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Cataloochee tract 306: G. C. Clark

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  • Tract 306 and 306a, on the Cataloochee-Jonathan Creeks Divide, was owned by G. C. Clark. While, in general, the Great Smoky Mountains region was sparsely populated, the Cataloochee Valley remained an exception. By 1900, the population of Cataloochee had grown to 1,000 residents living in hundreds of log and frame homes. A few historic buildings have been preserved on site, including two churches, a school, several homes, and outbuildings. The North Carolina Park Commission was tasked with purchasing land for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and people living in Cataloochee were among those displaced. Cataloochee families continue to return for annual reunions. In 2001, the National Park Service re-introduced elk into the valley.
  • \ J \J ) v . ~. of Lands of ........... O:.t, ... O.! .... Q.l,~~k .............................................. ---···························-~·-·····································.·· ·: ____ ,_ _. _ :·.. . ::: ................ ~ --.:. ..................... Q.~J~l9:Q9.h.9.! .................................... Township ............... __ J[~~-99-~ ............................................ County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION BEonnuNG at corner 1, e. point on lop Qt ll Bald and in the old line; Thenoe, with the old line, a little on the Catalooohee side or the divide, Corner 2, a stlilke; u. 17-00 e-_ f Thenoe, $till with the o~d line, North, About 5~32 Corne:r 3, a point at t he intersection of the old line with the :ridge top; Thenoe, with the meam ttl"S ot th~ ridge top, s. 1""'37 E., A point; e.3a The plaoe of BEG!rft\TING, containing .27 acres, BEOlNNlNG at Corner 1, e. point on top ot the 41v1de at the inte:r:IHJOt:ion •1 th the old lineJ Tbenoe, with the old line, N• 49-30 w.; About 2. '15 Corner 2, a 20" birch, the old corner; The;noe, still with the old line, N-. 40-00 !, , corner 3, a point besidE~ a large rook, the old oornerJ --· Thenoe, st1~1 wit;h (:! ., •4•00. 1'::" . -- 1.,) . '1 . - ~ ~ - -.; About a.eo ,:.. .' . ::- . Corne:r 4, a point at the tJ!lt.erseot,1on oi' tne old l1n~ w1 th · - the top ot the lr'f.dge ; · Theao-et with the meaa4ers ot the ridge top, s. 41•58 w., About 2a.oo A point: . s. 28-46 E., 1.03 The place or BEGI.NNING, containing 4,95 aorea. L ( ,, I I I ,,',J / / I / . ·· - / / / / ') I I I I SMOKYMTN.PARK G.C.CLARK TRACTS J-22 ACRES SCAlE /'':::2DCHAIN.S ~ ~ SURYGY o~: /92S W.N.SLOAN ./ A.NAJ:.YSI S OF TITt E TRACTS NOS. 306, 306-e. 1. These two small parcels, now belonging to o. o. Clark, are . J,n. rts of two fifty-acre traots fol"mer1y belonging to VI. J. G. B .• Boyd. The parcels under investigation oon3t1tute the parts of' the original tracts that lie .north and wes~ of the divide between CatalOoohee and Jonathan Creeks. The e ntire boundal"ies are embraced within state Grant 262,issued to John Gray ·Blount; November 29, 1796. Title to the holdings unde·r thi s grant has been analyzed in connection with the Sidney Nelson traot •. Referenoe is hereby made to that analysis, Book 7, Pages 3 to 7 or this abstract. · 2. Under date, March 29, 187;,'S, the Executors of Jas. R. Love executed a deed. for several tracts of land to w. J~ G. B. Boyd. The fourth tract desori bed in the. t deed as the "Round cove. Tract" is the original 50-acre tract out of which 306 came. The deed of conveyance is considered s ufficient and is of record in Hayviood County. See Page • b7-'f of this abstract. 3. June 7, 18'16, the Executors of Jas, R. I,ove conveyed to Elizabeth Boyd six tracts of land, the third tract described being the . original 50-aore tract out of which 306-a came, The deed is considered --- sufficient and is of record in Haywood County. See Page ~1-1 ot this abstract. 4. On November 1, 1901, Elizabeth Boyd executed a deed purport­ing to convey 50- - tracts .