get an appropriation of this kind we, nevertheless, feel greatly encouraged. Very truly yours,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).