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Western Carolinian Volume 83 Number 04

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  • Anna Crisp Staff Writer The Western Caro- lina University School of Stage and Screens Musical Theatre Pro- gram really outdid itself with this pro- duction. Everything about Gypsy was remarkable. Everyone involved in the produc- tion should be proud. with how wonderfully the show went. The audience laughed and cried as the performers brought the stgry to life on stage. You could tell that a large amount of work went into Western Carolinas production of Gypsy. Gypsy is a musi- cal fable loosely based on the 1957 memoirs of Gypsy Rose Lee. The production follows the lives of Rose and her two daughters, Louise and June. Rose does ev- erything in her power to make her daughters stars, which ends up . driving many of the people closest to her away. In her attempts to make her daughters famous, Rose creates acts for them, enlisting other children to help shine the spotlight on June. Rose takes the chil- .. _ dren on the road and finds them an agent named Herbie; who falls in love with Rose. However, she has com- mitment issues and has already been married Louise's birthday in Gypsy Cast of Gypsy three times. Roses ulti- mate desire is to make her children super- stars, and everything else takes a back seat to that goal, including . love. Rose and Herbie promise each other to get married once June and company are on Broadway, but that never truly happens. Eventually, June decides she has had enough of her mothers meddling and elopes with one of the other performers. This causes Rose to turn all of her slightly over- bearing attention to her other daughter, Louise, for the first time. Rose only recre- ates acts for Louise that were originally. designed for June. The acts do not highlight any of Louises talents or interests, causing them to fail. When the troupe hits rock bottom while performing ata burlesque club, Rose and Herbie decide its time to get married and become a normal fam- ily with Louise, Once Rose learns of an opportunity for Lou- ise to be the star at the burlesque club, though, she abandons all plans and sets her daughter once again on the track, to stardom. This causes _ Herbie to leave her . and Roses Continuous push for stardom ends in Louise becoming a widely-known bur- lesque dancer named Dainty June and her farm boys in Gypsy Gypsy Rose Lee. The musical was cre- ated in 1959 with music by Jule Styne. Gypsy features many excel- lent musical numbers and dances that fulfill the promise of one of . the shows best known songs, Let Me Enter- tain You. Western Carolinas production of Gypsy was incredibly en- - tertaining. The sets were grand. The songs were beautifully per- formed. The costumes. were well-crafted. The dance numbers were rehearsed. Everything came together in order for the audience to be entertained. The stu- dents and the faculty of the School of Stage and Screen deserve ac- colades for the obvious amount of hard work that they! Butinto every product Elena Maria Cop a truly magnifice portraying Rose, Lou- ise and Junes mother. Her voice was powerful and her acting skills Photo by Breanna Taylor/STAFF Aycocks portrayal of June was also excel- lent, from the spunky dance numbers to the over-all confidence of her character. Louise was played by Kylee Verhoff, who did an absolutely amazing job of displaying Louises transformation from: shy, forgotten sister to | ow-stealin: nd singer. Herbie was played by the talented . Michael Gallagher, who excellently displayed _ the actions and emo- were incredible. Kelsey tions of the character. dancer... Photo by Breanna Taylor/STAFF Every single per- former in Western Carolinas production of Gypsy deserves to be honored, not sirhply the ones who played the main characters. Everyone did a beauti- ful job. If you did not attend one of Western Carolinas sho you really miss: . The School of Stage and Screens musical the- atre program deserves so much applause for Gypsy and all of the shows they produce. . Well done. Photo-by Breanna Taylor/STAFF The roman soldier stripper in Gyspy Photo by Breanna Taylor/STAFF

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).