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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION. 165 RESOLUTIONS. [American Association for the Advancement of Science, June 23,1900, New York City.l Resolved, That the American Association for the Advancement of Science, recognizing the importance of the preservation in its original condition of some portion of the hard-wood forests of the Southern Appalachian region, respectfully petitions Congress to provide for the establishment in that region of it national, forest reserve. [American Forestry Association, December 13, 1900, Washington, D. C] Resolved, That the action of Congress in making an appropriation to investigate the forest conditions of the Southern Appalachian Mountains meets with our cordial approval, and that we recommend that further steps be taken for the creation by purchase of a national Appalachian park in the high mountain region of the States of North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. [National Board of Trade, January '2:1. i901, Washington, D. C] Resolved, That the National Board of Trade respectfully urges upon Congress the establishment of the proposed Minnesota National Park and of the proposed Southern Appalachian Forest Reserve as a just and necessary measure of forest protection to those portions of our country which at present contain no national forest reserves. [Memphis (Tenn.) Board of Trade] Whereas there is a widespread movement in this country looking to the establishment by the General Government in the high forest- covered mountain portions of Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina of a national forest reserve, which will perpetuate the forest of this region, forever protect the headwaters of many important streams in these States, and serve as a pleasure and health resort at all seasons for a large portion of the people of this country; and whereas the proposal that the Government establish such a forest reserve has been approved by the leading scientific societies and forestry associations of this country, and by the general press: Resolved, That the Board of Trade of Memphis. Tenn.. also heartily approves of the establishment of such a forest reserve, and respectfully asks the Senators and Representatives at Washington from this State, to urge upon Congress the favorable and prompt consideration of this measure. Similar resolutions favoring the establishment of the proposed forest reserve or park by the Government have been passed by the commercial organizations in Richmond, Raleigh, Wilmington. Charleston. Columbia. Savannah. Augusta, Atlanta, Mobile, Knoxville. Chattanooga. Nashville, Memphis, and in many other of the larger cities of the country.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).