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Levern Hamlin scrapbook

items 97 of 147 items
  • wcu_memories-1030.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • PUBLIC RELATIONS Mt of J&xrtij Carolina ffitstem Carolina (Eolkgg CiiJUofofyee, JfartJj (Carolina September 26. 195? *j La Miss Levern Kamiin 1718 Oaklasm Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Dear Levern: It was good to hear from you. Thanks, too, for sending me the picture of Kitty from the Observer. Possibly you donft know that she was planning to enroll at Duke this fall, and was only here this summer to take a course with Miss Niggli. I have not yet heard from her. What you said about your experience at WCC made me very happy. You know of my personal feelings on the matter of integration, and 1 am gratified to learn that this opinion is shared by a great many more people than I had thought. However, we have to face the heartbreaking fact that still too many people feel otherwise, Wr ft/ X m I have always held to the opinion that we are all brothers and sisters under one God, and I am completely bewildered at the statements of some who claim to believe in the Christian gospel and yet are rabid segregationists. y vui o %.* ju. _l I would like to say that people like/will be the ones, I think, who will eventually make the way clear. You came into what could have been a difficult situation with dignity and kindness, and people here came to admire you for your own qualities. I sincerely believe that the rabble rousers of both races will keep things stirred up for quite a while yet, and that many people will suffer but none will suffer more than those who cause it. Above this, however, I believe that the forces of justice, both human and divine .and the actions of people of faith and good will, will eventually bring us closer together and the violence will end. I know this sounds terribly idealistic, but if I didn't believe it, then there1d be no point in my faith in God. In another envelope I'm sending you some of the pictures we made here this summer* You'll understand why I ask you not to release them to anyone for publication, or to be used in any manner publicly. A.s you know, many forces surround the work of a public relations office, and we have to release our publicity at times and under circumstances i*jhen we feel most good can be accomplished. I'm sure you'll respect my wishes in this matter and if the time comes when I want to use some of the pictures, I will most certainly contact you first and explain the circumstances. We enjoyed knowing you and. having you visit in our home, and will always remember you pleasantly. Please let me hear from you again I'll be interested in hearing of your progress. Mr. Hirt and the boys join me in best wishes. Sincerely, (Mrs".) Lillian Hirt Director of Publicity

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).