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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 38 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9824.jpg

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  • will be in bloom and the mountain sides literally a mass of blooming flowers. The Power House opposite, where cars are to be parked, uses water from the Santeetlah Dam — the large aluminum-colored pipes carrying the water from the Dam are 8 feet in diameter. The Aluminum Company of America has been very courteous in arranging for the man operating their boat to take the hikers up the river. If the boat is not large enough to accommodate the crowd, they will attach a barge. After plying up the river for two miles or more the boat is moored to the bank. A hike of a mile or more may be taken up the river bank where there is a sandy shore good for swimming. If you prefer a longer hike, park cars at Deal's Gap and hike west a distance of about two miles to the upper end of the new Calderwood Lake. Here also you may go in swimming if you wish. If not, you may hike up the river another mile to the Tapoco Dam. Leave Saunders System at 9 A. M. Take food for one meal, or two meals if you wish to have a picnic supper. Leaders: JOHN K. GILLESPIE, JR., (3-7411) and John M. Allen, Jr. (2-6057). July 25 and 26 HUGHES RIDGE FROM GREENBRIAR The Hughes Ridge hike will have its greatest appeal for those seekers of new places and unusual scenes who are able and willing to pay the price of two days of strenuous hiking.When the North Carolina road between Smokemont and Newfound Gap is completed, or when an automobile toad is completed into Greenbriar Cove, the trip to Hughes Kidge will be no more difficult than many others in the Oreat Smoky region, but at present the approach alone to the Ridge constitutes a difficult though interesting hike. Unc full day could be spent profitably traversing this eleven-mile range which is next to the longest lead adjoining the state-line divide. It is surpassed in size only by the balsam Mountains. As our Smokies become a National Park, state lines will disappear, and our hiking range will be doubled by 38

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).