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Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 23 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6548.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Wild Turkey? No! Only borrowed from the boarding house. Left to right—C A Rishell, H. M. Talbert, M. Roake, and N. M. McLvaine home of Miss Moore's parents at eight o'clock on the night of November 21st, in the presence of relatives and a few close friends, Rev. Elliott performing the ceremony. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to this couple for a life of usefulness and happiness. STUDY HIM Study the man who works beside you. Study the man who was promoted. Study the man who wasn't —especially if he happens to be yourself. This is not a world of chance, but of causation.—George Horace Lorimer, Editor, Saturday Evening Post. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snuffer are the proud and happy parents of a little new son, born November 1st. Mr. Miller, our payroll man, is back with us again after an ab- sense of two weeks in North Carolina. While away, Mr. Miller was relieved by Mr. G. T. Anderson of McClure. Mr. Ed. Riddle and Mr. Wm. Riddle attended the funeral of their nephew, Albert Riddle, of McClure, which was held at Shells Creek, Tennessee. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents and other relatives. P A series of interesting meetings held here by Rev. Pawnell of Beckley, West Virginia, were closed with much success. The children of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vandales, who have been ill, are convalescing nicely. Mrs. Henry Epperly, who has been on the sick list, is much improved. We welcome to our community Ben Cooper and family of Skelton, West Virginia, who moved here the week of November 18th. Colleton According to the promise of Mr. Adams, a twenty-pound turkey was waiting on Thanksgiving day, and the first cut of the new Colleton mill was made on the day following, the 27th of November. This is a most commendable piece of work, being put through on record time, and an accomplishment which could be fittingly celebrated on such a holiday as Thanksgiving day. Little Jean Carter, daughter of R. G. Carter, formerly payroll clerk at Hazel Creek. This little lady is the granddaughter of Rev. W. P. Elliott. John W. Burger, Jr., five months of age. The father of this youngster is one of our most faithful correspondents of the "Bark." The swimming pool at Ruffin where the Colleton people spend their summer evenings. Note the over-flow from the well Mr. D. R. Yates, our former Planing Mill Foreman, has returned in his former capacity. Mr. Yates' family wall live in Walterboro. Mr. W. V. Carlton is spending a few weeks at Pinelands Club, Florida, to help get the bird dogs in shape for the season. Mrs. Madison Varn and little daughter Jean, of China, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Varn. Fifteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).