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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Flo to Samuel Robert Owens, November 16, 1945

items 1 of 3 items
  • wcu_ww2-989.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • otatesboro, »eorgia jj-rioay - year sammie: Shia is just a note while e*± waits for me. «e will mail this ana you. will probably got it by Konaajr - it's about the car. if you haven't found, or.e better ana still want sine you osn have it any time you can some and get it. i have made arrangements in the event i seil mine to get to town to work and ± sapnose i will go to work ab ut the middle of next v^eek. i am supposed to get a letter to^-ay telling me Khdt ^y to ueg^n. i aon't want to try to seil you on my oar for you know mint it is , what milage it h„s on it ana bow it looks if you i&ant it, l'u rather you haa it at less money than anyone else for ± know you would be gett ing a good oar ana- your money's worth. if you don't get baak down this way pretty soon, 1 think oertain little girls on this section will be out Of their minds, «just what is it about a sailor, or is it the inaiviuual sailor* ^ee you soon i hope ana ^ust ^o whatever you aant to about the .jar, you oan have it if you want it and aon't take it unxets you ao. jiil my love ana hurry down - s>i s jj'l o Mt^

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).