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Cataloochee tract 229: M. N. Hall

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  • \ "\ ~ ~ ==-~=::::;::::; ~=0L/IC#C/RCHLOT 'e:.J £-rcepfion /Vo./ Cour..s~.s 1-:2 o.5/.51°Z2'W-/..96 2-.3 !V62f57'h'- /.60 3-4 11/2.3"S.9E -;._gz 4- I ..56.3627'£-14.3 Are a:a 29 /lc res SMOKYMTN.PARK MN.IIALL TR,I/CT ~.9.47 ACRES-Nir .SC'A~£ /~•20CHAIN$ @ .SURY£Y OF /.!128 BYW.N. .SLOAN -···. ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of .......... . ................. :·JI-.'--·N·· ·--·Hall------·-----,-------·----·------·--· .. ········· .. ··------.............................................................................. .' ... . . ...... , .. , ........................... :..................................................... Township .................. H&·1'3G$cl-·--···----··............................... County. Lto STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract ( $29) ~:!',..!1t.!:&i:Ut;: !~8etf*:~~l:!i:a":: :Xu;:. ~e4 l n C~lnB r,f GG t~4tt :fiJGimt ma nt e~mef' 1 . a ~tbit est tnt l'iRt le of filnM 11Jl•i$., & oQmt'l of tht \f• a. a. ••e~ traot (Ulh. tJc\ • •"' t-llo»tNat »•tt .bi a -~ f'l1 a\ z .. , eorltttl x.:s .. oo.r. l* A ,._ 11b.J.~o o~ bl•=•~ fii ;~ t.J4r!b.t B. ~.u.a. Otr. 1. u~ttn 1-. ~'JO w .~a r:>bfdtt «11~. , .... Yi1lh 'he •• , ...... .. '11:1 ~A .• 4f'\:.ll m ... ·• t;;; w......, i9. lv ~~~~ll ~-~- RtJtJ fl~ north•ut~ o~a.t~ e. • 1$lnl •t lJ.tttMtfti~n tf ftnM· ltau. • ® rnw t~·t tbt· w ,o.~. lktiJHr tftlOt 1111) • ~ .• ""' " v.,. . l*> # .-¥. .~.... I""P'''~Y~~, :',;;1"1a1. ....~. A ~J:t -.,"t''<!~! .• . ~4 -.'!';) v"' ·.- .... .A, ·. ,,,. u ••u "•'-- - •M-•••-------~--~~ •-·••• • •--t~'e~t~,!oo~ 1.:·.~b:.~t!.L-t.a ... ~--~--··-- Th.-t N • 11..01 :a. ll•Gt comOl' I, a ,omt • • ~lil'l . ol'A ~~ . a •tl• .,.., 1,5,-o.. le , e-. u t:>:m..' bJ Q, ~l • . •••••~, • oo,_r of ~ .~ . .~. -~·.w t ·I'Mt { ) .. , . ~ •. o..J ...... trqt fiiW) aot • pan, in ao , •1 •toat:a aor:lW w.a. T....ta co~••• _ A ttt ~-- lJ.l IN . ant aort bd .a.t.w.l. !f.& oor. I • .,... th • • •• oJlab 41·1\.u,. . ... . tur~(t . J.••l.lll tat , ,.; a. . . . ••••• t tN\ fllll• " -tb tne '*"••• fMatt:t 1hot CIIW) Sheet A ~·· ..... ••• ••.a• ......... ,,.., -··-...... . 0* •• ., ...... ..... ._ . .,. ._ '-- .,. _•.- ti_;_J•: •__ ._ ... ..... tt'ftltf Of ......... .. fl;. ,,..., ., ..... ,. ' let o, t• pf'Ot ln l'l'l"tt lltC~le •t·tll)el •••• t..4 Co•• 6 • • , .. M•• .-.. -1••• ®t otUJ•t '·'•'••• r.e Oftt t. b•ut I• -~0.00 1t• .:eo ~1U 4i.tMtt '"~"· ....... . .', "~ 1, e _I~ .- -u- et~llble ollntao.• tm • ~-,. irl'l·~--'-""· tlf lJ.I.ld·.· G CO~ U tM W.O.B • • ., ... tnt\ (~J. tt=.e 11• ••'taUt -,laid d Mrl.bel a.a. OOJl• t. Ja UJ• ·~• o'* - lllMN ant eo1'"t.:b.t a.t.LI. u., •• 4, ~ a. if.oo '~• .u obl\l.ll llttt-~. - • .,..,.:t me' frh-onO£: • le~wi,~ti t b6 t1 •t 2 • t%1t.el.,• 1,tia . t•-bo.. ,.. , ._... • co._ •• • M-' ~tut 1'?itb ooru• •m on ,., e o.ll ~tit-.- bl.Ud t:r.4 84~lbo4 .,..s. Oet:tt J, • "• •t41e 0\» ltl..-1 ~- ••~l"'d ·!•t•••· cu. 11 ,_. a, ''.00 w. .to ta~.1n IS. fltam, tfJOr,,., 14M<thl8 , .. J~'l4<Ph s. ll~ll L --c-;, .f,;; ~.·-; ------~-----·-----~-'-,~--. -=. 'Liet;J:1~tli-~~-;;;;;--.. ---;.-~----~---- ~~··· '• - .•.•.•. . a.n ttn• fltw-la; ...t • 'fte· plsoo of lil!.ll~U\l, containing exclusive of .. Exception No. 1, 39.4~ Acres. DJSCRlltiCIJ Of THi OOOIDAlfr 01 ~~ (189) BXOIP'l lOI JIO. 1 Be tria tbt ow &n m~ c.HtJROB Im. BStltD.OSQ at oom•r lt a p01Dt 'fMJ.loe. s. 11-ae "' 1. N CoftJer 2 • a po1rlt e.t tbe oorner of a •m feno• !hen•• • N • 61-1'1 W • 1,10 00'~3: I, a point on t.h• &Ga~ mtl1"Bln of pu'blio aoa4. N. C!..-69 I• i .• • Ooftltst 4t, a. potnt .,.. tbo e"'et merSS.n of the roo! , 'l'b.ene• o. 625•2' :a. ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NO, 229. I, Tract Not 229 is no·w owned by M. 1'1. Hall and is totally ombraoed by State Grant No. 252 Which was issued by the State to John Gray Bount. As we have treated State Grant No. 252 by mesne conveyances from the time said grant was issued, up, through and inolucling the time .8a1d grant passed by the last will and testament of Ja mes H. Love to his executors. the same will not be repeated 1n this analysis, but may be seen by rete:renoe to tb.e analysis of title of the Sidney Nelson tract, beginning with paragraph l of s aid analysis• and ending with paragraph 10, pagcj 3, of this abstract, II, The first instrument w-e will consider affecting Traot No, 229 is a deed from the e:xeouto):'s of J ames R. Love to :r. v, Woody bear­ing date of october 5, 1681. The dos~r1ption 1n this deed embraces Treat No. 229. Tl:lis deed is or l"eoord in Haywood County. see page ~0~of this abstract, veyed to .Americus Hall Tract No.