· of land ~o w. J. a. B, Boyd, the 25th tract described being the same boundary mentioned in the previous paragraph. This instrument i s taulty in t hat the Habendum Clause is in favor of the grantee and the Warrantwe as of the grantor. These errors were, in all probability, due to oversight i n execution. Both Elizabeth Boyd and w. :r. G. B. Boyd died :tntestate, seized of whatever interest either or both had in this tract. See Page C 1 ~t t his abs~ raot. 5, From the time title to these t wo tracts vested in w. J. G. B. Boyd, as shown in paragraphs 2 and 4 above, to the present, t his chain of title i s identical. 6. In a special proceeding put through in the superior Court ~f Haywood County , entitled John II. Boyd et al. vs. Maggie E. Marshall &t al, R. T. Boya was appointed as Commissioner wi th power and authority to sell and make title to any and all t he lands of whiqh w. J. G. B. Boyd and Elizabeth Boyd died seized. :Record _or these Rtooeedings has been copied in connection with the Analysis of Title to tlie n. t . Doyd traot. / ./ nee Book 7, Pages 290 to 305 of this abst ract, / 7. In ac cordance with authority vested in him by special pro/ ceedings mentioned in the previous paragraph, R. T. Boyd, as Commissioner of w.. J. G. B. BOyd, executed a deed, bearing date November 9, 1923, oon vey1lig e. boundary said to contain 400 acres, more or less, to :r. R. Boyd, Jr. Description is by mete. s a n. d. b oun d s, and S"Oeoi:fies sAvAn +..,.o:!l.A+e. _ / / lJl.O ·_ .· ... . _ · "El1eabeth J3()yd1'f''and theflRouad JJ ... ..,.~ ......... t~,~ t~aQts " from ... t9Jl10h . the t wo parcels tmder lnvestiga_.. is resuleJ.t ._lu t _orJ!l, properly txecuted a.nd ot l"eCOl'd 1n· ~ ~0 . · .• . · - ~ · . · . . '· - . f · :.,S.e Pase .- t~ 4~ ·or tid a ab•t_.eo.t. oonttnatlon <1t ,;1e ot theee lan'D'"bj--1he Cle:rt ot the ~erto.~ Court ~t H&JWood countr was duly JUado, s *''. p,., 1 to t,lf ~P u, ~ .n~ ... t-,___ ... e.-T- . _ . s. On· the stune date, November 9.1 1923, J, . H. _ ao;yd1 J:r. • &net his Wife1 Jeanie .Boyd, convent a part ot the lands mentioned 1n preT1ous paragl'$.Ph · to a, c. Clark• the PfEUJe.nt_ owner. Dtsor1ption is by mfJtea aad bo1Utds .and includes all ot thtlt pa:rt or the boulldfu:y of paragraph V that ;11es _a1ons and _a4Jatent -to the _d1v1de between Catslooohee and Jonathan · Oreek~: This l}.;ed. ls. re.gular in form, properly executed and ot record 1n HlilJWood County. · \ see Page . .k.!t::/. ot this abstr•et. 9. Fo-r Eng~Jteer•s attidaT1t see page C tfl of this abat~ot• .. / "'----"' In Preamble W1ll1exa u. ThOmas Robt:tl't G. · l~,• Love W1lli8ln .lt Hilliard ~el Ju Loye1EDs• Elizabeth Boyd ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed w, t. lti;tliard samuel L-. LO'Ve 1-t.. c;. A. tove As Acknowledged w, I., Iiill1artl ·samuel x.. Love a. a, A, Love 1. Kind of Conveyance ........... Dee(}-·············-····················· 2. Date of Com;eyance .......... f)-I>V•,6································· 3. Is it properly executed ..................................................... . · 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... p.1 --··.1udge···· . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ··········Yta-·························· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . S. Did all grantors acknowledge ................. NO···················· 9. Date of acknowledgement .... 3J~··20-'-'7&····· · ··········· · ·· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ....... ............ ........... ............... ........... . 12. Was order of probate con-ect ........ yg--···-···················· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... l-~2,..-'!&······················· (a) of seizin .............. : ............ ·-NO················· ············-······ (b) power to convey .................... y-ee- --····--········· 15. Book ················M··········:············ Page .... -539···-·····-·········· for ----------Haywood································-County. (c) against encumbrances ··················Yes·--··-·············· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............. .. : .... No·············· or restrictions ......... ........ ............. ....................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully). ·····TO . HAVE· ·AND··· TO··HQ:LD· -tlHt --af'Or$$tlid·--traot···o-t················ ··· · ··-land··Wi:th---the--· pri·Vilasas- -·-an4·· · e.ppu1ft·enano-ee---thereunto···-~longingt··-------·-···--· ······unto···th•···h:id··Eli·zaboth···noy4-·and···her···he1rs-,·-··to···l-let-···and···their···oillT········· ······ use···an-d···behOo:t···rorever.j·······--···········································-··--·-·-·······-···································------- ··········---·-------·-·---------- Exact Description of Property · Ll!NG AND BEING IN THE OOtJElX ,OF HAFNOOD .NORTH CAROLINA . . . ' - ' - - - . F;Urst ~raot .. BEGI:NlliNG. at ~ double bi.:roh on a large rook on the North s1 de · of the top of the mountain between Catalooohee and J"onathans creeks southwest of Pine Mountain gap . and 'thence runn1ns south 73 West 00 poles. to a·cs\a.kEr,t thenoe &'Alth 2 Vlest S9 poles to a stake; . thence Iorth '13 East 4a poles to a stake; thence Nor·th 10 · ( 2) 89 poles to the beginning. Containing 25 acres • more or le sa. .: second 1'ract. B!GINNINO at a ches1Ulut on the Ettst side of . the F'Ulfen Knob ·or1na1 .· and thence l'Ulliling West 89 po.les to a stakeJ thence North 45 poles to a ,etra!teJ thence EEl.~t 89 pol~s t .o a .:rt~~: 4 . tb11Jl~e south 45 poles to the beg1nn1ngt containing 25 acr$s.1 mor~ o:- less .. Shut B / :1!£4 eftof• BEOirmlrlG on a olleatnut on the 41 vita M­e• n Ba4 .Touthans o:reoke etan,Ung ·Nonh ~ East 5 pot•e an4 80 lintca belh Whi t•· Flint. Root, eat l'UDl'd!1fJ. theJ.tOe S(mtb 40 West to polee. to a, birch abo't'o a 811Ji11 •1&tt of ~oolura thellOe south ·so k•t 10 polf:*a to a et&li'e ltl the W•et · boua&an l1ae ot $.114 Doy4. l.lO'Wit GO're . taotr 'h•ao• Wlth _. ltne :r-Imh n raet 1!8 polea to a mowtaia. Bpettllb ·ou· oenol" of Gn14 tftot; 'henoe with another llae o¥ M14 mot south 9 Batt 69' .PG<loa to a $•ue J t hono• North 40 East 112 :poles to a akko; tbeno~ North 50 weet to the boalantng• contei.ning ttttJ' aorta• ~ oro less• .::zh::m ~r~ · DIOi lmJN'G .at 0. ~ .. h.\JlG on tho . Notth ne ot t he Ne4 tloJt t:rao1 abot'e a ap~1tl8 hea4• f.U!;4 'tllenoe I."Wld.Da tlf•th 15 l tlt At pole• to a etakeJ thence North '19 west ee poles to a 8t6ko 1 thenoe south as East S9 polee to a stake J thatiOe nth t ho . Marth boundary line of said Ne4 t.tek t:raot f..touth 79 East 5& ~oles to tbe bectnnins. · oo.nta1n1!18 mntrrive eons, more or 1eos. Fl£J)l iJrt• . ~SOI~ltU;;>lO . at a cherry tl"oe by a rook on tlii <.U li betweon Cattlloooheo and Jonathan•e oreoke an4 necu- the ~~eot spring,. and thenoe rw:ml,g sou1;h 18 rteet 89 poles to a ateko 1 · the nee ·gortb 'I 'I \'liest 45 poles to a eteke 1 ·. t benoe N. ottth 13 FAst S9 pales to a J thenoe SOUth f'l Esat 46 poles to t l!e beg1nn1n{;. · eonta1n1ng tweat,-nve aores• more or 1ooo. §1xth .!E!C)!• BOi lNI NG at a .etnall cbeatnut nesr .a large mou."ltdlaspu10 «>U belqw a apr1q en4 on the rronh o14e ot tb.· e ap.rl ·.J}.g. · bran.oh, . th~noo running south 30 Fast eo polto to a .-11 motlntatn $J61Uab oe.k on tho East n14e ot tlle ~1da$ and the top; thence north 60 East 100 poles to f.l . gtflko; lthGn~o North 30. wes-t 00 p&leo to a loouet: t hen eo SO:ut }l eo woot 100 J?Oles to tho be~1nnlng contain!~ ti~y acres, moria or lese. OF DEED OR GRANT \ / In Preamble As Signed , As Acknowledged j 1 _E_l_i_z_a11_e_t_h._ _Be.· ._.,_4......::·~--· +-l_,._,:;.._'r..·.. :. ._s_._._.. _~-----t-----'---P-r-ov_e_n,. _·~,,. __ ~.=.: ·1 ~ W, 1, G. B • Boyd L_ ____________ ~-L----------------L-------------~ · . FUll We:rrantr Deed 1. Km~ of Conveyance ............ N 0 ........................................ . 