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The Log Vol. 6 No. 10 (1920)

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. Page 3 is cut off in this issue.
  • l OLUME 6 .~ NTON; OR'l'H .CAROUN A, F 'Bllt . ARY. 1!1.20 G[6R ,• ... • . .. • PE T E ~ G . TH.OMSON , P~::~e: ..,.._ PET-ER G . THGM S0N,,.rt.t ,V. P~ t! .t. T · ' Cfo!tARC.E S S . BRYANT, Sec:· ... e. T'ilE'AS t:I:EU8!E':'( 8 ,,RO&E"'R SON . Gu~-... MO'-. Ja.nut\.ry - 8 • _1_9?.0 . . . - •ro the C·hSI.Ilpi'on Family~ • • • In the past year otil!· ·Safety'··First \'Work . ·;has shown pr~ogr-esa over p.r·ev.i.qu ~ ~ye·ali's, ~~u'!f:l;c.tem:t ·j:rrogresa to ,let us f'e'el that the.,. ef~Ol!'tB .'that .haVce: ·.'been: made have yielded BUb-. atanti:al· results, 7et we ar.-e. "d\Sfl.atl$f1ed ; we feel sur.~ that m-ore might ,ha-ve . been ae,complis}?.ed' ; that .aoree inj ni'ies migh.t , have beenauarden againat; . some suff~ring prevented by mo7e. thorough preo-autions., . and by more en.thu~iastic a·nd persistent efforts an 'behalf of -Safety throup;hout the organization. We have start ea. on a !>I ew Year and 'We want 1 t a • bet te.r yea~. than any that 'has- gone . before, bet.ter in· production. in the happiness and'\ _comfort of onr employees, ·and, above· all, better 'in the.' prevention 0!' ne,edlesd injuries. · . Mr. Phi:llipS' is d&t.e:C<mined t:o do every thing- in hi po-wer to mttk6 t'hi,a our - ~anner year in accide-nt preve.n i .on, };ie. · can do lit~le single hande~. - He - must have. ahd I a~ su~e wi 1 ~ nave. the loyal and cordial' a~ si.stance of every rr,t; 1 on the jop • • \Ye realize tha t- rr.aking S&..;f.ety .First . our watchword and then promp y forgetting abqut it in .our daily actions means little, and 'a.ccotr..p-lishes le.sB . Du:rine the coming year we wan·t . every employee, whether ·lab-orer •. s~illed: mechanic, foreman or superin-vendent . to feel tht;lt Sa:fety First must be his .constant rule of coriduot. 3.ereember the A.B .. C • s ,of th:e m.iLt.. work; H Always Be .. careful P~esch· SiltAti7.;.lllt -· above all. aot , it·, ' - - --- ·-- -~ - ' I • ' - ·- ·- ..,..,_,, ISSUE OF THE LOG IS PIUNTID II HADE ltk>M CHAMPION ULPBI1'£_AND-If\OA.PUU • • . ' • - OM RAtts p a· Wood Philfp-s Cotem n Salas .s a lions t\1·t: m· f tu: tin very ·m nth, tt· veni rg nauy mi~ -; hl' ugh th J'tl untnin. fl f t. rh·. Badg·ett e m.· t · f th · :righ t mafl tn th~ ri g-bt ~ lA ·e. He is a !r1 d ftl iKe . pleasan t a nri a reeabl in ' nnet·. kind jn hi::-; d-ealing·, w.ith lli empk)y , n hu tlt<r and ftJll of " ~ep " . The Lufty OJ eoration · t mok . mont, is thec ! rg·e t f all the w ods oper a.t i011 . Mr. V . W. Pruett'. th peratirlg Sup t·in ~ ten dent. i a splend4d ,!tood f llow and seem · h> b lllikeci by his men. Rel'ently h organi.z.ed a Foremen' · lob for th ourpo of promoting loyalty, co-opera­tion, efficie ncy and con!"'ervation nf1mman life and limb; that j;­t. b Volden Hnle method: Tn>at you r fellow man like yon want .