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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 55 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9841.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • South of this point the Trail lies through National Parks and Forests, except that the Smoky Mountains Hiking Club of Knoxville. Tennessee, maintains a considerable mileage of the trail in the mountains whose name it bears. An examination of the entire territory through which the route of the Trail will lie has been made, and a surprisingly large amount of it, though in somewhat disconnected sections, was found to be already in existence, particularly in the northern part. The Trail begins at its northern end in the Great South Basin of Katahdin in Maine and in 1928 a party of members of the Appalachian Mountain Club scouted and marked the Trail, on existing trails and wood roads, as far west as the Ripogenus Dam, from which point to Moosehead Lake it was laid temporarily on a highway. From Moosehead to Grafton Notch in Maine investigations are being made by means of maps and persons familiar with the country; and a personal examination of this country was made in the summer of 1929. From Grafton Notch the trails of the Appalachian Mountain Club extend through the White Mountains to Moosilauke in New Hampshire; from which point the trails of the Dartmouth Outing Club and the Green Mountain Club in Vermont extend to the Massachusetts line near Greylock. with only one break of less than three miles to be completed. Work on Greylock in Massachusetts and southerly to Mount Everett in the southwest corner of the state is being carried forward by a new group organized for that purpose, and trails are already in existence from that point to the Connecticut line. In Connecticut the trail has been scouted and marked temporarily with a few detours, to be straightened out later, to the New York line near Kent, from which point members of the New York Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club have scouted a route mostly on wood toads and disused highways to the Bear Mountain Bridge across the Hudson, there being only three or four miles of actual cutting necessary on this section. On the west side of the Hudson at this point lies the Palisades Interstate Park, and through this territory 55

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).