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Hardwood Bark, 1929

items 9 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6592.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • «l- THE HARJM&OOD BARK -«► .-»- t.r- :. SH ■•"«5f I p;pp* ■■§§ ft-'ftV«ftjS Pfft.lftp 5iii«iE P :;$€ .!pS !J!* jS ttP|L,:5|li-,ip Kg V**'^ v.'?:-'-; : V?Co %L. ■hEwH PP •^ 0 LLL PPPftP ; 'w-sMiT*-, I i ■I 1: Scenes a/ong the right of way: Top view, a tree in blossom at the mountain crest; Arrow in lower left view shows engine returning to foot for remaining cars and bottom picture is of the No. 25 crew L. to R. Charles Wilson, engineer; "Bill" Gilliand, conductor; Carl Wilson, fireman and Frank Leffler, brakeman. burned—'Red Jacket lump and egg mixed). There is no redoubling in going below; the distance to the bottom isn't as far and better time is made, although the top of the mountain is farther from Nantahala than it is to Andrews, in two hours after leaving it No. 25 blows as it nears Nantahala clubhouse, where the evening meal is being served. It is now about 6:30 o'clock. After washing, the crew has a belated supper, but how good it must taste! (On the "typical" day cited, No. 35 was in the shop for re-tiring and hence all the switching preparatory to starting from Nantahala in the morning had to be done by one engine, No. 25 which made the four horsemen pictured on this page later than usual in getting back home). Five

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).