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Cataloochee tract 242: J. B. Lockman


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ' SMOKY!V?TN.PARK ./.8./.0CKMAN TRACT 42.Jt1At:R£.s - - . ,._.: . .S CAL £ /".rlt.J~H~/ N.S · 8 .. :" .. . SVHK£Y t:JF 1.!128 . . 8 y i't /fl. .. , .l r·> NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ···················································J·;;····B······LGekmaD.·····························:···················································································· ............................................................................................ Township ........ ." .. Ra,y-w.QQd .................................................. County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tre.ot (242) ll'OD! All bee.rtnp 1n tla1s 4esor.tptlon • ere tun184 from tbe tn.e tMr181en anA ell 41atano•• an expne­ee4 in obaina of 66 feet. BegJ..nn1n1 at_· O·o·m··e·". 1 • . • .. 40" poJ..4., ar st_, 1n the line of t . be o. 41. Palmer l'rnot ( 241· &) Set a 4" loocuat post in a mound of etonee eor1be4 L. Oor. 1. · An 8" ohestnut blaaed &M. Bol't'be4. B.,f .:t.. Cor. l bears 11 . 1..00 lth .18 oa•in 41ste.ntc · ! hence B. &l-OS s. 1.21 Co mel' e, • 14" bemlcok wit b. corner fflfU'"ke an4 w1 tnea .. e blaae4 ~..4 eor1be4 J. p. Cor. 1, _e.l t e. 24" btloke;e •ttl old Jnarlt• , both in ~enter line of Davidson Branoh, belns · cone,. 1 of the J otm 11.. Paltael* traeR ( !44} f btuoe • w1 tb the J ob.n K, Pal•r N. ''·11 E. '1.14 corner s. a ll" \'ftlteJr oek •1tb co-. .rke an4 'dt ... . · n• ~•••, bltute4 and scribed L. co:r. 2 • being oorner 19 of tho Jolu:l u. PalmeJ' r.rraot ( 244). 14.60 A l~" cbeetwt baaed tm4 eor 1bed B .. ! .. L.Cor. 2. bears s. 12-00 J . • 2'1 obs1n tU.sti.Ult 4 'l'benee. leav1ns tbe J'obn ». :fal• .N. 18·&4 •• &IM-11 stream 1'lows fH)U'tbf ;tuat. tlotne,.. .4, a point bes14e a obelltnut etump bole. ebolrJl ae oomer \'>7 1. i . KoGnha, be1nl e. eorn• of the 1. B. JloOaba Tr&et (2d) Set a 4n loouet post b 1 • mound of utonee , sol"ibe4 L• Cor. B, -1- Sheet A ...-...,_ ·. I / \ J A. I" .maple, bloae4 cm4 eo.·ibe4 B.~. luOor. ~. bears s, 18..00 •• .1! ohain 41etentt ! benoe, with t be 1• ll. MoG8ba s. 611~ w. o.'le Oor.wt 1. a blaot go.m etum;p at fence comer, abO\C as Comett .b7 I .. .a .. ltoGnba. A SO" 4ea4 •beatnut • blsze4 &i4 aor1b•4 ! .T.L.Oor. '" be81'• tl. 8-20 lh .11 oba1n 418tent. 'l'beno•, a. so-e9 w. OorMr .& • a 10" biokorr wl ttl oorn•r msrka blaae4 an4 aonbt4 L. Cor. It t!e1ng Comer I of the l• B. ltotleb& Tr aot ( 24$) ; Traot (2t!) a. 4t-o2 " • Comer "' 1 e 10" b1okol7 · ltb co~ •rka aut 111 tneeeee o» eteep eae:t elope, bl.eze4 an4 aor1b.t :L. Cor. 6• !l!"noo, s. l'l --46 z. Come~ a. s point at interaeotion of ~oct linea, Cornel' 4 of th• »• 1. JUnia ;:r __ ot (218-a), Stt a 4" loo~•t poet 1ri a 'mod of etonee aor1btl D. :s. 'f-! Cor • .ft, A 9" obeatnut bl&ze4 an4 sod.be4 B. T.D • ..B.T-2, oor. 4, bead s. 60..00 "• .oo oba1n 41atant4 · Thenoe , wttb the »• s. Bul'rie s. !1·18 s. Oomer 9, C1 12" souJWoo4 •1th ol4 marks arA wl tneee•• • blaae4 eu4 so: . . ct i>.B.! -2, Ct>r. e. belq corner I of ~be D. B. B11:r~le 1!raot (238-e.) and. Comer I of ~h• C.J. Palmer ·rnot f~,l-a); · '!'benet• leav1na tb.e D. Jf. :atlnf.e f i'&Oi (2M4) • wl\b tht o. J. Pellne~ '.!~"\C 241-a) N. n .. u .1. 6.96 Oorn•r 10, a poll'lt ill a :tt .. ld• Gb01'41 aa corner b7 1>. B. Barn. a. Set a 4" loouat poet i n o. JDOtJn4 of atones, sari bill c.p. T-2, oo~. v, A epr1ng b•al'a N. 26.00 a •• ao obain 4l•tmt.. ~h•noe. a. 86-22 m. The ple.oe of Begifl.ning, oonte.1n1ng 42.52 Acree. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed W • 1• LOCKlfA:N S.Alt.AH LOO KMAN As Acknowledged . . 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... :Ji'~:'-4. ..................................... . 2. Date of Conveyanc~1.a,~l:9~ ................................. . 3. Is it properly executed ............ X9.1 ............................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged. .... .if.~.~-t ............... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ............Y eA ..........