- 229• In maldng this conveyance, :r. v. Woody reserved one•half an acre,. more or less, for grave yard purpose~t. There is also another exception to Traot No• 229 whioh is the lot de­signated as "Ola Church Lot", set plat of Tract No• 229, The above deed is d,uly :reoorcled tn H&,.,oQd:, County, See paSf. ~bfot this abstraot. IV • The ntxt 1n;'tl"UUD.ent affeottng'>T:raot No. 229 is s deed t'rom R, n. Gilme_r, trustee and administrator de bonis non, to the school committee for District No. 51. Thia deed conveys a tract containing o:nrth1r4 or ~n acre, more or less, .':'!niob tract 1s a portion or Tract No. 229. We have fully ~reatecl the authority or R• D,. Gilmer to make titles ot the Love Speculation l ands. see analysis ot title of Tract No. 285, page No. 69 ot this abstr-.ct. The deed is dul7 recorded in Haywood county. See page . ?0·~ · ot t his abstract. v. On July 1, 1907• the board of education of Haywood ca~nt7 composed of J. E. Wilson, ;r. K. Boone and J • . F. Shelton1 oo~veyed the ' ' ' tre.ot ot l and mentioned in the preceding paragraph to Americus Hall. This deed is somewhat. irregular• but we are of the opin1o.n that the irregularities are immaterial; since the present owner has been in possession ot said tract, under color of title• :for a pe:ri<Xl ot 20 years,. The above deed is duly recorded in Haywood County. see page ~& Z. o:f this abstract. ' ' VI . It will be noticed b7 reference to the deeds oonvepng . ' T:ract No. 229 1 that the land is deeded to .Americus ID411, and that · according to the survey and plat, the l.and is owned by N. M. Itall, so we have secured an affidavit to the etteot that w. M. Hall and Americus Hall are one and the same pe~son, see page f:6c/ ~f' this abstraot. VII. As we are partially depending upon possession :for title to · 1'raat .. ·11cr.;- zzg·· · ·we ·have obtiiinecrBl'ffevlts -ot .. i>o-ssessloii. · ··.saicr·atti• ------- davits mar be seen by rete~enae to page $"&, f throu~ R76./ ot this abstract. VIII. surveyor's af'f'1da:v1t on this tract may be seen by reter­enoe to page ~ zr ot thiS abstrtlOt• NORTH CARQ~INAPARK COMMISSION . ~. ABSTRACT OF DEED· OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... .Deed ...................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ... l.(J~5~l.OOl ............................ .. 3. Is it properly executed .......... !{() ............................ : ...... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... G..S-~.0.-. ...... .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ...... Ye:s ............................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................. c ............... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. N.O ...................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement...'l•la-l&eS- ... ..... .. .. . 10. Wa8 privy examination of wife taken ..... ~~~ ............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....... t1G .......................................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 12. Was order of probate correct ... ye.~ ........ :... ................ .. 14. Date of filing for record ...... J. .. ,. ... ~l.~ ............... .. ( a) of seizin ...... N¢. .......................................................... · 15. Book ................... ~.S~.............. Page .... 1.4.2 .................. .. (b) power to convey ....... Y£1$. .......................................... . for ............. Uay:wo.od .............................. County. (c) against encumbrances .... 1-iO ................................... .. 16. Docs deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... NO ............................. .. or restrictions .................................................................... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. TO. HAVE .. A~ID .. T.O .}f.OIJ) .... th.e ... af'.e)"Gh.iQ. .... tra.().t ... of---land---- ......... wj.1;h-... tb-e. ... pr1-Vileg.e.f;l ... and ... app.~tenance,a ... t:n,~e ... unto ... ~belong .ing ... .... :f;he- ........ st:4d ... J .•... .v •... WO()df, .. and ... ..., ... tQ ... lU.s ... .and ... .... only. ... us.e ... and .... b@oot .......... to:r.e.ver ...................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... . Exact Description of Property WhERE.AS1 Jemes n ~ J..<>V'e, deceased, was seized of large tracts of land oo:omonly oa.lled "Speculation Land" lyine and being 1n the Counties of Yaney, Madison, Buncombe • Haywood and Jack ... son; and• WREREJ..S t the said .Tames R, !AVe made and published · a last will ap.d testa~nt i:P. 