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The Log Vol. 4 No. 12

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  • wcu_canton-153.jp2

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  • THE LOG A Monthly Journal of N«ws and j Information. Pubtiehed by and for the Employees of I The Champion Fibre Co. and Devoted to Your Interest and Mine Correspondence solicited from each and every employee who desires to I work for the welfare of all. Sign all communications with your full name, address Editor The Log, and drop in anv suggestion box. N tributions will be accepted unless signed j SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Copy Oc -»- Per Annum $0.00 Invariably in Advance Editors now under sentence and doing time: WOOD PHILLIPS j COLEMAN Letter from Champion Copied Chicago Office. We were very much pleased with the following letter to Mr. Robert H. Butterworth, the Western representative of the Champion Coated Paper Co., with office in Chicago: .;, Robertson: . some time been threat- 10 write you a little note of appreciation for keeping my name on ailing list for The Log, but for some unknown reason I have neglected to do so. I want to take this opportunity to express to you and all en of the Champion Fibre | : a . my sincere appreciation in house organ, for Sjrrr (£mttp the Hattha. The Kaiser and his gvn£ had schemed To rule the world or bust By day they planned—by night th<\v dreamed Until "A dead sure cinch" it seemed That "Gott" was in the Kaiser's trust. So all gave thanks. Poor Belgium fought and bled in vain, And France was sorely pressed. Yet, bathed in blood, and racked with pain At Verdun, checked the Kaiser's game Then pulled a trick, by Bill unguessed— The British Tanks. The Kaiser's dream is nearly o'er, He'll wake up with a start, And promise not to play at war, And stay at home forever more. For soon he'll hear with quaking heart: "Here come the Yanks". 1918 F. A. C. was when I was sorting out junk for you at the mill. (Editor's Note—The verses to which Mr. Butterworth refers appear above.) The Log Reaches France March It, 1918. Editor of the Log, Champion Fibre Company, Canton, N. C. Dear Sir: Have just received your first issue of The Log and 1 enjoyed it next to the cake that I received from home, three days previous to your paper. All the boys passed the winter in real good shape and are in good fight- iiiK trim. The winter has been most- score of hits that has ever been made in the whole Atlantic fleet. The captain gave me a good, hearty handshake when I left- While I am here I have to learn all I can about aeroplanes and how to run them, as I may have to use them in the near future—so my officers tell me. Last Wednesday I had my first experience in one. My pal, ©r instructor, took me up about a hundred feet from the ground and let me run it. I was awfully nervous and afraid at first, but I soon got over that after I had been up for about half an hour. I get another lesson tomorrow and I the ' my duties with the l the hearty co-operation of H. D. SECREST. Woodrow Wilson Says: The movement to establish gardens, therefore, and to have the children work in them is just as real and patriotic an effort a- the building of ships or the firing of cannon. I hope that this spring every school will have a regiment in tne volunteer war garden army. oing to go s high a my pal will ot 1 The New Board Meets At the first meeting of the I new board the following committees were appointed; Land, Wood and Coal-—T. P. j Owen, H. L. Evans and J. T. Leatherwood. Relief and Welfare—.1. M. WilHams, T, X. Jamison, W. S. 1 Price. Cannerv and New Business — C. L. Westmoreland. Thos. Fulness, H. D. See rest. Store and Lunch Room—K. J. Sprang, W. W. Mitchell. W. S. Price. ( A "Wholesale Profiteer" ffthina iM. ,..l.l. ed Mi elan "to,- m» "Wake 'up. n .1 f;ut MO UTON. "Who's rubbiaa 1 You will be timt i bad th. "Bill" Kobertw,n'b Brother VS r From an Atlantic 1'ort Dear Brother: etice 1 gtti Na \ $20. I made t "Ho Will "More tha of i.-k "To the Members of the Champion Family." Having been appointed Township Food Administrator, I take this means ef mentioning the "More than a more important rulings of this Miko. "Thank he department made."- New fm Mondays and Wednesdays are Wheatiess Days, and let us save B*?a YOU b. wheat by eliminating from our Stamps this week ~orm of wheat pro- y°ur patrioti lie. days h»N . take bread, muffin*, griddle gi«ue.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).