3. Is .It properly e~ecute~ ........... ; ........... (fj·s·~c··· .......... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ............. , ................... . 7. 'If irregular, copy in full on bac):1·.-·ao;;.;0:4' .......... .. 9. Date of acknowledgemenR .............................................. .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... .. .. ~ ........................................... .. 13 .. 2. Date of Conveyance .........1 ~ ...1... :- ...l.... .... O.....l. .................. ........... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................ , .............................. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .. ):~~, .......... : ..................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... !$..~ ...................... .. 10. Was privy exaniination of wife taken .......................... .. 12. Was order of probate correct .......... T~l~ ....................... .. 14. Date of filfg for record ........ l.~~-~~.0.4., ................. .. 15; :0:o~ ..:: ::::::Jr.~:l!~:4::::::::: .. ~~~~:::::::~~~~~;:·· ......... 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .......N fll. ........·. .............................................. .. Does conveyance c~tain convenants- · \~\ ;~::!': ~;~~~;:~!•;,;~~ (c) agamst encumbrances ....... ...... Y ............................. .. (d) against claims of all others ........ ~.~ ......................... . TO HAVE AND TO HOtD .... t.h·e ....·:re·a·aid ... ~ ... aro'Eii ...... r ............ ot 17~fa!lf&U8l ~1fae h<fite fali.,!l·e··,,-a .. ··•a·a: .. "tf''riu2ftf:fnance·s ... thej:~·euiit·o ... ~eloii .. l~L .... ::,n ... he ........... s...a...t.·..d.... .... .E....l..:..t.·..z...a...b...e...·.t..h.... ... .·.:..s.~..-.l .. :.d... ..~ .. ...... .h.. e~ ..J...·..·...·..n...•.. ~t ...i ·.~.s ..·. .... .:..e...l..r..r...·.'..t...o........ . t.....h....e...l...r... ... ·..·.o...D....I. .Y..... .... u...a...e... ...... .~..d.i....<..i... ......' ..t...i..e..·..i..i...~..:..O..~..r...o.. . r....t....Y.~ e·J '. • \ ./ .............. .............. ................................... .... .......................................... .... .. ~ ... .......... ................. .. ..... .. .... .. ...... . ... .... .......... ... ....... ................................ . '-.........- Exact Description of Property ./ 2,5th Trao t in De.ed 2 · •EGI:WNINO ~-a. Oht•ll\ttt _on the D1Yi~e . b~tw4ten CatuooGhee and Joll.&.thCtn Creeks near a :t11tit ·rook while, .w.- ~t E,, 4 poles, J011nk• below a white flint root, runn1l!l.g . s • . 40 w., 90 poles to a bl.roh a bOTe a small clttr; thencae, s. 50 E., t 19 poles to a stalce, -west boU.l\~1"'7 11ue or t .he Bound Cave Traot; thenoe 1• with .aatd ltne, N, 77 :m., 26 polee io ,a spanish aek, Ooratu:· ot Aald ~.raot; thenoe. w1 th another ; ot ae14 t;JI'aot s •. 9 E., 6'1 polea to a .,.~ak&J tht.tnoe, ·N. ~0 E., 112 poles to a stake; thence, N, 50 w. 1 . ~o the ~!OINNING, ooni;@inlng 50 aoree. · ·. -. Shut B ./ .0.0. Q =.0.1 In Preamble R. T. Boy«. CommiSsiGU$:1- ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged R, T~ Boyd . Oommi tusio:Qer Sal!le ~~--~------~~---------+------------------------~----------------------- Q"J' QJ =.0..1. ~ L-------------------~--~-----------------L·------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ....? P..~-~J~.J.. .J il;l_~.l.".~~-'l'.Y. ...P 9ed 2. Date of Conveyance ......... ll.~.9-~.2.3. ............................. 3. Is it properly executed .. · ........ ... X~~------ ---~-----.·-···:·- ······ 4. Date of Entry and No ................................................ ........ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... P.,,_Q_~-~-•-G.J.. .... 6. Acknowledgements, regula~ ...... YelL ........................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on i:t~·o~·aa··· ................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..............Y es. ................... . 