· .. ........... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement.. ... ~~-~~ .................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... l'e.-........ c .............. . .10. Was privy examination of wife tak.en ... J~UL ........... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............ NC ............ : ........................ . 12. Was order of probate correct.. .............. Y~I ................ .. 13. 14. Date of fira for record ........... .2~~~t~04t.----......... . 15. Book ........ ,................................. Page ... .............................. . for ............... Ut;iY:YP..o.d ............................. County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ................ M~L ...... : ..................................... . Does conveyance co~in eonvenants- (a) of seizin ............. :.~ ................................................... .. (b) po>~er to convey ........ l'9.1Yejj ............................... . (c) agamst encumbrances ........ : .... ~., .............................. .. (d) against claims of all others, ....... I~~ ..................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote f~) ..... T.O ... HAVE ... ~ .... TO .. HOLD .... the .... atEir.e.aatd ... t:aet .... $'4!: ............... .. --·---··m• to a <19P09c4t D(?ctor Ju:r;trt••• :East . oor~.l!', 1n saiQlts to a $'~"ll'wtQ\l ln tau~ -nett'& l.11'.te; theno.e N.- li 11. ·with Ben1UJtt lint 18# JC.l.ea to a ltM,e, . B$lUlf}1t *s .,me'; tbtllO"f s. 40 l!:, wlth B$\ntt~ ' $ ~~n• 40 PQles to 1ihe ~$f.lUliJI&• OolltEt~Dlfl6 40f ~res and .~ at tb.• fao'b He.U. T,_.aot ttl Davil$1• :Bftl'l.tll, on the vrate7~ ot Oata.loOohee Gl1$tk,• , Shat IJ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA t COUNTY OF ~VOOD• ;r, B. Lockman, having been first duly sworn, on hu oath sta tea that h.e is ..z:f< years or age and has been a resident or Haywood county, N.c., tor~ years; that , since 19031 he has been . the owner and in possession· Qt a oertain traot of land hereinafter des­cribed and that he is well aoquainted with the ownership an<} poseeeaion of said land JriOr to the time h was deeded tQ him. Said traot btins fully desori bed as follO\'UU • :BEl INNING at Carner l 1 a 40tt popl¢ stump in the line o t the c .;r .PaliOOr Traot \24l•a) 1 Set a 4" locust post in a mound of stones scribed L. Cor, ll an 8" chestnut blazed an:l acri bed B.T .L.cor, l.a bears N • 1 .. oo E, .18 chain distant a Thence N • 51·03 E, 5,25 C-orner 2, a 14'' hemlock w1 th comer · marks and witnesses blazed end scribed :r.P.cor. 1, also a 24" buckeye w1 th old marks both in c ente r 11ne of Davidson BranQh, being Corner l of the John M. Palmer Tract (244)J thence with the Joh.'t wl. Palmer Tract {244) N, 47•ll E. 7.14 corner 3, a 12" water oo.k with corner marks and vdtnesee$ blazed and scribed B,T.L. Cor- 2 1 bears St 12•00 E. 127 chain distant; thence leaVing the John M, Palmer Traot (244) t N • 28-54 w • 2t65- small etl-eam flows southwest; 141160 corner 4, a point beside a chestnut stump hole , shown as o.orner by I~ B. McGaha, being a corner ot the I. B ~ MoGaha Tract (243)1 s$t a 4" l<:>Oust post in a mound of stones, scribed L~Cor.B, a 5" maple, blazed and scribed B.T.L.cor. 3, bears s,Ba.OO · w •• 13 ohain distant; Thence with the I.B.MoGahe. Tract (24,3}1 s. 52-34 w. Eh78 Corner 5 1 a bl.aak gum stump ut fence corner, shown e.s corner by I "B.MoGaha.; a 20" dead chestnut blazed and soribed B,T ,L .. Cor. 4t bears N, 8-30 E ... 11 wn aa comer by D.H.Bun-ess; set a. 4'' locust post in a mound of stones 1 scribed c.P.T""2 Cor., 7, a spring bears N. 26·00 E •• ao oha1n distantJ thence s. 36•22 E. 10.49, the plo.ce of b~1nning, cont aining 42, 32 Acres. 8 2t Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, } ----R--A--Y--W----O--O--D--- ---------------COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO J .:a.LOOKM/df An· WIFE l'FLPH!A LOOIC. DES!GN.ATFJ> !:U SURVJ!:Y AS --------~---------------'---- - -------------.;, _________________________________________________ _ AFFIDAVIT. That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ...... ~:!:'!