~~~~~~~~~~=~=~ l1 im tQ treat YOt1. Some of our <Yood friend .in thero:U brough us "reurint copy' tbi.s month and we ent it alone: ~ to th2 printe-r. A~ we neart d the time for )2oing to press, copy, to which we always gi ve preference, beftan to come in, ' ~ but it as too la te; The avail a ble type tv already tied up. Tho e pr~sent at the meeting \'' : C. S. Badgett, general · ~u pe rintend ~nt, W. W. PruE>tt, opetating superintende1it. J. vV. Hollifield R. R. Mease, B. H. Pace, W. E. Trammell, F. W. Russell, Bob Cooper, G. B. Cathey, Peco Sneeo, G. C. Moore, and J. G. Dockery. SMOKEMONT. Officers e lected: W. W. Pruett, Smokemont, a little vil.lae:e Jo- Chairman, J. S. Dockery, Viee­eated on t h-e Oeona Luftv Ri ver, chairman, R R. Mease, Secre­at the j 1.mcru~e of the Bradley tary, B. H. Pac,e , Assistant Sec-prong, i · the basis of the Lufty retary. Oper&tron of the W od~ De- Mr. C. S. ·Bud.gett, the gener­partm: et;tt of the Champion Fibre al superintendent re,marked "It Comf!a v. would be hard to find a more cap- Ex.tend1ng down for s-evecal abie and finet· hunch of men any- • miles or:d oth sides of tbe Great where than t be foremen on Lufty Smoky Mountains. this eom(lany Ooeration' '. own.s ro re than o ne h undred At the meetin-gs of the Fore-acres of lhe me n's Clrrb, t l1e foremen and -in the United superin tE>nBents meet on f"'~ie.ntL ont:, · ~ hu·ge ly and equal basis-toe ·change · be1ng bu.itt, ideas. and anive a t a better I be Gper tioJl ab ut ond ~r tanding of each other's the fir: t of March. poi,nt of view, which will have a Tbe Lufty RaHroad. whid ex - tendency to lighten t he burden tends up the Lufty River, a dis- on aiJ concemed, and pr vent tance ~f ten miles, is already in pr judice$ and misunderstand ­operation, and log$ are bei ag d - ing:s f •·bn l C:l' e pirw; ln. livered t-o uumhei" ·m mUI. Tbe Motto; "C()-op rat:i9n.­Later a r ad wtll be built · up t he Go(Jd Fellow hip' w adopt d . Bradley ,prong~ and e t nd OVfr and w bel i e~ that th n the m~ untain into 'l'er nf;l e. m an to e . . mp ify thi rru ttQ ln :Ml'. . S. Dakigctt, gen,.r lli!tJ· all tb ir action t, rard a ·h J)ermtt>ndent of all the W0<1d r)tb· r, c l before many month, · Operation., nine i11 ilumb r, hat; hall pa &.. they will, H) d ubt, a man' job. Thes operation have an or~ani~ation hf which -.r,e scattered aloog th~ Appataeh~ the wt ol~ ChWnt1iOil · f:Hn,iJy will ian Mountain ran e from Bl~ek b proud. Mountain to Smoketnont. a dis­tance of about one lmnaF d miles. ,· Hoovar has 1111W :..Jvan<· , Sf• f ~tr in hi (·andidl& .ey : o l! 11 f nt e•gal 'l•amed af · him. U h 11bthintc on F'kt~ Wood, • u · a bnnd of WC:Ohof nt.UU~d ll ter bim. ; hlimp i~< M Uti( ~ a.l ~ -.