1~: ~~eo;:ce:c~~~=~~::l~:-~~-t::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .............. .... ......... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ........... Yes .................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin -···············--~~N----o-· ·········-·-···-···-················· (b) power to convey ................... .. ........ ... .............. ............. . (c) against encumbrances ..... ... .Jf~.,., ........................... . ( d) agam· st c1 a·im s of a ilot he rs ......v ":": .e. : .s.... .. .... .·.. ...... ...... .. . 14. Date of filing for record ..... ll~Q~_2.3 ....................... . 15. Book ................ JHL ............... Page ...... .... 211 ............. . for ...... ......... R~Ylf.O.O.d ............................ County. 16. Does deed contain a ny special limitations, provisions or restrictions ... .. ..... NO .................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .....T O.. ..H AV.E. .. ANTL.TO.. . HOLD ... Sai.d .. ,land ... l' .. i.ts. ...a pp.u,r.ten~ a_A~-~-~ -•---- l9. ... A.~m ... th~----~e,_i _d_ ___J _,_ ____B , ___;a o_yd_•----l.r. ....... h1.s ....a s.s1gns ... :!.o:r.eve.r. ... tn. ..a s. .. :r.ull. . a.A.d. ....~ Pl~- -- -m~m,I\~~----~-§_ ___t. u~----~~-1d ... R~t ....T ..... .Bo.yd, .... C.omm1ss1.oner., .... 1s. ...c .u.thor.1ze.d ...e nd e_~P.9:W..~~~-~- ---'tQ ___() _Q~Y.(f1. ... :the _ )3~~-·----- --·- -- - ---------------- -- ---- ------------ ------------------ - --·· ·-·- -·--------: ................... --··-----------··················· Exact Description of Property This deed made, this the 9~h day of Eec. 1923, by R. T. Boyd, Contmissl oner of the court a s hereinafter more speci:tioally set forth, pal!'tY of the first part, t o J'. R. Boyd , Jr •• party ot tre second part, both ot said parties of ·raywood County t North Carolina , \YITNESSETH: THAT, "WHEREAS, in a certain proceeding pending in the superior Court of fiaywood County, N. C,, entitled John H. Boyd et a.l, Ys. Maggie E. Marshall, et al. the s aid R. T. Boyd was appointed Commissioner with power and authority conterrea upon him to make sele of any and all lands belonging to the estate of w. J. G. B. Boyd• deceased, and Elizabeth Boyd, deceased, · AND \'HEREAS, the s~id Commissioner on the 7th day or May, 191'1, filed with the Clerk or the,, Court Of Raywood County, N • C. 1 that he had agreed and contracted to $el l to J, R. Boyd, J:r,,for the sum of tlo.oo per acre tor the land hereinafter descri-ed, and the said sale lB v1ag been confirmed as the fifth day of Nov. 1917 b7 Jerry R, Leatherwood, Clel'"k ot the Superior Court, and directing the said R· T. Boyd, oon=ia­s1oner as aforesa!d, to execute deed to said J •. lh Boyd, Jr, , upon the payment of the purohase price, that said tracts or land a s confirmed are described as follows in said confirmation, to wit: Howell Lick Tract, Allison survey Elizabeth B07d Tract, Ned Liok Tract, Alden Howell Tract, Sugar Tree Tract 1 Boon Laurel Tract. RotUld Oove Tract; this deed does not inclUde the Howell Liok Tr~;wt as confirmed by the court, and the said la.nd has b.een surveyed and description as hereinafter given covers all of sa.i<l tracts except the Howell Lick Tract:- Sltut B \ _ · . . btllimiBG on a spaltish oak and runa 5e 87 .. 00 Et, $0 poles to a mou~~a1n ~.ak f~UIIlpJ thea••• _ Nt. &6•10 lh 1 9l:j> pol.ea to a aarvis; _ thenoe• ' · ll. 2.,.30 .w.-, 30 pole a ~o a s"alctJ . tbenoe, 1. 49-.45 w., 63 poles to a at4tke; theaoe, ·<B• ._,,_.IO w·.,--__ _4 0 __ pole• to • .•'takel . tM_aoe, East 1'1 pole_s to a stakeJ th_e noe, so..u t_ _n _· Sl po~_ ·_e_ a_:. ·:_·_. to, a e_h.• a· t11u_t r_·_ tbe~.o_•-_-. ·•-• -- N_· _• '11 •·- ~ 34 po__ l ea to_ a •_t _a_ke: thenoe, w, · -•• f#t t 90,s 1o .e. e1ak'ea theno,~J 'f.h 79-3o w. * 63 poles to a . •ta-ke; thenoe..· 1 :.. " .', . _15_-_ ,..-:.,s. -.o . --·-E. •r.--4'· -pol••__ - ·. '_o .• a ~_-.·.,_,.