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Hardwood Bark, 1929

items 20 of 26 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6603.jpg

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  • .«*- THE HARHMOD BARK •-*• New River <•** Left, Santeetla Dam, just below Robbinsville, N. C and right, Wayah Creek, as seen from a cliff just south of Wayah Bald, looking toward Cartoogechaye Creek and Franklin, N. C, near Nantahala. Pictures by H. A. Nuckolls, furnished by Miss Countess Taylor. **> Nantahala <** Mr. R. W. Rector, of Andrews, is our new band sawyer, succeeding Frank Warden, resigned. Mr. Rector formerly worked at Hazel Creek. . . Messrs. Walter Snidow and L. C. Carroll have been constructing a planing mill. The surface, resaw and cut-off saw have been intsalled, also the blow pipes. Wedding bells rang here recently. On Saturday, August 10 Miss Maude Wilhide, clubhouse dining room girl, daughter of William Wilhide, of Jud- son, and Mr. Howard Bateman were married and on the same day Miss Edna Myril Holcombe, formerly dining room girl, was married to Mr. Claude Martin. We wish both couples a happy life, but can't resist feeling that something like a shotgun should be placed above our dining room door to keep the fellows away, for we don't like to change the dining room force so often. . . Four new dwellings are going up. . . The Silers and Slagles held their family reunion at the Black Place, on a grassy knoll overlooking the Nantahala River. All enjoyed the event immensely, especially "Uncle Charlie" Slagle. . . The stork has been making calls here lately, leaving a fine girl with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Roten and a bouncing boy with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Smith. . . Miss Grace Breedlove, who has been work ing at the clubhouse, has gone to the camp to teach school. . . We were glad to have the following Columbus visitors here: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and son Mac; Mrs. J. B. Collier, Miss Countess Taylor, Mr. Harry Bayer and Mr. Clarence Lutz. . . Mr. A. W. Agee has been aiding J. W. (Doc) Stanley in the office. . . "Joe" L. Hayes, store manager at Barrett, W. Va., visited relatives and friends here in company with his daughter Miss Ruby. . . Mrs. Homer Williams and children Eula and Robert, of Greenville, Tenn., have been spending a few weeks here. . . James Bennett underwent an operation at Dr. Angel's Hospital in Franklin recently and came home much improved. . . Three insurance inspectors who recently visited us found everything in first class shape. WHY KEEP IT UP? Little insect, cease your song; Don't keep harping all night long About the thing that Katy did. Remember, she was just a kid. Why not forget the circumstance And give the girl another chance? —O George. UP FROM THE DEPTHS Old Lady—"Well, here's a dollar for you, my poor man." Tramp—"A dollar! Lord bless yer, lady; if ever there was a fallen angel, it's you." We had the pleasure during the early part of August to have Mr. Arthur Klammt of the W. H. Ritter Flooring Corporation visit us at New River. . . Mr. R. F. Miller, pay roll clerk at McClure, has charge of our pay roll and also the store during the absence of Mr. A. G. Agee, store manager and D. B. Calfee, pay roll clerk. . . . Messrs. Clarence Lutz and Harry Bayer of the Columbus office, stopped off at our operation enroute to Nantahala; these gentlemen were very much interested in watching the process of lumber manufactured, and were curious about "that thing that jumps up out of the floor and turns the logs over". . . . New River operation had a very satisfactory month for July, the cut being over our requisition and the costs satisfactory. . . Mrs. B. B. Stanley, our clubhouse manager, has gone on a short vacation; while away she expects to visit relatives and friends in Cincinnati and Detroit, and before returning will visit points in Canada. Her daughter, Miss Opal, has charge of the clubhouse during Ms. Stanley's absence. . . Within 30 to 60 days a new hard surface highway will be completed and this will shorten the distance from here to Knoxville by 20 miles. . . Mr. A. W. Agee was a business visitor here in August. . . Mr. S. M. Wolfe, division superintendent, on a recent visit, complimented the organization on the many improvements that had been made. . . G. M. Caldwell spent several days here during August, and went into the grades and grading rules very thoroughly. We always look forward to Mr. Caldwell's visit. . . Mrs. D. B. Calfee is visiting her parents in Huntington. W. Va. . . Mr. Frank Crowley, of Pineville, W. Va., was a business visitor in August. . . Mrs. E. L. Mosby is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jones, at Butler, Tenn. We regret to report that on August 1 4 Mr. Neal Gilbert's home was completely destroyed by fire, together with all his household goods and clothing. A WISE ANSWER She was in Alaska looking over a fox farm. After admiring a beautiful silver specimen, she asked her guide, "Just how many times can the fox be skinned for his fur?" "Three times, Madam," said the guide gravely. "Any more than that would spoil his temper." Fourteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).