·kl.n fnll f ~" .. l)" a ll ti t ' lolrtHp A Liar Loses His Laurels '1' ;va up at LuH.v, so thPy ay, be ~d to orne in v r·.v clay and e vt> rjt nJ~~ b t anu Sunrla.v •o and 0f hi::, eK· ploits ht"ag and. chew. No mn..t er what great t hin:g was d(,ne h tween th ri~~ and Mt of , tm t his blimp woulrt rise ann tell h w he h d dt)ne thing b1, g 1' , don ' t you :ee? Tb boys would li t n t his gaB, ;md no on-e tbeP wa in his eta s.. till one mao thought l 'll ent1 his f~.,u1: It was the bo s from Number One. one ·t time they ·;ere s oJ·y.tellmg- of all the Lig tr·ees th y'd !1'P<:n fel liog thay dtrln't gi e tbe blimp a chan ·e; rr. Ru~, ·ell . qoeJ!ed him with a ~dance and said 'Tll let you fe'lows kn JW ab u a mill in Mexico where once 1 worked, it scraped th.e sky, in fact ;twas 'Ieven sto­ries high . . T he band-saw th en~. don't get me wrong. in. feet was full three hundred long and four feet wide and ran around t he pulleys on the roof aad ground . Eleven sawyers worKed and swore and pli-ed their trade, one on e.ach floo r. Uoon the floor next to the ground Where all the big logs mig·ht be found. a man who weig-hed nine h:undr.ed ponnd , tdmmed up those l0gs and turned them 'round. He stood f ull fifteen feet in hei.R;bt. No man could fick him in a fight for be was sure enough .£0me s iz€ ; full et gbte~n inches twixt his eyes. You know one day the blam€d sa broke way up above, and. sure as smoke, he fou carloads neat and trim bef@re the break came round to him." And now at Lufty, so they ay, there is no 'l:Jlimp' , he's gone away; his last word were, "tty a 1 e,an I cannot beat a Champion mao_" U. S. Urges Thrift, Patriotism, Work, Sanity Believing the · sciccessfu l solution of the economic and financial }?roblems. of the comiag· year demands the concen­trated effort of e ,rery American, the savinp:s division, treas­ury depar-tment, urg·ed that each. adopt ao(1live ap to an. in­dividual finaDcial creed and cl!mrse of cQpdi:lct. ( To obtain the :views of the varioucs ections the savings directors of tl~te twelve federal re. tve djstrict were a ked to draw up ~.uch a creed and r es lt ti 1.. . The following· is a composjt summ~t ·of t heir sogge t- • IOn": ''I believe in the United S tate~ 6f Ametjca. - ' 'My oppottunity and hope dep nd upon her future. ' I heHev that h r stabilit aM p.rog>re.s' rest upon the Industry and t hrift of her p pie. ''Theref0re, I wHI work hard :,md li vre imply. ·'I will spend 1 s than l ear,u. ' 'I wiU us my earning wjth car". " I will sav cnn&isten t1 y. · · " I will invest thoughtfl.llly. "To incr m,;e the lin:.mei I . trer-.p;th of my c tll'tltY and n 1 ~: If I will · t uy gov rnm nt se urities. '1 will hold abov bart > ~· the oblj.g, tlom; my C\1Untr:">" thus ih' urs. - · · · 1 will d1> th c th i n~s to ~ur th greatnes, of A mer· iea's futur . ' 'Onl th most d tf'rntin d effm:-t: toward t.hrift, eco- • ntJtllY, • ving anu imple ~i ving", >~aid William Mathe1· Lewi . dir ctor i>{ tb~ savinga divi ion "wiil bring about a d duetion jn he high c t or living, th~ stabilization of r ati0nal indu ry and . ommeree. and the continuation of roua conditloh . "Let u have no ftnanci I lackers in this battle." - Ex. Aside ftotn- hi" executive du· ti• and reapon ibHitles,. M:r. -Ba-de-et-t v-isi-ts -ea-eh -oC- t:h-~_ o _r_a-__ , __ - ---- ---- ..........-- - - ·------------·~_.... .. __,__. - - ---- -· ~~·- -----~-- T FT B l ¥ULP81l D • ,. ·- -GM in tltc ~~ · Get· i(tithe.