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Appalachian National Park Association Newspaper Clippings, 1899-1902

items 68 of 247 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-5821.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • BAILEY, EDITOR Trailing Arbutus design . . . ./. Horace McFarland . i Frontispiece. A Scene in the Southern Appalachians z Photograph by Eugene J. Hall Our Mountain Forests Chase P. Ambler, M.D. Photographs by N. Brock The Making of a Country Home Editor Photographs by Geo. S. Cook, Arthur Cowce. W. J. Dunihue, and winter scenes by L. H. Bailey Glimpses of Brook Life Mary Rogers Miller Photographs by J. Horace McFarland and Henry Troth The Inspiration of a Great Farm . . . Edgar Mayheiv Bacon Gramp (Poem) James Buckham The Nursery and the Nurseryman Editor Photographs by J. Horace McFarland, and Hill, ol Pasadena The Brook Trout of Our Boyhood 20 Photographs by A. Radclyffe Dugmore The Round of the Song Sparrow's Life . Louis Agassiz Fuertes The first three photographs by W. E. Carlin-, the last by L. W. Browncll An Acquaintance with Screech Owls Viola McColm Photographs by G. E. McColm; the large owl by W. E. Carlin Editorial. The Art of Forestry The Mountain Goat C. Hart Merriam Photograph by Charles I. Rice My May Resolutions Editor How to Make a Garden. Arbor Day anil Transplanting . . . Editor, Hon. J. Sterling Morton, 0. C. Simonds, Prof. S. B. Green Photographs by L. H. Bailey and O. V. Lange; line drawings by E. N. Fischer A Small Golf Course for Home Practice Charles Qjiincy Turner . 35 Out-of-Doors in May W. B. Thornton . 37 26 28 3° 32 33 33 Photographs by S. I. Carpenter. J. Horace McFarland. W. C. , ... ... 1. r- 1 . Baker, L. W. I, n,,,l l',.,.,,. j My i-iKii Fan The Points of a Good Cow . . . Smaller photograph by M. W. Whillalch Additional Articles on Pages xi- Clinton D. Smith . 42 \xn I I3.00 A YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 25 CENTS. PUBLISHED MONTHLY COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY ENTERED AT POST OFFICE AT HARRISBURG, PA., AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER Crescent and Mulberry Sts. riorioirn«v Da^.,- jrj /—„ 34 Union Square, East HARRISBURG. PA. L/UUBLtlMY, I AGE C5T l^O. NEW YORK f\

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).