Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 19 of 109 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11652.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • February 1st, 1901, Mrs. H*l*n Moriey , 4 The Arlington, Washington, P, C. My dear Madam: - Tour very kind letter of the 50th ult. is received. Allow Hiq to state that we are by no means sending such circulars as vf mailed to you last m*Jk to fch* people generally throughout the country. In th« first place, us Secretary of th* A asocial-, ion 1 had been instructed to send notices of oar verting to all persons who had been interested in our 'acting to all persons who had been interested in our movement, thinking that they v/ould also be interested in th* President' s message, and enclosed one of these slips with one. of these slips sent. V* bud prepared qim thousand copies of the President's Message, the Secretary's letter and the bill for the purpose of sending to the press throughout th* country and, that these circulars have not found the "waste-basket" in u'U. Lnstano*s, is shown by the fact that we are now receiving many clippings from our New York Ol^ping Bureau as the result of the eirculara s*nt. T have only this ftay received about fifty. h*n .uiting you th* second tune 1 instructed the stenographer to enclose other clippings which might be of interest to you, clippings were prepared for news paupers ..aid 1 ara pleassd to report that a great percent of thfl pap*rs to $hich these are sent send ui bi a rk e d copies cent a in in g t h e s ai s *. Your idea concerning the sending of photographs illustrate

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).