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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

items 14 of 28 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11887.jpg

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  • Jan. 12th, 1901. Dr. J. H. :cAdden, Charlotte, N. 0, My dear Bin* 1 enclose you herewith a copy of a preliminary report of the Secretary of Agriculture on the Appalachian National Park investigation ad also a copy of a letter of transmit ion from the President and a bill. This report of the Secretary of Agriculture was signed several days ago and sent to us as a matter of courtesy. It was expected by the friends of the movement in Washington that the President would have signed his letter and no doubt would but for sickness. The bill, as you probaly know, was introduced on the 10th in both Houses, Sen, Pritchard, Prof. Holmes, Mr. Richards and other friends in Washington are very enthusiastic and write us that they believe the bill will be passed at this session, if properly pushed by its friends We have been requested by Sen. Pritchard and others to send some goo$ workers to Washington at once and also to send fcroad-cast to the news papers of the country such mat tar as we can rfi^ them to uae. This requires money. •§ are sending lion. Hope Klias to Washington to-day and Mad. Rollins goes tomorrow, Hon W, A, Hemphill and P'en. John T. Wilder have alto been requested to go as soon as possible. The burden apense of the movement has up to this time been borne by Asheville. We have kept news papers supplied with park matter for the last twelve months find the res-Its are that /e h-ve ahout fifteen thousand endorsements including the lending news papers of the country. All this 4s now bringing re salts in the favorable consid eration of the bill, Prof. Holmes writes that he is quite sure assistance can be had from Charlotte, Durham and other towns. ing you to be interested in the movement and in this investigation, we will appreciate any assistance a securing, contribution from our -ends . . ^erS-oF^ongreSfel^ , ..Any remittances should be sent to pr, C. P. Ambler, Sec-Tn Very truly yours, DIG. R.N. . President,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).