'W~itil'lg and appointed William l:h lfhQmas -. · ·· llQlieff c ~ ·-A ~" tovEl; ' W'tii'J.mWr't";'~Riil1a~€l ·ana · ·sBlifu~ll · t:; tove-,'·exlieut{j~$1 who q'US..l.itied and took tt}X)n thenu;elve$ the execution tnereot1 end, WBlln:rEilS 1 the said .Tames R. tow sold mny tracte o£ said land to different . persons . and authorized and empowered his said executots to continue the sales o:t" said land and to mate titles; · l~OW '.l:HEREFORE 1 et c• On Little Cat aloocbee t BEGl:NNING at a. dog;¥.!0¢d ., the comer ot L-. M• Bsnnettts tract and tull.iiJ North 28 East 10 poles to e. tn9.ple 1~ J. c, 09rreU • s .line ; thE):nee East j w1 th. said :une _ 99 · pele.s t~ a. $pan1sh oalq then N<>:.rtll • with eaid line 7 1><;1lee to· the top ot the :tidgeJ then Nol'th 68 East 21 :poles to a. Chestnu.t oakJ then south 22 East 35 poles to a Altek~J th,en SQU'th 54 West SG poles to . a stake 1n. Baa• nett•s l:J.nel then, Vdth Beuett's l1ne c:I,-oss1n,g tho branch to a stake • ~ Ql"l).er o t a. sChool house traot; then t~orth 30 East 8 poles to a mapl.t? on t .he bank of the branoll; s11ee1 B - 2 ... thtm up the brandl a poles to a poplu'J then . South 30 West S pole' t.c> a stake ill Bennett's lin,t; tb.en 1 Ben:nettl a 111'1.o • to th-e begi:nniq. Containing 30 Ac:ra~, 863 NORTH CAROLiNA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged .".' ;r. v. woonr tAtiRA WQ CDY I. V. WOODY LA.tmA WOODY Q ="..' ~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... l)e&d------................................. .. 2. Date of Conveyance ...... l•1~1-90f···· ···· ······· · ··· · ······· 3. Is it properly executed ....... yes ..................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5 . . Before what Officer acknowledged ... J-.,----p-., .............. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular --·Y$$ ............................... .. 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................. : .... ........... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... y-e&----------------------- 9. Date of acknowledgement... ...... l-la-190·7------------ 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... yea ............ .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .......... NO----· ................................. .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. .. y~S------: ..................... .. 14. Date of filing for record ...... 2-l()...i.,li0'1-----------------· 15. Book ............ 23-------: ............... Page ..... --3'1&----------------· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ·····Yes---------------·----·------------------·-------··------ (b) power to convey ... yes-----........................................ .. for ............ ns,y.,_Gf.l ....................... ~ ....... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations; provisions or restrictions ······'OJlEl-bal-f··-&O ..... ·H-------· -Mrved-- -to-r-- --gra.-~-ya-J/14-----------------------------· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully). TO . I:t.\-Vt--·A1"''D-- TO. H~D- -the----a1!'or-es-ai~---t·ra·et--·or----------- -- ·-----­--- -····· · ···peroel···o-f ···laAd:--e-n4·-·ill-l---pl'iV1-lege&- - and - --ap-:purtenaw~s-··tllil·reto---bel6ag• ··· ····-- · ···i!lg·--·'f!O· ···t4~---•aid···J\f!l,e-r-ieU$····rt-al.·l·;···hi·s-- ·hEt1r-a---tmd· ··ass1gns-t····~-o-··the-1r·--only - ·- ·· ·· ·· · · -us e- -- a-lld ---be- ll.o&f. ---f'ol".fl~r,. ........................................................................................................................................... .. (c) against encumbrances -Yea .................................... . (d) against claims of all other~------Y€1·$--- --: ... : ............. .. Exact Description of Property BmlmU!ilG on a dog~od., the oornet- of I.. M.- ·· . l3~nne tt ~:ract L xun;s N~ ~h .00 l~ast :i.O pale a .to , lllapla in the old J't c., Co;rrell line; thenoe · East* w:Ltl1 $a1d lS-ne, 80 polG:,i • s;panish ()O.)t; thence No:rtn, wi t:a _ eaia 11ne, 7 polE!s to tile t~p f)f the r1dg$; tb.~~ North 68 East 27 poles to a Chestnut oak; thenile sa.rth · 22 East 35 poles ·1» a stake~ t.bance S.Wth 54 West SO no, to 'a strure ·rxr-Jrenl'Ie':(;-frrsD:nef lb.en (10 , _ wl ;,h'~B~ne it'e-I1nei------~-----· · ···-----·~ . {lrfss~ns 1;;he 'Q~no~ tf) ~ ~alta, e~mr of t~e . ._ SChool hQuse traot1 the~ce North 50 East S · te a ~ple on the Bank ct a branch; thenoe up the branch e poles to a p!!