·11.. i.tth o -.a. k. ; _t h. en. oe •_N , '14-30 w., 50 l?Oles; ~heJIL"'* N~ 9.,..30 lh 1 10 p~les; thettt•• Na 39 ... ~0 E., 119 poles to a sttn:ef theno~• ~~ 52~30 w., lOa polesJ thenoe1 s. 40""30 w,, ao p€Jles to · a birch: thenoe, s. 49•30 :m._ • .28 poles_;, .,,?• 1'1 w.1. 5 po-les to a loous~; thence., _south 69 poles; lbe!J.Oe• s. 17 W: .•. ,,. 25j- po es• tlllnoe, s. 51 ... 30 w., 24 poltU~l tlleat:.~ s. 26 ... 15 W41;; 46-i •polea; s. ?i-45W.-, 12 poles; theno•_, •·._ --s ._- -_-- .·,.-_ ·4. w. •_ ' ·.. ' ' P·O·l-..$_l '._t • ·-_.-•l e·_ _; JJ._.;. •~•• __ -__ s • . M·e_ o _w_"_- _·_·_ ,_ :: .. 4&..- .i _p o_:t_.•s_._.• -.. .. ·t ·o__ _a _ _m o_unt.a_t n poaokl eas';t.w nt__b , _·.-l~-_:.·_{· __ l'"o! .h.__ ·-.e _ n• _• _ • -_-s_ · _ • #9 ~- -l ''_f• :' _I·.: O ,} ;. JPl_••_ _ to_ a. aarv_J;SJ tlsnoe, a.• _ 7 6_ E·•t 55 1,~• 13 1. • ~ -J>O):ea to ~ mountalA oak stump'f thenoe, _ N. 64 E•t-10 :JJI 1eQ to a mo~" oak stliDPt thence, .s, 86 Et:t 152 poles to t~e BEOilflftN'G-, ·oonta1n1ng 400 at:res, more or leas. · 1. Proceedings in all c~urts affecting the title of the lands abstracted must be set forth and attached hereto in chronological order, and in . such detail as will show all jurisdictional facts averred in the proceedings, proper parties, sufficient service to bring all necessary parties into court, all orders and decrees up to and including confirmation of sale. 2. When minors, insane persons or any other persons for whom a guardian ad litem, committee and such like are required to be appointed, are interested, the appointment and acceptance must be shown; it must appear that all statutory requirements have been complied with. Give names of all plaintiffs and defendants. .Tohn It. Boyd, et al. 1. CourL---SUpei.o:r--- CountY------Hay-Woo4,------ . 1"#, 2. Kind of action--Gont'-1-~-.t-1<>n-o.f--Sa4s--to--1-.-It.B OJ'\, vs. 3. Date of filing _______ -ll-~5-"!.U-------- - ------------- 4. Date of filing lis pendens_ __________ ____________ ______ _ 5. JXUil..,ili'l\l•iJ in Book ____ _!l ______ Page_~QI_ _____ _ Special P:rooeecUngs/ · PROCEEDINGS Maggie E. Mal'she.ll, et al. This oause oomiag on to be re erd up·on the report or the sale .. to J. R. Boyd, Jr., by R. T. Boyd, Commissioner heretofore ap pointed to rrf.l!(e sales of the lands ot W. J, G. B. Boyd and Elizabeth Boyd, deoeasedr thO lands ot .which they died seized and which upon the d.eatbs ot the sald Boyds who · dted 1nt•state • the same d.esoended to the pla1nt1tfs and detend• ants 1m t;his action., the plaintiffs and defendants being all or the he1;rs 1 and the lands hereinafter deso:ribod which the said Commissioners ha'le sold to ·:r. R. · soya, lr, is a part or the estate ot the said w. J. G. B. Boyd, deceased, AND lf!liERlU.s , on the 1 '7th day of Ma7 1917, the Oommiasi(.}ner.e t1le4 a :repo:tt in the superior · Cou:rt of Haywood County, in the above entitled e.QtiQtl, stettng that they bad sold the land hereinafter deaori'bed to 1. lt. Boyd. Jr,, tor the smn or t lo.oo per aore, and the commissioners oonsid"r . the bid e. fair aoourat·e and rea sonable one and recommend that tb.e sale be oonfirnted and the said bid not having been raised after being tiled tor · more than 20 days and the a:ftidavits of L• B. Moody and c, :M. MoOdf, haY)tlg b•en filed in this cause in which they state in our opinion and aooord1Jilg to OUl' best ju4gment that the sumof $10,00 per aore is a t'ull, fair end adequate prioe tor the land sold to 1. B. Bofdt Jr. and in our opinion it is to the best intertHil._ or all parties interested in said sale. It is therefore, on motion or said Conttn1ss1oners • . Qons1dered ordered and adjudged that the said bid be and 1 t is in all respects oon­firlned ana approved bf the court tor the lands desert bed as follows: Howell liok Tract, Allison survey, Elizabeth Boyd Tract, Ned Liok, Alden Howell IO·ao:re tract• Sugar 'free Tract, Boon taurel Treot. Rou.nd cove Tract, Bell ~aot. . It is adjudged and deor•ed tbat the said bid is binding between all ot the tenants in coannon, and the ;r • R. Boyd, Jr.