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Reasons in Favor of the Establishment of a National Park

items 17 of 34 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13886.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • and secure the guardianship and fostering care of the United States government."—C. W. IV. JUL The timber and mineral wealth of this region is such that it can only be a question of a few decades when these mountain slopes will be denuded, and when the people of the vast valleys that depend on these watersheds for their water supply will suffer from the blindness of a generation that could not foresee the otherwise inevitable and combine its prevention with the benefits of an enduring national park in the populous east.—Scientific American. JUL Here is a great country of undulating table lands and mighty mountain ranges whose soil is as productive ' as the prairies of Illinois. Here are peaks where Vulcan might forge his thunderbolts and where the Gods of Olympus might sit in cou'ncil above the clouds ; here are fertile valleys sleeping peacefully beneath the giant cliffs of mountains that rise in majestic grandeur above the storms, watered by crystal streams that break in everlasting melody fresh from the granite of eternal hills ; here is a region where winter lingers not; the mountains swell with life at the breath of early spring and clothe themselves in garments of emerald leaf and many tinted flowers ; summer sunshine wraps the earth in lustrous woodland, changing to royal robes of autumn splendors of purple and crimson and cloth of gold : transparent waters of creeks and rivers glide and dance and foam over their rocky beds, above them as an arch the arms of the giants of the forest, on their banks the honeysuckle, the violet, the tiger- lily, the ivy and the laurel breathe perfume as sweet

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).