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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 02 Number 03

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL | OUR STOCK OF LUMBER j | And All Other Building Material Is Complete | We guarantee our prices to meet any others, grade considered. If we can be of service to you in helping you plan to build, please call on us. It will be a pleasure to show you plans, and to give you prices and estimates. I BUILDERS SUPPLY & LUMBER CO. J J. C. ALLISON, Manager J Sylva North Carolina ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦j I BRYSON'S DRUG STORE | We sell only the best and charge a moderate profit. Head- % quarters for students, teachers, and others that enjoy good $ things to eat and drink. We desire to'please you and not J merely to get the dollar. Good suggestions will be appreciated. Be assured that you are welcome here at any time. | CULLOWHEE NORTH CAROLINA $ CULLOWHEE TRAINING SCHOOL CLOSES (Continued from page 1) realized the importance of meeting such requirements from the first and were untiring in their efforts to make this possible. It would be impossible to enumerate in detail every piece of constructive work carried on at the training school during the past year. Suffice to say that an adequate system of records and reports was introduced, standardized tests were given three times during the year, definite Itepi were taken toward earing fur individual differences, classification and promotion were placed upon a more scientific basis. The people of Cullowhee realize more than ever this year that co-operstioo must aadsl I ■ home and school if success was to be attained. At all times the community was most responsive and rendered valuable aid to the faculty. Many leaders of education have vis- chool during the past session and have spoken of the efficient work being done by the teachers in every grade. The school authorities of Jackson County have expressed themselves as being gratified with the success of the school. The rapt | the county said with reference to the school, "The pupils are being trained to think through problems instead of having information crammed into their minds." Dr. Alexander, ol lege, Columbia University, _fter .-pending a couple of days at Cullo- whee recently, stated that he had visited more than 30 normal schools in the past nine months, but that not a single institution he had visited ■eemed to have I better training school than Cullowhee. "In fact." be said, "if I were on the lookout for Who could put over the job Of demonstration teaching, I think I should hit. for Cullowhee about the first place." The eomn i mi ol held 00 Wednesday and Thursday evenings. On Wednesday evening an op- Wtte, "The Windmills of Holland." was presented by Mrs. Arnold and her Summer School Faculty Represents .,, . Strong Staff 11. ontmued from page 1) mal School, who has been punui graduate work during the pre " >;-««■ in «».,r„iver.ity of Norti2 Una will resume his work as i„ structor a1 the beginning of the sec" ond summer school. ■ '-' up s plan initiated last summer an ingements are being made to offer certain short-unit courses dealing with specific problems in ele- mentary education to be given by a number of superintendents and others lifted in this field. Among ave already been engaged •»! Superintendent A. W. Honeycutt, Henderson- ville; Superintendent L. B. Beam, Lin- ■' •'• H. Rose, Susan Fulghum, Sup- her Training, State De- ' Education, Raleigh. These ll be under the general di- LL Lohr. This TRUTHFUL PORTRAITURE Shows you in a characteristic expression and a natural pose —at your best. Our ability to put you at ease assures the success of your picture. Make the appointment today. The Rogers Studio Cullowhee North Carolina n * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦»Mti»e)t» I Subscribe for the Yodel •+**********************-l-++++****+ program was indeed an enjoyable OM, The program on Thursday evening was somewhat varied. The -1th and 5th grades presented | o,,e-act play. "Snow White." which was most attractive. Immediately following this the 4th grade dramatized the story of "Epaminan- das." Three musical numbers were also furnished by Miss Blackstock's pupils. Following this program, Mr. Allen, dean of the Normal school, made a short but impressive talk. Mr. Allen reviewed the work of the Training School during the past year and emphasized the relationship that must exist between the Normal School and the Training School if either expects to reach the stage of efficiency that it should. At the conclusion of Mr. Allen's talk, certificates of promotion were given to 26 seventh grade students. They were as follows: Edith Alley, Eddie Marie Wike. Susie Brown, Mildred Hooper, Edith Fullbright. Elizabeth Price, Helen Brown, Weldon Galloway, Wayne Brv- son, William Dean Wilson, Howard Crawford, William Crawford, Wood Smith, Alvin Henson, James Brown, Albert Coggins, Eugene Rogers, Hugh Rogers, Ruth Shelton, Bonnie Bishop, Eva Bumgarner, Helen Zachary, Frances Brown, Frank Norton, Paul Galloway. ANSWER WITH THE NAMES OF ■ ST I 1)1 NTS OR TEACHERS \ I (I LLOWHEB NORMAL land Heath eater Armstrong commodore Perry t" man Alexander t h e groom gives the Ring '.>.;. girls like their - Lacy erior part of leg below Shinn ■ rinks from duty or Coward ng bright Ray 10. Wle. grinds our wheat into Miller - Battle 12. A famous British statesman Gladstone 18. Not old - Young .;,' -- R1Ce lor of Freshmen Green the farmer gets waer Wells 17. A popularVofo- Brovvn IS. A long narrow part of the house which connects the rooms— Hall - By! ,,,„,„,rsuesforPHUrpo« 21. Where livers like to linger Lane 22. Where we store old clothes £8. Where the cats fight --JJJ 24. A .1, Urate bryophytic plant Mos 25. To pass, as a rope, through a 26. Wo invented the stearn^ 27. Who recently ran for Governor^ N. C. — — ' pace 28. A step in walking situ. 29. Where be Davies Home ^ 30. An'instrument for writing,^ or soil "" posey 31. A bunch of flowers — -—-jj^ 32. A city in Virginia — paris 33. A city in France ;-liver 34. A famous plow oainw»ter 35 Wet and refreshing--— Ailtin 36. A near relative "Contcnt'^TihTto^ Ped £°r many would-be successful men. Meddlesome Neighbor, to who is passing the house. e, "And what have you » «• Johnny?" .. , it do*n t0 "Ma's wig. r» takm K have it bobbed."

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).