~ and 1 t is > further c>rder4ild by the court that R. 'f. BOyd, Cornmissloner, heretoton &:11: pointed in this tsaUIHt, is hereby authorized and directed to have said 1 surveyed and to execute a deed ill fee simple for the lands described ab~~ <,;. to 1. R. Boyd, J'r,, upon the pe.ymen t ot the purchase price or $10 per e.Q ~.~~, All cases and authorities relied Upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Sl1eet F , I._ $.• Q4e~ed that the pe~111on, attid~Tita, -' the _ report -ot the Mle Qd th, _'bid aad th1e «eoree be eaelle4 1n the Dlinute «ooket ot s:p .. 1al Prto••41q.a ot th1a co-uri, - ;\;:·,.' ' 'l'hie 1he 51h uy ot No•• ltlf. J'•nt R. te-atm :rwoocl Clerk ot thfJ supe~1ot- Cctll't ot aa,.ood Oouaty, w, o • . i . I· / ./ f c ="..' In Preamble j., R. Boyd and .wife, Jin.n1e Boyd ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT , As Signed As Acknowledged Same ~~----------------------~-----------------------T----------------------- G •. c. Clark 1. Kind of Conveyance ......~ ~~-} ____~ ~;r_}.'~-~~1. ........... . 2. Date of Conveyance ........ J..l.:'.~~-~3. .............................. . 3. Is it properly executed .......... ................ ................... ........ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... ~-~----:P.! ............. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........ ----------------------·----·· -· ------------------ 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... Y~.$. .............................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on brr~--~r-;,;·23""' " ····· ·-- - ·---- 9. Date of acknowledgement .......... .. ...... ...... ..... .. ... .. ... ..... .... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ... .. ....... :!~-~---- ··---···· ·· ....... -------- 13. Does conveyance c~tain convenants- · (a) of seizin -----------~-~--Y-· ·e---s--- ·---·---------· - ···------ ·-···--------·-- · - ·(b) power to convey .......... ... ......... .... ......... ....................... . . (c) against encumbrances ... X~~----···--·--·---------------·---- (d) against claims of all others .....! ~.I!J. ........................ . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... Y~-~-----·------------------- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Y~_Q _____________ __ 12. Was order of probate correct... ....... Y~-~----·-· ·--·-------------- 14. Date of filing for record ........ l.2.:-.~_'l::-:.2.3. ................ .. 15. :ooro~ __ ]f.~Tf!9:~:~:~::::::::::::::: .. ~:~~:::::::::~~:!;:----·---·· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions .... N9. ........................................................... . . TO have and to hold ____ tlie··a-to·re-said···trac·t···-or ____________ _ 17 . P~ ~eo. ~T ~rsl.~~?fe ~t.r a> ··ail ___P___ rivlies··-- e·a.·..·..a..i..i.(..f..-..·.a..-.P- -P-.- _-__-_u___r ,t_ E___i_i__i_a___n__·_a__·_a_·__s_-__·__·__t_i_i_e__r__e__-__-_-__-_o :t-L- -__1__>___8___-_- l- -..o..n ---s----1---n- g · · - · ··-· to·· · ·tJie---'i'fild:··-·a~· -- ·c· ~- --·c1ai•k-- ·an<r - ·ilrs -- -h~J~.~----~-:g.d ___ a._~-~~s-Af!I ..... ~9 .... AJ .~ ___ ... u." ____ and ::·::::~~~~~:::_t__§r~~~~:;;:::::::::::::::·::··::.·:::::·:·::· :::::::::::::::::·:::::_-____::.. . -- _______ .::_:_:__ ______--- ----- -----------------------------------------··- ---------·-----------· Exact Description of Property Allison Tract, Round oove Tract and Others BEGINNING on a mountain oak ·stump and running thence N. 72 w., 244 poles to a span~sh oak; thenoe N. 8-30 E., 120 poles to a stone; thenoe N. 52-30 w. • 102 poles to a stake; t lr noe s. 40 w. • 90 pQles to e. birch; thence s. 49-30 E, 1 28 poles to e. stake; thenoe s. 7'1 w., 5 poles to a locust; thenoe south 69 poles to a stake; thenee s. 17 V'l •• 25 poles t .o the top or the Bald; thence s. 51-30 w •• . 24 poles to a stake; s. 26-15 w., 48-lt poles to a stake; s. 24•45 w. 22 poles to a stake; s. 54 W • J 3? po.