>plar; t Lenoe south 30 Weat 8 ~ie& to a stake tn :$-«ll'lltt•s line; thenct1 w~th Bennett's line to the ~ginn~ng. · containing 30 aorea 1 with one half a~e .excepted by :r. v. w~ea., tor a gra'\re yarct •. Sliut 8 i•_ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged R. D. GILMER SCHOO!. COMMITTEE tor DISTP.ICTNo,51 1. Kind of· Conveyance ...... ............... I)e-tld·························· 3. Is it properly executed ... : .... :NO····································· ·· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged.J)..-C.,.S-.-0-•-··· ··· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement..l7•l•1Q0-7-·---· -··- ·-··· --· ·-·· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... .. NO--····--··-------·---·----·-····--·-----·· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .......... NO ...................................................... . (b) power to convey ..... Ye.s ............................................ . (c) against encumbrances .. NO ..................................... .. (d) against claims of all others.N.O ............................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ....... J1-l-6•JUlt2·······--···--·--····-- 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regularPe-reonal-l.y-··-only 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... ..,_ ........................... . 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ... ........ ...... . 12. Was order of probate correct .. 1(G8----···--···-·········--········ 14. Date of filing for record.'/wlal-90'1·'····· ................ . 15. Book ··········25- ....................... Page ............... -1-m,l········ for ........... lJ.g_ywo.od ................................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ...... }?,1-Q ..................................•...................... 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)-- TO -HAVE-· AJ.""iffi--·-'£0-·-HOLD--:th-&·· afOl"eSe·i-d···tra-et···f)':f--··l.a·nd·· ··· ···-·---W-i-th---the---p-r-1-vil.~.ges --and---a-pp\n"-teoon~-es---·ther-et.t.T-l·to---·belonginis··-unt-o-··th-e- ·· ........... ... commit-tee---tlH~i-:C---succe-st~re--- 1n---of-f1o-e---fo-r-ever-.-···-·-···············-········· Exact Descri1)tion of Property THIS DZBD made this ·the 16th day of July• 18921 by R.D. GU.mert T:rustee tor the he irs a.t law of Jo.mes R~ to~, deceased, and Qthe~~ _owners ot the land knov.n us the "f.ove Speculation Lands" a® a$ Adm1niatrato~ de bonis non with the will unnexed of' R.LOvef; deceased.,, t .o the SCh-ool Colllmittae for Di4:1b'ict lTumber 51 qf the Coun:t:v Qf ._ State aforesaid, in tlle 1'ownshi:p of catalooollee, _county · end State ai'oreoo.1d, and the1r su cces sors in office; \~ITr®SET"rl, That• ~cowft or t qui tf~~~lfu~~~--~·6~fZ ~d~~~~~~te ~~:¥ -·iai;;l:a o!J~; _____ :__ th.e _ provisi:ons of e. deed of agreement. entered into on the l0tll daif ot Ootobe~t l8S7, by J ames R.- Love; n . M, Henry, J"ame~ L . HePJ."Y:t· William Weleh• John :a. Love, D1U1ar.d Love and William 11 . Thomas, beoan16 trustee tor himself and the said parties nbov~ named of ·tne sa;ld Love speculation Lands, lying in the Cotulties ot Yanooy, ~4adiso.n 1 'Buncombe .. _, Hay _·. wood _and Jack_ son, wl th power to IllE'.ke s'~es of the same and exeoutt titles therefor J ana., VJll.ERE.AS, the sa:Ld James R~ Love died. seized and pos••••"'"' ed of the said Love Speculation lands afl Tl'Ustee as aforesaid; and1 Wlllt'REAS • the said Ja>nes R. LOve made and published a last will and testal1Dnt in wr1t~mg and appointed WiUimn H. Thomas J Bobes,-t G. :\ . LOve~: W1llim1 L. Hilliard. and samuel L. Love; e:x:eoutc>:r•• who q;uaJ.itied and to~k upon themselves the execution tb.el'eef; and, WliERElJ\S; the said James R • LOVe sold :m.any tra<lt~ ot said land to di1"ferent persons aro authorized and. empowered hie said executors tQ oontinu.e the sales of said land and to make titles: an4, S!uel 8 -.... .• •JG t ·he cteslqh. •t the •ail W~Uiaia i.J Klll~IU'd . 'lift• .,~ a•~~~ •x.outell tJt tM •at.d . t.-e B. • . ~~ . ~~eaSi:e4 1 ·the ~"~at co.-t or Hq~ CC)Ulltf • ~t sp;r1Jl8 !eirm• ;~.a9~i J.a the Q·aee ot w~:~a~ · f:14 w.La~ 1 ·-~~·-·~•r ot ... Rdbl~nJY; .. «etta••'• til, W·tL?fJli~Uq4 ~ui o~he~s . ap:PQ!.nt•d ~ ·Said R• P.• Gi~«t, TrWJ,$0 ~of . 'tb$ . )le~t a1i law . ·of lames. R • l.OYe, teoea-" . and oth&rsJ 01111~ra Ot t)le l~d LOV~ S;pe®la tiOJl laad,e With pow•r to ~: Of land• and e*outii:t t1t1e• tllerefu; ana.. · .