-~~~----------------County, in Bo9k·-----~~---------------• Page ... !~------------------· That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ... !~~--day oL,~-~-~-/7'----------· 19 .. ~Q_. -----~~1:::.~{2~-~~- M y comrm· ssw· n ex-~pi. res. .(_ ,./ __t __'_v__r__v__._ _I_ __:__t_ , _ __t_ _f 31 . I i u -# e::. oJ' .. ....................... ,. ......, .. .... ~--------- CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION •• ~·1 TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on .lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ .................... , .. ......... , in the. name ...... J.ct .... :B:ii .... LQ..Okman .................... and the taxes for thepast ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19.11.. )~4.~ ........................................................................ . 1924.. . ... PAID ..................................... .-................................ . 19.~.0.. ..f.Al.P. ........................................................................ . 1 !Q.f:j.... J?All) .......................................... . . ······· ......... ··········· ..... . 19.21.. P.UD ........................................................................... . 1!fa&.... P.Al:c ..... ;················· .. ··· .. ····:· .. ···;················· .. ··· .. . 19.~~--- ~~J.~. ........................................................................... . 1~'1. .... PAID ...............,. ................ '. ......................................... 19.3... PA:t1;) ....................................................................... ·· · 1!28.... PAJ:.n .......................................................................... . ASSESSMENTS NONE LES PENDENS. N 0 N' E MECHANICS LIENS N C) N E JUDGMENTS Jook_4 _P eet _l.0 '*.- ill_ -._ ~ a_:. ·;yo_: a.t 1. s_• ._ _ Ra.• _·n.. .-·. tt:U .-~ _ I ,B.,~().•_.· .~.. n_· • Pat.t.u\ Jantm17 ~ • l,f$.11 emo1;1t $24.4i1 1~teJ'tP.t and ooe'•· · Am.Oun't ~ be paj.d out (it pJ:Odttds ot th1• '•ale • . , Shut G ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION · T;raat N'Ot 242 IT IS HEREBY C:E:RTIFIED: That the. title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : .. i~L ..... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES 1~~; SUbje ot to taltelh 2. Subj~ 242 243 / _,_ a. 1. Pal.M:r old barn . 12 ao:rea oleer•d land d30.00 23 acres wo.ala~d t~O.OO , c. J. l'almer ! 7 room framed hou::;c '\ d / r \ 01 log house Lo~ bu.rn \ . ' ' 20 acre a c l eared land ( 2 fJ. 00 10 aorns woodland 10.00 J. B. I..ookman 5 acres cleared l and · 25.00 7 acres cl eared land ~20.00 30 acres woodland ' "10.00 I. n. T'oGaha G acres c l eare' . l und • 2b.OO 4t •~-or c a t~oodlnnd ''lo.o:; loc, nabin loc \xu·n 34..98 30.36 42.32 10.58 244 Joi&n lir. :Palme r 171.14 246 245-A 246 247 N room f rnm ed hou se 5 room fr•a 'itld house 2 a ppl e houses barns moJ:e Ilouoo and Sprint; House 0 acres cultivated land f 60.00 101 acres '~ oodland · ·10.00 J. ~; . Conrad \ Sheep ilouae 5 ! ~ Cr' ' 8 WOL}d l Hllll -10.00 / \ ' 15ir acr l~ & clearod land r;;60.00 ' / \ J. 1{. Conr ad 6 stall lJnrn 2 room log l1ouee Srnoko house and 2 ori bs ap :,le ltoUBe 45 aorea cleared la..;d , ·20.00 4 no res in orchnrd 0:125.00 J3la1ne Conrad 1 . .. Sheep ii o ·.~ se . ·;· ·· All nleared •',60.00 i_'j · ~ Dave 3.; r:elson ' 2 room ~or, house 5 r !Jom :X>xed house Bnrn 20 acres c~le ared land '!120.00 28 ao.;:·ea woodland • 10.0 .· Dave D. jielson All olJ. fi t;lds •. 15.00 1 lo;_; hom:;e 248 v 1./' 1\ 20.53 87.74 47.9'1 14.86 27.91 DO.oo 360.00 230.00 900.00 10().00 300.00 500.00 100.00 125.00 140.00 300.00 150.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 8oo.oo 40:).00 zoo.oo 500.00 100.00 4200.00 1010.00 150.00 50.0'J I) ' ! ./ " -• ...... 'l 1900.00 565.00 295.00 . . ~ . 7210.00 930.00 1130.00 250.00 100.00 65.00 100.00 900.00 500.00 25.00 1260.00 lO '~; .OQ 400.00 100.00 400.00 _28u.oo 225.00 100 .00 ~~-~ l:;24.00 1915.00 1285.00 :. ··/ , _. 1280.00 _,_ . ~ - .: ' ., •. ~ 474.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).