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Kephart the Hunter

items 15 of 36 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11179.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Mountain Folk Need Right Education 13 "Each man is some man's servant; every soul Is by some other's presence quite discrowned." Proudly he contrasts his ragged self: he who never has acknowledged a superior, never has taken an order from living man, save as a patriot in time of war. And he turns upon his heel. The curse of our invading civilization is that its vanguard is composed of men who care nothing for the welfare of the people they dispossess. A northern lumberman admitted to me, with frankness unusual in his class, that "All we want here is to get the most we can out of this country, as quick as we can, and then get out." This is all we can expect of those who exploit raw materials, or of manufacturers that employ only cheap labor. Until we have industries that demand skilled workmen, and until manual training schools are established in the mountains, we may look for deterioration, rather than betterment, of those highlanders who leave their farms. All who know the mountaineers intimately have observed that the sudden inroad of commercialism has a bad effect upon them. As President Frost says, "Ruthless change is knocking at the door of every mountain cabin. The jackals of civilization have already abused the confidence of many a highland home. The lumber, coal, and mineral wealth of the mountains is to be possessed, and the unprincipled vanguard of commercialism can easily debauch a simple people. The question is whether the mountain people can be enlightened and guided so that they can have a part in the development of their own country, or whether they must give place to foreigners and melt away like so many Indians?" It is easy to say that the fittest will survive. But

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).