Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Levern Hamlin scrapbook

items 102 of 147 items
  • wcu_memories-1035.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • INTRODUCTION By HARRY E. BUCHANAN Chairman, Cherokee Historical Association The Cherokee Historical Association welcomes visitors from every part of the world, in the sincere hope that in this absorbing drama of America's past every traveler may come to understand more than ever the importance of common labor toward a common high goal, of unity and brotherhood not only between men but also between nations. The theme of Unto These Hills is peculiarly appropriate to the world of today. As the temper of a nation changes and moves in various new directions to meet new problems, there is no better place to look for understanding and clarity than the past, where the temper of the present was born. Perhaps in re-examining the mistakes as well as the acd bears in their effort to establish AmericanVlemocracy, thl racy can best be found, and the truths that wojiave always best be denned. With this in mind, the Cherokee Historical A^ooiation Cherokee play come to final reality. And throuVh ^he si] sociation has been able to launch a long range conVtru seven years has resulted in an expcndi to the benefit of the Cherokee Indians. iplishments of our fore- real meaning oj democ- leid to be sclf-owdent can las lmade/ts/dream of a cces\ of/he/)lay the As- .jprog/am which illion/lollars^ Through Unto These Hills, Oconaluftee IndumSLiUhfc Tile Mj^eum of the Cherokee Indian and other projects, the Association is ncTTmly canty ing out its original purpose—to perpetuate the history an*rtraditions-of meSCher^ce Indian —but is also doing much to raise the livingVtandaj>l<"oT tl^} C/)erok«N4nd\nstill in them a greater appreciation of themseVfjg^airtffTheir race,.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).