·. . W1nQl:EJiS• the said R. D, G1l.zti.el" was appOtnte<t acitnin1st:re.tor de bonl.t! non ~111 the ~1~ fUUlea4 ot Jamte R, wve, dE)~a•e«• )J' · th~ .. supel"1olr . c~t of UeywbQd County, Oll ._he lath da7 ot. SeptiJD.l)es-1 18111 ~clr Vi.ilEREAS • • , · Bal-INNINQ at po:pl~ on the bank o:t a branbh ana. ;J.V;ns soutll 30 W~st 1 . w:l th tlle edge of the road, a :pales to a stake in Bennett•~ line; thence Soittb. 52 East i with said line t 8 poles to . u stake; thence North 30 East S poles to a maple; thence t to the beginning, containing one•tllitd aoxoe mo·:te or l.•se. 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... tJ.-'4·---··--·------·--·: ................ . 3. Is it properly executed ....... yli!JIJ···································· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... Q,.Eh;Q-1 ...... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ......................... ......... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... ,.l..,..lfO? ............ ·· ·· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ..... Jto ............................................. . 13~ Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ··········¥~•-············································· ······ (b) power to convey .. ~- - --Y·S·· · ······ · ···· ···· ··· · ·········· ········ ·· · (c) against encumbrances ··"··Y.Q$································· (d) against claims of all others ...... y$8-······················· As Acknowledged 2. Date of Conveyance .. .. f ... ••ZL-.liOf·······: .................... . 4. Date of Entry and No .................. ........... : .......................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ¥$&·-································· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ JlO····························· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken.~·-·············· 12. Was order of probate correct ..... J' .............................. . 14. Date of filing for record ... f•1+1.'4)f':···················· 15. :ooro~ .. ::::::~~:::::::::: .. ~~~~::::~~!~~;:··········· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ········fi<IJ······················································· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)f.0·-1-!Al'E···J.Nl)···TO BJJ:LD···1h•·-~:fo;r-.e~a14---~~·9i···.,.,··JI8tftl ·······Qt--.1and--a»4----sl.l····l'P-1vtl~e-e- -.aA---appw.~nano&s ---th-~1'•·tO----'t>el.ongtM---•-·-tl\a ·· ·---8844--c~tv-- -·BoaM·--•f'··-Eiuca11.Ql1-,--.z-;w.sne;lm,---J-.-E -.,W·'·l>~n-.. ~---liK>•··--·-----·-­ ······-aooa•-,-· .h•-k·• ·--mnd- --a$S1.gll-a---•o----·-···············-6nlf'--:u.••--ancl---b~h()Qt---£ ... ~-.---~---·---------·-·· Exact Description of Property .BEGlNN:mG at a ~p1~ on Ule Bank of a 'b:ranoh P.d l'Uas sou 1h 80 We-n • w:t tb the ettse et th• ·· r-~•;·-·ttlJOt~tr·to·,~ --"Jt~s- ·u-·JCJ1'Qtt"'tr"tU.l ,_ south ·31 Ea$1 sa1d ~Ute a pole$ to a etaket the:n.oe ~To:rth 50 Eat5t s pol."s to a, thenoe to the boe;im11ns• C1ilata1l\1ng Qne~thil'd Shut 8 ' '• ,j;{/J ... C/f. ~-17eo be1ll8 dulJ sworn,. 4epqae• an4 aayt: '.l't.a; be 11 £-? re~• ot 8.$$ and has beon a c1-.1zea e.JI4 pai• tt.ent or S.twoo4 OOWltr t o7 £.3 n«rfJ tlUl.t b• 1as ••11 aoqualnte4 .. ( 'ri•h M'J N. HaUt th$._ the said M., ih Hall ia aometblel oel.iel ~ioue Hdlj that .A.m.$~1oua Hall u4 M• N• Hall a:l'e tne • a the sworn to and $UbiO.l.'i b•.t bt1;tl7& •• th1• ;tr!' 1lay, otp . Z2f ~ . ).~at. 869 . STATE OF NORTH CAnOLINA ' ' UAYWOOD COUNTY M• N, Hall, being duly ~owrn, deposes and says: That he ~s4years or age and has been a citizen and resident or Har wood County ror..:::J4.-.years; that he is well ao ~1 uainted with the ownership and possession. 0f a tract of land J?urchased by him from the Board ot Education and J. v. Woody, more particularly described as follows: Tract No. 229. BEGINNING At Corner l• a point at inters~otion or :fence lines, a corner or the w.a.B. Messer tract (231), set a 4" chestnut post in a mound of' stones;, scribed M. H. Corner 1, A 6" white oak blazed and SQribed B~T.M, H ~ Corner 1, P.T. 24-00 w. ~28 cha~n d_istant; then_ oil~- wi_th the W ~G·B· Mes_·ser tract (- 231) N~ · 29•0_6 w. · 2,'70 A Sma ·_ streSJn flows northeast 20,21 Corner 21 a point at intersection of fe,noe lines, a o.orner or the w; a.B. Messer tract (231) Set a 3" post scribed w,M, T-2, cor­ner 4 A 10" black oak blazed and scribed B~ T. w .rt. ·r-2 Corner 4; bears . N~ 9;...00 E. 1 ~ 56 chain distant; ·thence - N, 31.,..01 E. 2.65 Corner 5, a point on a r1,dge and in a maple stump hole shown as 'oorner by W ~G~B. Mess9r1 a corner or the w.a.B·. Messer tract {231) and the W.G.B. Messer tract (23l,;.o) set 'a post 1n mound of stones acribe9 w ~ M~ T"-2, Corner 5* A 9" sour~9od blazed and scribed B,T.w.M-. · rr--a. -Gorner· · S-j ~ be are S-. --67-50 · Wi··~ i 32 cha-in ·-dis te:nt f thence f. leavin$ the w .G.