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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • 184 SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION. [Indianapolis (Ind.) News.] The preservation of forests is a subject to which too little attention has been paid in the past and to which should be given much thought. Already the country is experiencing the bad effects.of indifference. [Tallahassee (Fla.) Tallahassian.] The wildest and most naturally beautiful part of this country east of the Rocky Mountains is that region where North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia approach each other. [Chicago Times-Herald, December 24, 1899.] The Blue Ridge has a climate that is delightful at any season of the year, and as it is only twenty-four hours travel from Chicago, New York, or New Orleans, the mass of the population in the east, even those in moderate circumstances, could readily avail themselves of the advantages it offers as a health and pleasure resort. [Cincinnati Volks Freund, February 1, 1900.] We wish the undertaking complete success. [Newport (R. I.) News.] The central location of the proposed park is undoubtedly a strong point in its favor. It is within easy reach of most of the great cities of the middle Western States and the Eastern and Southern States. Apart from these natural reasons, the Eastern States are entitled to a national park. [St. Louis (Mo.) Globe-Democrat.] There is every reason why the movement for the establishment of the Appalachian Park in North Carolina should succeed. [The Hartford Courant.] The wildest and most naturally beautiful part of this country east of the Rocky Mountains is that region where North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. South Carolina, and Georgia approach each other. It is a mountain country with an average elevation of 4,000 feet and peaks running up to thousands of feet higher. The tallest mountain east of the Rockies is in North Carolina. This wild region abounds in timber, and is still a natural and unbroken wilderness except as the lumbermen invade its quiet. They have come. Already traffic in forest land is on and the railroads of the vicinity arc loaded with lumber for the market. Let the American people sit by with their accustomed optimistic apathy and before long the forests will be gone, the wafer courses left to dry up, the bears, deer, and other wild animals killed off, and nothing but a fading memory remain of what now is a great natural park.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).