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Appalachian National Park Association Newspaper Clippings, 1899-1902

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  • ction of the House Committee on Agriculture in voting to favorably report tin- bill appropriating ten million dollars . io purchase four million acres of land lor the National Appalachian Forest Preserve is an event of great importance to North Carolina and the whole country. It is believed by those who are in the best position to judge that with the recommendation ot the committee the bill . will paws the House, anil if so there is Hi tie room to doubt that it will pass the Senate. The preservation of the forest ot the Appalachian mountains, provided by tfci» bill, will protect the farms that are being devastated by the Hoods, will prevent Hie iloods that sweep down the rivers, anil will establish near the centre of population the most magnificent natural for.- 111 the world. It will Biake Western North Carolina the clilet summer resorl of America and one of the first all-the- year-round resorts for tourists from all em i;, nf the world. The men who conceived the establish- i,t of the Appalachian forest pre men of real statesmanship ami enterprise nun who labor for the future ■II as I'm- today __ THE NEWS AN J OBaAftVMR, THURSDAY M0RN1J\G. tJ'ML 3, 1902, )fl FAVOR Of THE FARKf The House Com mittee on Agriculture ;s Soon to Make Report. (Special to News aid Observer.) Washington, D. C. April 2—Senator ! THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, IATURDAY MORNING^ARCh"20TT9O2. APPALACHIAN PAE 'i in- ad ion of i he House Commltl Agriculture in voting to favorably re the bill appropriating ten million dolls to purchase four million aires of Ian lor the National Appalachian Forest Pre is an event of great importance lo North Carolina and the whole country.! It is believed by those who are in the I besl position to judge thai with the recommendation of the committee the bill ' will pass the House, and if so there is HI He room to doubt that it will pass the Senate. 'I he preservation ot the forest of the Appalachian mountains, provided by this bill, will protect the farms that are being devastated by. the floods, will prevent the floods that sweep down the rivers, and will establish near the centre of pop- ulatfon the most magnificent natural forest in the world. It will make Western North Carolina the chief summer resort of America and one of the first all-the- yenr-round resorts for tourists from all pin I.- of the world. The men who conceived the establish- ineai of the Appalachian Forest Preserve are men of real statesmanship and en- ise—men who labor for Hie future ! us well as for today. (' lr ' Simmons was invited to attend and address the National flood oRads Convention at Charlottcsvi le, Va., tomorrow and has accepted tbj invitation, but his absence in North Carolina will prevent ing there. Representative Wi'I ICitchin has had a new postoffice established at Hie Yancey Copper Mine, in .Person county, named Crews. The House Comrnttee on Agriculture will favorably report the Appalachian Pa»l( Hill as Boon a- certain data is fur- nisheil. There will be no minority report. The District Attorneyship of Alaska ii'i.-reii in ix-Judge Spencer B. >i Greensboro, yesterday, but it - today that; in- has declined th i,lie.. 'A APPALACHIAN RESERVE. Ho Committee Approves Measure for, B Vast Forest Park. The House Committee on Agrlculturje has reached an agreement relative to the creation of an Appalachian forest reserve. The report will oppose the name suggested, viz.: "McKlnley Appalachian Forest Reserve," on the gr.-mnd that It would be misleading, 'Creating the impression that another Appalachian reserve exists elsewhere. The name agreed upon is "National Ap- palacian Forest Rerserve," and it is the purpose to acquire 4,000,000 acres in the States of West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, and Georgia. The amount to be made available is $10,000,000, although it is the belief of the committee that not so much will be needed. THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THtTKSDAT, APRILS, 1902. !THE SPEAKER« AGAINST THE > PARK \ First Report That He Was, Depressed Its Friends, But Reassures Them PROF. PINCHOT CONFIDENT Senator Money Will Speak to Davidson on Any Subject They Wish (Special to The Citizen.) Washington, April 3.—A number of ( Inent in the official life! e signified their inten- tion ol ittei id roads con- m to be held at Charlottesville, under the direction of and officials Southern Hallway company. vill be the principal i of i Ii i don. He will tell allien the I on the western other iliiiigs, and ex- i il would ' had lieeii in a more favorable condltioi Simmons and ly have accei i H "rated by the, oiimiodato the Wash- rty. ' B'o a report gained cur-' • I that Speaker Hon- ■ i 'init consideration of the Appalachian Na-. erve bill, v/hich i hose who have worked in and out of a- the success of the . cry much cast down.. The Sp ipproached on i ' ' iitly, with the result dil opinion now prevails concernini intentions. Professor ot, of (hi forestry division of the ■ artment, was at the cap' 4 ol a day or so ago and gave as- suran.""-'! t"»t tlle speaker was now in favorable frame. It -mina- "Oh, it 1 lOhvv.! senten-i situation. IvSp resentative Brownli he opinlOl that the committee's report Will t> io the House thl week. North Carolina congressmen are in led in some of the items i\ sundry civil bill, now under consideration by the House, and some of then may have something to say on the sub- i maps, topographic tndred matters. Repre- irepared to speak in support of. ''osition to Increase ippropriation for prieting and en- ng the peographic mays, end for increasing the appropriation for tomographic surveys in the various states from $250,000 to $300,000. This work will . North Carolina and the Southern , i ally. ; When asked what subject he woulfi discuss before the student body of Da- or college, on the occasion of thi a cement exercises, Senat he would give the you, of whatever knowlei"1 d on any subject, they might ' r. about, tie is sugge this line. Senator manuscript in speaking. P. H. HOWT./ND,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).