· game: . PJay baln ~t 'libe Champion gy~s~ ·~ eJeM· Plaf.ffl.t 'JJNll'$ -7:.6 £t. antf' • · eo~te iii' · It i1 equji>Jled . b ~t\'fe fb*md in .... •tittou. . ~-.... ·- < • "'"' ' -· ~ 11 ' _ _ _...._ ·- . - . ' . • . .. ' . ; . ' • • - -- -- - · ~ _._.......,.._..._- - Bill Jones and His Ft~reman. A few ·.ta .. a~:o a ' tllJHg man, we!~l call him Bill Jones ttwn~11 that i.s ll 1t hi.:: name. nter<:>d the office or one : th , l"-l.ip rintt>n­deut . HL ~heek$ told of health ul ontd0or l ife; h1:s hnnd' were tbf' hand of a \YNker aHd hl t>H p crtioned bt rl.\' in i­eated ,-, reng th. Hit' t~ar e~'('' and hi.:; ~-.erwr l bearin~ b ,pok .. pep' ' ·nd the e-h e-rfnl . 11ilP , fo.r roiling- ci-eenwd to be a habit with hi n. tt)ld pf a t atrre able • di positi ~n . .. I wa.:; ~ent in h€' mill t. s.~e the forE.>man in thl' nt>.:t room ··. he said . ''I \anted a job, but he ell melt>':-; fnll up. and. ' still miling·, "l thought that you, a 'UpcrintenJen t. mil! ht kao\V of .:ometdlere in the works where ll.!ould get a job .. , Then thf> super smilt>d: .he oonldn,t help it. "\ hHt hind of ork ar-e y m familiar with'.·· · he asked . -----·· -- • • • ) ·r 0· . .,.) It l !.., ' . • < I •. • WA• rifN\ 0 ~ '1';-~ ~ 1 ..,.. ... • ,.1 reckon l don't kno·w ntUCh - By <·eu:rtel!y National Sa:fety Ceuneil about an 1 ·ind f work in thjs =- --::..~::-. ---===~~-=-=:::._-:::--_:-:==.-=.~-~:-:.:.: ::::::-:=::-:.= .::::::--::::::::::--:.--::.: --::-:-:::-::::--::-:_::-.~. -~- :.:.;:~-~--;· .:~~;:.;~~~:::;.:.::-:~__: -:.:::--=d roill.'' h ~ ans'' ered, · bnt I']{ needed men, and went to work take -an~r kind of a job, on any that night. shift, day or night, anywhere in Mr. Foremao, what are. you the nlant. lf I any kiud of going to_ do a bout Bill J ones? a ehan·e~ f'I) ·ure make good." There is doubtless many a Bill · . Tb.:e supe-r couldn't help .Jones among the new ,<;omers. feeling tl:lat here was~ man who Bill came with confidence that w<mld ''make good".' That if thi · is a .good place to work. He be was put -at work loading 1 uJp came willing to do a ny old thing he7d soo h~ ,a '"imler man on a .a nd with t he determination tbat ma.cbine and before long he'd he was gGing to make good. Will knew ' ortlPthi n~ of the duties of you encourage him? WjlJ yeu a baek-.tender. And when he take. pains to h elp. him? Will landed that job he'd want to you let him see tha t you are in· Jearn tc:~ run a rrmchine. terest.erl in mclbring. t his a good name?" a· ked place tc wurk? , "Bill" did 1't s.ay., " I w.ant a the 111\1 tl·_y can good place tQ loaf'·. He said work. And if he i properly ·•wm you tell me why you ap- started. Bill can help rnake this applied -to thi c mpany for a. better pJace~ fat• you to work. work?11 ·o.ntinued th 0.0 ·s. One more thought: The Bill $ JUar.ed hims if: ''l've chane are that he one who h~d his wa£ a good company . t ld Bill that th1 is a good place t6 :ork for,' be said, and I be- to work, ha{l worked here at Jieye it'/. s-om tim or recei v d the infor·- f'Wel1 Bill," the . uper was ~ t'i n fe lll'1 • me oue lu" had. speaking _again, .. I want you to . . h ehanc.e a1·e that nl ~ o~ t~ae reme~Dber ~he thing you've told m ~ -.r!w. 0 to w:orl f Jft.l me, an d keep tl n· kJ·.;... g ao.. ou t· beu• opilltOfl <>f t:b . "Ompan • them. Yol.l beli e this a oml thr. ugh ycm, th. only .repre~ _•l· · tn w 1 y· , , .t3-trv tlf lh . Coml)8n With com pan. or .