~· Messer tract ( 2!?1), with the w-,a.B. Messer tract 'f-23l•o) s. 87-13 E. 25.99 corne.r 41 a point in spanish oak stump hole, shown as corner by w .. G,B. Messer, a corner or the \"i•G•B• Messer tract (231-o) set _ a 4" 'post · in stump hO'le soribed w·.M'. _ · ~2 Corner 61 An 8" blaok oak blazed and soribed B•T .• vr •. M. T--2 corner 6 1 bears N l 76-00 E ~ .30 chain distant; thence N. 9•58 w. 3.91 Corner!?; a 50" _and 12" double chestnut 9n a ri<lge at intersectiOJl of lineal a corner of the W .G.B~ Messer t;rao t No• ) 231-o) The 12" chestnut bli zed and scr1 bE)d M, H~ corner 4, An 18" sp~isn oak bl~ed and aoribed B.T.J.-H• Corner 4, bears, s~ .59-00 E. '-,36 chain d1$tant; thence leav:~ng the w.a,B. Messer tract (23l•o) wt'Yh the ri.dge N. '1'1-36 E~ 5.,34 Corner 61 a 36" chestnut Wltb o,9r ner marks on top ·a small ridge olazed and scribe~ M. H, Corner 5j A ·14" white oak blazed and scribed B., T.J~.H. · Corner 3, bears s. 37-0.0 _'f t~ ,40,. ehain dista;tt; thence, leaving the ridge sZ 17-53 E; 7.91 Gorpe~ 7• a 28" hemJ.ook with c.orner marks bla.Zed and scribed M.H. Corl).er 2• thenoe s, 56,;.35 w. 3.oo Small stream flowing east 29.36 The plaoe . J-1 ,,· c.t ~glan1ng• oont~ab.g _ exolust. ve ot ~oeptioa No., 1., 39.-.4? A~~•s• · ."\'" · · •rrtan11 .._the» ·•'tatee that h• aJJ4 ~hoa• wtd•~ whom he ola1•• ·. ,; · to wS.t1 J'-i v:. woodt and the OoUil\1 130U4 ot E4uoat1o!l aad the 'l'JI'U_.. teee and EXtJQu•Qf'&· f$· J•es R,. tove; have been in the open1oont1nU'o ou•• a4v•J>se EUid nO~l"ious pttsets$lon CJ.t said land&,, undel" knoa and v1•1~1111 .mete• a:na bb\Ul&t., tor a pa~i<>A ot 30 reate am,t 1110"1 eultl• vatiq-aame, taking ti.mber and ttr&wooa the:etr()-. past'tlr1J\s _.., and malting such other use• ot said lands ae they are susoept1bl.e Ot'J att1eat turther states tliat he haa neTel" heard ot QJ oolltrove:ter as to the title, or to the poseesaiOli o-r an,- portion or the aboTe deeorlbed landato .SWQl'n to and sub$Ot1 bed bet~n me ·· "th,_w-,·-;z-3 ··atty ~cr~ r· -~ e;;:;r ·- ~!·~·-;--··· ·· ... · A{ ·' r.,_t -unl;.~r; ·Pu'bfi!i My Commission Expires May 27,'1931 ·· - · A?ttant ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY c. k~, d l-lcz.tza 4 /z , being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Sf years of age1 and has been a c1 tizen a1;1d res1• dent or Haywood County f'or~F'years1 that he is well acquainted with the ownership and possession ot a certain tract or land now owned by M* N, Hall, more particularly described as follows: Traot No. ·229. BEGINNING at corner 1• a point at intersection or :f'enoe lines, a corner ot the w.a.B. Messer ·tract (231) • set a 4" chestnu.t post . in a mound o:f' stones, scribed M. H. Corner 1 t A 6" white oak blazed and sori bed B.T,M.H" Corner 11 beaxos N. 24•00 11 • • 28 chain distant; thence; with the w,a.B. M.esser tract . (231} u. 29•06 w. 2.70 A small stream flows northeast 20.21 Corner .2• a point at intersection or renee lines. a oorner or the w.a.B. Messer tract (231)• Seta 5" post scribed WjM• · T-2, Corner 4 A 10" black &ak blazed and scribed B,,'NtW::tM• T-2, Corner 4, bears N. 9•00 E. l .• 56 .ohain d.istent; thence lh 31-01 E, 2•65 Corner 3, a point on a ridge and 1n a maple stump hole, shOWn as corner by w.a.B • . Messer, a corner or the \h G. B• Messer tract (231} and the w.a.B. Messer tract (231-c) set a post in mound or stones scribed w.M. T-2 Corner 5, A 9" sourwood blazed and soribed B.T,w.M. T02, corner 5, bears s •. 67•30. w • . •32 ohaitl t\iS'"' te.nt; thence, leaving ~he w.a..B. Messer tract (231), with the W.G.B. Mea:ser traot (23l•o} s. 87•13 E. 25.99 Cor-ner 4, a point in spanish oak stump hole, shown as cor­ner by w.o.B. Messer, a corner or the w.a.B. Messer t .re.ct (23l•c) set a 4" post in stump hole scribed w.M. t•2, Corner 6, An 8" black oak blaze-d and scribed B,T.W.M, T-2 Corner 6, bears N. '76"'"00 E •• ro chain distant; thenoe N,. 9 ... 58 w. 3191 corner 5, a 30" and 12" double chestnut on a ridge at intersection of li;nes, a corner <,of the Vh G,Br. Messer tract (23l ... o) The 12" cheetnut blaz•d and scribed M• H. Cornel: 4 An 18" spanish oak blazed and scribed 13,T.M~t:Eh Corner 4• bears S11 59•00 E. ,36 chain distant& thence, leaving the ll.I •G•ih Messer tract (25l ... o) with the ridge N, 77•36 E. 5.34 Corner e, a 36" chestnut vvith coner marks on tQp a small ridge 1 blazed and sori bed M. H. Cor­ner 3, A 14" white oak blazed and scribed B.T.M.H. Corner 31 bears s. 37•00 w •• 40 chain distant; thence, leaving the ridge, s. 17'-53 E. 7.91 Corner 7• a 28" hemlock with corner marks blazed and seri bed M, . H. corner 2: thence s. 56 ... 