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Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 34 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11590.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • he GiliIiams Press Syndicate and ^reau gf. Associated News / Established 1887. departments: 3ranch Offices : ' „ . „ City, Sunday, Dramatic, /N, Paris and Nbw York. Art, Fashion, Legal and /S Sporting. All the Leading Newspapers in Leading Cities . ' „ Supplied with News. i. Leslie Gilliams, ri^ general manager. 5249 GERMANTOWN AVENUE, PHaADELPHIA Please refer in answering this letter to No. 10437 . ■'■■ ' Sept. 19, 1900. uppalachian National Park Ass'n., Ashville, N, G. Gentlemen.: - ¥e are 'very much interested in recent announcements concerning the bill you have before Congress asking it to establish a National park in the beautiful forest lands of North Carolina, lust whnire that state, and Tennessee and. Georgia ap'broafa acn o trier In view of the widespread interest and will be felt in this movement, we should like to sympathy that make it the subject- of a special newspaper article, and desirihfe that whatever publish may be absolutely authoritative, we take, address you and solicit the favor of your courtet the liberty to ous assistance. to the project, and as we always Illustrate our art5.e3.os, we should like to have photographs of scenes in this region, and if possible, photographs of some of the people prominent in the movement. In return we shall write a careful, dignified article, which we are sure will meet with your fullest approval, and shall have pleasure in mailing you copies of our publications containing the article. Thanking you in advance, and trusting'you will be able to extend us the desired assistance, we are, Very respectfully yours, THE jILLMMS PRI3SS SYNDICATE. j UAjAM 1-m4\„ I '. Notice... Philadelphia 3s the Mam office, where Photographs and answers to all communications should he sent.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).