{ ot·; .• ou are . . 1 • 1.. • d -1 willin.R· to take any job, any o~d whom t wy a . t urown JU 111 y pleee,. d· y -or night; a d you're ·ontact. In .oth r w rds, nu are gdn . to make go(Jd. lt ar- to thenl, h Cr>mptt~lY . you kf>t!JJ that in mlnd alwa: ~ . o h n~'s to v t'.V B1ll .Jon ' nothin~ 1:an hold yo ' back." on · he job. May h • makt> ,good . BiH wa. told t c me hack at And here s to each FClremau. an ap,pob1te t' w, ras turn d May he never f()rg t l,i ' 'Corn­over to anot.ber· foret an wh pany Manne'rs. '' Be Careful ( C. A. M. ) The life of a man hangs as by a thread. Cut t he th read and the li:fe•is gone. Sever a strand of it and the life is in p eril, and yet the Shears of Car elessness are playing wi th this thead f rom day to day, and many li ves a re either los t o1· t heir usefuln ess impai red. I can t hink and you can think of men who hav:e lost t heir lives through carelessness. I can t hink and you can think of men who may not have paid th is u­preme- saeri fie , bat have p-iven an arm or a leg through s imple carele~sne , s, D o e s . i t p a y ? Thin k! What d0es J'OU r li fe mean to you? What doe. it mean to your famil. ? Think! A ca-l" less move on your part rna. o. t tbe life of, or <>,a. use an injury to a ·fellow workman. Wh);. not think be£onl you make thi$ m e. He va lttes hL lif ; and th() happitH~, and rnfort f hi family lH as d ar to him as your a r to y.o·u .. Th I t'ge t and m ·t pr ·per~ ous concetn~ in the eount.r are morP and m r loot ing dt r th . a.fety aocl g neral w · lf·u . of their mon. But tli man must do hi part. He m,ust think. f"'lley ·may be prot ct d, guard ' may be erected of very conceiv­able variety, but still accident happen through simple c.arel ness. This company is intere ted your safety. It has it committees who are oouring mill for dangerous pla-ces, but · addition to this it wants your (.' j. ...., operation and the co-operation every empJcyee. It wishes vm~ to th ink afety and practice it your daily wo·rk. Ttle asks you to take no t•isk , wants you to IJe carefu l. Wheri the day of ends and men appreciate sacrifice that it h~ cost, i t put a llifferent liglit on tti.e ty au and many which happen HOW will be thing of the pa. f Be Think!- 3tu·ge -~ · creeniog· "Mi take:; do not happen; are mannf ctured .. , " Only faith in y ut-self ill L'u~'~~ · pel others to h:;we faith in y l.k Latf ev :ry time y0u fee l tick and laff once iu a while h• w.-Josh Billings. -- A p sta~e can be on , but after that it the goods. - F. chang~ . . Ml:irr:tY' ar called. but most pie turn over and go to agf.'in. -The -----------·-·..,._. ____ ~~~-----~- ------ - - ----~·-~~---....... THE PAfSR ON WHlCHTIIISISSUE OF'rHE LOG IS PRD?Tl!.D 1:i JIAD£Fll0ll CHAMPION SULPHITE ANPSODA •