35 w. s.oo SJ:nall stream flowing east 29.58 'the plaoe A:tt1ant turth~J!' · state.• t .bat ,Ji. lf• l!al1 ant} :~ose linde;,- whOJI he ola1••. ·to· W1 t 1 J., v • . Wo~dr·,- :T'n.e . co-unty Boa.:rd or ·ia~cat1o•• and the Exeoutio~l and 'N'U•'lee• · t>t .ta.m.:a .R« to'-ve~ ha-v-e '1lee~ · 1~ the open, continuous, notorio~.- ua a~ver•• possession. or said ~n4s, under ~ ~4 ~~stblt mettt$ and bounO.S1 fer a pel'iod of 30 years and mort: olllttvat1ng sue, timbtt and tirew-ood thel"etl"ODL1 paatur- 1ng •~•, and ~ing suoh ot.lle:r uses or aaid lands -a•, they ere sur caept1ble otJ att:l.s.nt· ttu"th~~ - etates that he hl1• hevet- heard or QJ' oontroveX"ay as to the t1 tle' Oli" to the pos.essi.On. ot any· p~rt:l.oa of t he above desori bed landiS. Ai'fiant sworn to -and ~:~ubsoribed 'betore me this 1-2 ,day ot _ M V, - 1929, My Commission fxpires May 27, 1931 STATE OF NORTH C.AROLINA HAY'flOOD COUNTY <T-eary e Eeaa etl:; being duly ·sworn, deposes and says: That he is..::t.;Z_years of age, and has been a o.itizen and resident ot Haywood County for...;l;,;Z..years; that he is well acquainted with the owners'llip and possession ot a certain tract of land now ovmed by Mf N. liallt more particularly described as follows: TRACT BEGINNING At Corner 1, a point at intersection of fence 229 fines, a corner or the w ~ a. B. Messer tract ( 231), s,at a 4" chestnut post in a mound of stones, scribed M. H. Corner 1, A 6" white oak blazed and scribed n.T,M.H. Cor­ner 1, bears N,. 24•00 w. •28 chain dista~t; thence,. with the w.o.B. Messer tract (231) N• 29 ... 06 W, 2e70 A small stre~ flows northeast 2o.:n Corner 21 a point at 1ntex­s. ection of fence lines, a corner of the w.a.B,, Messer t:raot (231), Set a 3" post scribed VI_, !¥!. T-2 Corner 4 A 10" black oak blazed and scribed B.T, w.M. T-2• Corner 4i bears N. g...oo E. 1.56 chain distant; thence N. 31-0 · E. 2.65 Corner 3, a point on a ridge and in a maple stump Mll,t shown as corner by w.a:.B. Messer, a corner or the \'b G' :t.1• Messer tract (231) and tht w.a,B. !f:es.ser tract (23lo ) set a post in mound or stones scribed w.M. 'l'-'-2. corner 51 bears s. 6?•30 w •• 32 chain distant; th,enoe, leaving the v:. ~h B, M~sser traot (231) 1 with the w,o.B., Meese~ tract (23l•o ) s. 87•13 E. 25.99 Corner 4 1 fil point in Spanish oak stump hole t· shown as corner by w • G, B,. Messer • a corner ot the \V.a.:a. Messer tract (231""0) Set a 4" post in stump hole scribed w. M,T-2 Corner 6• An 8" blaok o~ blazed and soribed B.· .T.W.M .• T--2 Corner 6i· bears N. 76-00 E, .30 . chain dista~t; thence r-r, 9-58 w. 3.9 corner 5., a 30" and 12" double chestnut. on a rid~e at 1n:~erseotion or lines. a corner ot the w ,a,B •. Messer tract { 231•ij:) • The 12'' chestnut blazed and scribed :r-.. 1. H. Corner 4. An 18" spanish oak, blazed and scr1be4 B,T.M. II .. Corner 41 bears s. 59-00 :E, .36 chain 41a• tant; thence, leaving th,e W.G.B. Messer tract (23l ... c)r with the ridge, N •. 77,.36 E. 5,34 Corner 6.1 a 36" chestnut Wi,th corner marks on top a small ridge, blazed and soribed M,H. Corner 3, A 14" white oak bla-zed and scribed 13.T•M*H• Corner 3; bears s. 37•00. w •• 40 chain distant; thence leav­ing the ridge s. 17•53 E. 7.91 Corner 7, a 28" hemlock with corner marks blazed and scribed M. H. Corner 2, thence. s. 56.,.35 w. 3.00 small stream flowing east 29.36 The plaoe ot beginning, containing exclusive of Exception No. 1, 59.47 Acres. Atfiant ~hel" fl8'\j?~ ~ha.'t 14, N, Hall and tho•e Under 1rhoa . -t<:-: he!) olaim.s, tf!J :Wit• ·1• v, ,Woody• (l()Wl'tJ BO~d ot E4U4atton, aad th. .; ' :mxtoutors .and 'l'ru:stee.• of .· .ra. • tt• tove1 hav, beel); ~n the open, oontuuous 1 notor1.0'111 · e,n4 ad'veJ:ee ;Poesession ot said 1 e.uls, unGel' knc:nm and vieib).e metes and bOUl'lds, f'c>r a period ot 50 yeus and DtOreJ oult1vf!t1ng eame·1 ti•btl" and til'fwood there~ pa•tur- 1- seme,. and makilJS suoh othf>~ u.;e~ ot •a14 luds ae the:r ue aua­o4; lpt1ble ot; att1ant turthe;- atatta that he he.s never 'heed ot any oontnvera,- as to 'he t1t1f or to the posses•ton ot any portion. ot tlie above de sort bed land sf, My Commission Expires May 27, 1931 . 875 -.~ · · Page ... , .............. .' .. :, .... ::: ..... ·. ·- NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, .... iJ.IW.O.OlL ........... COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ----~.B ... IJALLc .. AliD .. lflF.E ..... ALIC.t..BA.~~---········· . DF:SI GIATED IN SURVEY AS ·--··-···-··~-~Q-~------~-!.~~~~-----~-~~-----···-·-···············-··· AFFIDAVIT • ............ ll .. O ... I1~b.U.rn ........................................... , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the · · . HAYWOOI! Office of Register of Deeds of_ __________-:-. ...........................C ounty, m. Book. .....6..1... .........-......, Page. .....1..1... ..·. ............ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga­tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. --------------~-,.-~---w.~-------·····-·· Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1. . • : !. ';·.·:,_ ' ' . "'t~ .-: . .. ·(Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite ·the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affir~ative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid:" T.he use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is a ssessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ................................ , in the name ........ '. ...... ~:: .........J 4tr~1tlia13;. ...............a nd the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: I 19,21... . .... PA!.D ...................................................................... . 1!2:6:.... . ..... PAID .................................................................... . 19.22... . .. .1?.1\.lJL ................................................................... . 19 .. '4.7... . .... .F.JL!ll ................................................................... . 19#.5 .. . 19.14•.. . 19.2.fL . ... :WJ.l:i'). ..................................................................... . .... l?'.Ail> ...................................................................... . ....P A-11>. ...................................................................... 19 .. ~~- 19 .. 29 .. 19 ......... . ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS UOlfE JUDGMENTS ______ ,'?A ;r.p ___-... .... -... -......-- .. -·. ...................... --..· ··--··-..... . ..... ]l:Q:X .. -1?-J .. l it ...................................................... . Shttt G ·ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstr~t which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of r ecord affecting the same from . , and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named ' .· owner ...... : ______ __________ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. XI. ENCUMBRANCES .. SUbJeot ~- ~e,tt• o~ _.vete4 l.ot .,•»1•4 , .in a 4• .a. h'Oia nl v.. woo4r to AtrJ.taltU 8'all• flt· 914 IOb.OOl lot 1• al so aa boeptl• to .._., No. 229 ... h.,...,tt,_ thla tn:t-t bU liMa ~,.4 ana atl.rtate le4UOte4 tftlrl 'h'aot lito• au. ·- •·.:·. This _________________ day of ---------lfoY<;JrlWlL----------------------------• 19 .... Jt Address ________ __ , __ ____ , _______________________ _________, ______________.. ................ . Attorney. 22'1 227-A 228 229 2aa 231 .. .}· 231J..13 231-C ', .. \' 232 ' •, ' \ ,• /\' I ( -o-s. H. Nelson 50 I 'r 25 aores cleared land C!I40.00 / .~ 1000.00 25 a.orea woodland e1:15~0 ·~ ~ ·l i i.A 375.00 4 room box d house "'v""'. I '/" t 2oo.oo 3 stall barn _ ___.l;;..o. .o _.;..;oo;.;;... _,. &;""l;;.6;;.7;;.;5;;.;•;..;0-.,0 J. l;. Stikeleather all woodland 1 ~ 10.00 81.75 J. G. : ~ tikelcnt her 315.16 ilook :FishinG namp :~ oad Campa Old House and barn 15 narcs cleared land ' 10.00 300 acres woodland C10.00 J.~alntow J~i~hi. Club All woodland imbor reserved ll. N. Hall 18 aores w·;odland , ,10.00 29 aoros c l eared l a 11d e•o.oo 3 room b oxed ho, tse 3arn 4 room lo~ }louse r;. G. 3 . liesser 3:.J.'15 39.4'1 817.50 1500.00 50.00 200.00 1/ 450.00 ). ., . ·, :. .. ., : 817.50 3000.00 5200.00 33'1.50 100.00 2030.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 ; I • l i •' •1 33'7.50 26 ~0.00 / \ . 98.23 43.38 3 52.86 250 aores c l ea:.-ed lund & ____.,9.J acres woodlamV '· 10. ou 12 l'Oom framed hq(lse I barn & mill blu ~ · Hill & ·~ 1ature11 119 1C S1iol.•e House c'!: ;Jhed -"' A 'Ple House . ' Ceme nt i'rui 11· house Gas house ll Plant Old sohoo:V' House i.;ea t hou~1e , --1:!96 pen, i .' ~ Apple l)'Vuse , 1\ "' Barn · ; " a. r~o fran ed ~ 188 Smok House ~ Hoo . . -<pp1e Ho 3 r om log ho e _ _ O.,_l_.,g,. lo .: lmrn , .:.p pl e house / Barn ' Loc; House ,·,ppl e Iloua Barn ., \ 148.8:> orohnrd.s• IOO. I ' • \ "• .. 41.63 1 .. acres ultivated :r.nnd , I 0.00 10 acr e ~:~ ·~ odland t';lO.OO 18 l and ©89. 0 25000.00 930.00 '!800.00 1200.00 500.00 aoo.oo 50.00 500.00 1500.00 aoo.oo 200.00 50.00 100.00 600.00 400.00 25.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100. 00 2oo.oo ,150.00 600.01) 200. 0() 150.00 1300.00 100.00 1440.00 iJ_ 30405.00 ~8<JO.OO IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).