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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

items 3 of 28 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11876.jpg

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  • 8 January 3, 1901. now in preparation arid v/ill be submitted for your consideration at an early date. !The following preliminary statement is made to bring before you without delay a. citt'cnary oR the facts sufficients to set forth clearly the i>rineipal features of the region and the plan, . . ; The laovement for the purchase and control of a large area Of forest land in trie hast by the Government has chiefly contemplated a national park. Rhe idea of a national park is conrer- valion, -not use - that of a forest reserve, conservation hy use. I'have therefore to recommend a forest reserve instead of a parh. It is fully sheets Ry the investigation tin t such a reserve would be self-supporting from the sale of timber under wisely directed conservative forestry. gwiensive areas of hardwood forests, within the region colored on the accompanying map, are still in their primitive condition, and these are among the vei":/ best and richest hardwood forests oR tiie United States. Rhe region in general is better adapted for forestry fchan for agricultural purposes. It Is located about the headwaters of namierons streams, audi as the Ohio, Tennessee, Savannah, Yadkin, and Roanoke, which are important both for water power and for navigation. The general conditions within the region are exceptionally favorable for the carrying on oR largo operations In practical forestry, and the weather la. suitable for

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).