Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Requests for information on Appalachian National Park

items 33 of 74 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11589.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • FREDERICK S. ODELL, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Ryan Building, log Westchester Avenue, * I /xf6 eteftAione A~ 9?oAAZeA^, A. %,..(aA±q^aAaaA?^ ■ ZZfrslAAi-.-oA ^AZciAiAz £j^<iL4L4p-<Z'C-aA^_.s-x^ <*• I-^ALAaA^p^7^^aAAZZau- £Ai*-Z) cl iZAAtZ^ a^c AAA aA^-a CAZZAl^aa-^ cAu TA^f^A A C±A^ < Atf/i oC&- cu (zAZZCtL iaiaa /fAuAJ^uoL^-^^A zZAx^ CAz^caiA^- /Aaa~>^^ lA^^, ZA-^><—AZA A Z <?-A^AHAALfA. <jAAZ<a A^x^a^ LaAA ~lAA^u A-f-AAz h<A ZZaj- Aij a<-aAZZZ&-^ TA yx)<AcAjA^v-^-^^-Z AAju Az^c^a. tAcAAzAAAAZtcAA^AA7-/ AcAAXZA Jy^uytA CAtA^) <A~ yAZ, /(ZiAAmjl^ <ZU^ AA^u^eAtA^P ^A ZaAA "Uat> Z-<^. ttLis-^ AA^^yAA C^^-w7 j a Z CZaju YKaaw tAfU- AaA} /AulA) AA Ajh JZA4-<A-^i~^si~-< CZ<~At) czA^->^> St-*-' Aa&^wt- ZA~<f- aJ^ua) !aiAl (AA (AviAj, tT^Ahru^^A

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).