·les to a stake; .s. 36-30 W. , 43-l poles . to a stake; s. 29 E·, 30 poles to a serv-ioe; thenoe s. 76 E. • 56 poles to a mountain oak stump; the beginning corner, containing 208 9/10 sores, more or less, being lOt {}2, as shown by map of J. R. Terrell, dated june 29, 1923. Shut B / NORTH CAROLINA·-· PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, __ Baywo.od _______________ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO G.~o .• Olark .. and .. .Wite ..­! nown--al14--4e.ti6Jla.te4---1n---h#V-I¥--••-----­' hao$--Nu.m.lle-•--806--alld:--306-"'tl------------------------- AFFIDAVIT. ./ __fl _.l._lilblll'n.iL _________________________________________________ , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of .... Ba$04-----------------County, in Book.·-----81-------------• Page _________________________ , '' That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land~ Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2Jl4 _____ day of_lrfa.roh_ ________________, lQ ___, ~f~~ My commission expiresl~-!".13 ____________ _ ' . ~c:;;: :. ' ' !{I(!__ tJ )If P.' L , - ---------------------------i-----7- ----~------ ·' :; ../ ' ,_ i' . ' \ ... ~ (Fill in all blatlks indicating ye~r, and ~how on lines opposit~ the year ~wheth~r or not the: taxes)tave been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be . made by use of the word, '':Pajd." The use of ditto marks ·is not permissible). " . ·', . : • 1 . . '•' ' ' . The property in question is assessed for taxation for the c'urj:en~ year, 19.11---• at $ .. 4!,..8§ ............. ,, in the name ' . ·. . '' ' - . . ' ~: I . : . I ' • · ··f.·.O~;~~-- -.----·---· --····-·--.- - - -- --------and the taxes for the past ~e~ Yfars have been paid or not paid as fiH,~.h~s: : ', . ' · _. , ., 19.··~ .. : ........ 9 . .,_f$ ..........• ~···-~tt·····--·-------·····-·- i \ 1;:-·:;· 1~~tl::. 19 ...... 19·.ZO.· --- --·· --· ---Pa14···---- ·· ---- -- ·---- --·--·--·---···· ·-- ---·----·- ·--·····- ---· 19 .••.. ·-----·--·-l"a-f.1l·-.. --·············-·········-----·----·-····--·--·-··--·--' .... 19.... ·······---·-Pait·········----··:····-···---···--·----------···-·------ .. ----·· ;. 19 ... \ .. . . " I , 19.8f... . ··-·-------·PaU---· -- ··-········--···-·-- .. ·······---··-·---.. ·----·-·--· .. ~ .. . ·. 1'1 .. t. . ASSES·S~IENTS ' ~~ ' \·· h . -\ ;; I : __ , ·. I, l'- \ wo~, JJl'l .\ ; l· ! . ;~1, . MECHAJtcs 'LI~NS · ;: ~ . ;\ ----- -- -· · -- --~- ---· · ··--- ·-· ····· ··\: ····-------------.: ··--'·\·-··-· - ··-· · - --·-···· -- -·PB.J.4 '' ' ' ' '''' ' ' ' '''' ' '' ' ''"~-~:· ·------------,-,: : · .. ·--.. ·--··- ::. :\/(1: --···-··-··"'Pal4''···-·-·:·-··--------\ .......... i ... l;:.\\;;···--· '• . J ' . \ " .;t ' ' ' ( \ \ \-:':. \ ~- \ i.\ \ :. \ , . ' t·· \ \ '· \ - .r.: '"~- ' \ \ JUDGMENTS \ '\ . . . . l . ' v .&cif•J:•• S.,_.l1t to-. ooeta '" ·•••e ent1tle4 . GJ~GTe:r Ola'k af.~ t .. _ ~·~au.aoa, aur••r Ta. rret uoo4r".• All011nt $1.10, :rooor4ed i,~.,. Harwoot oeunty., BOok I, pae;e IO'l t.,,. \. 1 ·. I . I \. _ '- 1-._ ,, \ \ ' Shut G ·. \ >...... · .. . \ .'\ / ,/:"~< . ~- - . - . 1 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete , and correct abstract · of all instrum·ents and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including th< beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ~;,; ....... i . .l ... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES SUbJ•ot 'o a4vtrse Judp.eut to-, oosta 1n a oaae eaiit1et "Grover Clerk aad Lee rerauaon, ~t.u.•t7 "'• J'red :l~od.r" e.mount te.l6, reco~cled. 1a Haywood coun<ty, Book 2, page e~n. subJect to tax ito $19.'18, year ltZl, also tax tt•• K', roar lVto. Sttbjee)t to lapp~ee olaille4 bf SWtoreat tuabet QQmpenr, This ........................ day of .................................................................. , 19 ........• Address .... : ........................ , ......................................................... . Attorney.