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Kephart the Hunter

items 21 of 36 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11185.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Nation Summoned by a Solemn Duty 19 journey on foot, with a few hard-earned dollars in his pocket and a great eagerness for the education he can so faintly comprehend. (Scores of our young people see their first railroad train at Berea.) And it is a joy to welcome the mountain girl who comes back after having taught her first school, bringing the money to pay her debts and buy her first comfortable outfit—including rubbers and suitable underclothing—and perhaps bringing with her a younger sister. Such a girl exerts a great influence in her school and mountain home. An enthusiastic mountaineer described an example in this wise: 'I tell yeou hit takes a moughty resolute gal ter do what that thar gal has done. She got, I reckon, about the toughest deestric' in the county, which is sayin' a good deal. An' then fer boardin'-place—well, there warn't much choice. There was one house, with one room. But she kep right on, an' yeou would hev thought she was havin' the finest kind of a time, ter look at her. An' then the last day, when they was sayin' their pieces and sich, some sorry fellers come in thar full o' moonshine an' shot their revolvers. Im' a-tellin' ye hit takes a moughty Yesolute gal." The great need of our mountaineers to-day is trained leaders of their own. The future of Appalachia lies mostly in the hands of those resolute native boys and girls who win the education fitting them for such leadership. Here is where the nation at large is summoned by a solemn duty. And it should act quickly, because commercialism exploits and debauches quickly.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).