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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • 178 SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION. GEORGIA. A RESOLUTION concerning the ceding of the jurisdiction over certain lands in the State of Georgia to the United States of America for the purpose of establishing a national forest reserve or park. Whereas there is a widespread movement in this country asking that the Federal Government purchase from the present owners certain forest-covered lands lying within the high mountain regions of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, about the headwaters of the larger streams flowing through these and adjacent States, for the purpose of establishing in this region a national forest reserve, which will forever protect the sources of the rivers that furnish our water powers and navigation facilities, which will demonstrate to the people of the country how such forest-covered areas can be managed and perpetuated to the best advantage, and which will become a great national resort within easy reach, at all seasons, of much of the larger portion of the population of this country; and whereas this general assembly- desires to place on record its interest in, and encouragement of, a movement which promises such great and lasting benefits to the people of Georgia and the neighboring States: Be it resolved by the general assembly of the State of Geerrgia, That this general assembly hereby expresses its willingness to cede to the United States of America the jurisdiction of the State of Georgia in and over such of the forest-covered mountain lands in this State as may be needed for the purpose of establishing such national forest reserve or national park, when the land areas of such tract or tracts have been designated, and a plat or plats of the same deposited with the secretary of state in Atlanta: Provided, That the State shall retain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over said tract or tracts so far that all civil and criminal processes issued under the authority of the State may be executed thereon in like manner-as if this act were not in force: And provided further. That said cession of jurisdiction shall not take effect until the United States shall have acquired title to said tract or tracts. The general assembly respectfully asks the favorable consideration of this measure by Congress. Clark Howell, President of the Senate. Chas. S. Northen, Secretary of the Senate. John D. Little, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Jno. T. Boifeuillet, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Approved December 18, 1900. A. D. Candler, Governor.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).