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Western Carolinian Volume 83 Number 04

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  • B2 april 28, 2016 Greek life sp Matt Whalen Staff Writer The Greek chapter Theta Xi was founded in 1958 and was the first fraternity on West- ern Carolina Univer- sitys campus. In 1962, the fraternity merged with Kappa Sigma Kappa and remained an organization on campus until 2005. In 2005 the organization was taken off of cam- pus because of hazing issues during pledge week. Five years later, in 2010, it came back as an interest group and turned into the frater- nity that it is today. Will Brown joined this fraternity in the spring of 2013. He latr became the president of the chapter and just recently passed on this title to one of his brothers because he is graduating this spring. ' Brown is considered one of the founding fathers of the current Theta Xi chapter on campus. He describes Greek life as a brother- hood, and prefers not to use the term frat because of the stereo- types that are associ- | ated with it. Sure we like to have fun, but thats all people hear about with frats. Nobody hears the part about how we raised money for cancer research at a charity, said Brown when speaking of what Greek life really is. Not only has the fra- ternity raised money Jessica Potter Staff Writer re .. 3. bbie Findley is. a junior at Western Carolina University. On beginning her journey at the Uni- - versity, she stated Tm from Gaines- ville, Georgia, a few hours outside of Atlanta. I went from age three to age 18 in Gainesville. I wound up at West- ern because soho senior year applying for colleges all over the U.S., I got denied everywhere for what- ever reason. Western sent me a Deans choice application. I applied and got in. indley is an Eng- lish major with a - concentration in Le elgake writing. he describes an ex- FEATURES for cancer, but they have also been a part of multiple fundrais- ers for organizations including Relay for Life and Habitat for Humanity. Brown even talked about want- ing to start a club for Habitat for Humanity on-campus. Theta Xi offers great leadership opportuni- ties within and beyond Western Carolinas campus. The chapter is a nation-wide organi- zation with hundreds of brothers across the country. The chapter strongly believes in the importance of studies in school and stresses that school is first, fra- ternity second. Due to its nation-wide recog- nition, brothers from Theta Xi have a chance to network with other members and partici- pate in leadership and job opportunities out- side of their personal campus. With the help of his fraternity, Brown already has a job lined up after graduation. Theta Xi and all of its brothers believe in the importance of learning, leadership and family. Their plans for 2016 are to keep expanding on campus and throughout the nation. They want to | connect with more chapters and start new clubs, as well as escape the frat stereotypes that have haunted Greek life for so many years. Brown and his fel- low brothers hope to perience with writing a novel since she was about'l4 years old. Tve been writing - it since I was 14 or so and Ive worked on at least six itera- tions. Im teetering between a novel or a screenplay...Its tech- nically young-adult fiction and a coming of Aue story, she said. ; Findley enjoys writ- ing, reading and, when asked about. ~ what she enjoys in her free time, she stated, What free time? Im taking 18 hours this semester (Bigeles). This is my rst semester doing this and when Im not working I spend most of my time with my boyfriend and | reading, not thinking continue their charity work and make Greek life a place where peo- ple of all backgrounds can get connected through a common goal. The fraternity aims to help others and make college a place to learn, lead and find a family. Brown believes _in the family-first as- pect-of his chapter and really stresses the idea of brotherhood over about classes, play- in video games hes been kicking my butt in Soul Calibur! When asked why she chose to work for The Western Caro- linian, Findley said, I joined the paper because Diane Mar- tinez said there was an open B sgntaots and I worked fo [ a literary magazine in high school with | r 4 years on graphic design and I thought to myself, I really like this, I can do this. If Findley wasnt an English major, she said she would be a graphic design major because it 1s . something else she is passionate about. There are many events and attributes that one could argu- otli parties. The process of be- coming a brother of Theta Xi is very simple. First, you bid, then you become an associate member and, eventually, you become a member. The difference between an associate member and a member is that asso- ciate members are not allowed into the meet- ings of the members ably justify as iden- tifying experiences for them at Western. Carolina, Findley chooses one'close to her heart: her rela- tionship with her ~ boyfriend. Hes my inspira- tion to get up in the morning. Hes my favorite person in the whole world... Hes one of those people that if he trusts you, he wont stop until be do something to reak it. I always ad- mire that in others. Ui Beane the re and the downs of her experiences, Find- concluded, Its what you go through that counts and then you come out on the other side and that makes. you a stronger person. about the chapter. Theta Xi is open to all who want to join and the organization does not hold discrimination. or animosity towards those on campus who want to have fun with them but dont want to oin. When we havea party or some kind of event, all are welcome with open arms, said Thet The Western Carolinian Pa | : Photo submitted by Theta Xi For Theta Xi, and all of the Greek organiza- tions at Western Caro- lina, the most impor- tant thing is becoming a family and helping those around you. If you are interested in becoming a member or finding out more infor- mation about Theta Xi, contact the Fraternity and Sorority Life of- fice at 828-227-7147 or Photo submitted by Abbie Findley Study Jordan Freeman Junior Editor Throughout most academic studies here at Western Carolina University, the profes- sors always talk about studying abroad and how it is a wonderful experience. Spend- ing time in another country, learning new languages, eating dif- ferent foods and meet- ing new people does sound pretty intrigu- ing. Morgan Taylor agrees that it is hard to find any faults with this opportunity. Taylor spent time studying abroad with the National | Resource program 1n Melbourne, Australia. This was not her first time being abroad, as she has alread visited places such as South Korea, Indone- sia and Beirut. When asked how she got interested in the study abroad pro- hear Taylor said, I ave always wanted to study overseas. Her first step was to submit an appli- cation to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, bet- ter known as RMIT University, which is an international university located in Melbourne. She had to write an essay, get letters of recommendation, send in a copy of her passport and more arduous processes in order to get in. When she found out that she got in, which was in the second week of June, she had less than a month until she left. Though she stated it was a little bit stressful, she said she did not have a A pee with only aving two weeks of getting packed and getting everything organized before she headed out to Austra- 1a. Besides studying, Taylor discussed, during her fifth week semester break, all of the exciting ad- ventures she had. She visited the city of Cairns, which is located on the east coast of Far North Queensland, where she participated in scuba gi hiked and zip lined through the rainforest. Another fun little adventure she went on happened after her semester ended, which was at the end of October. Since she was going to be in the country for a couple J more months, she spent the month of ovember traveling around. She and some friends rented a car and stopped around various cities, taking | in all of the sights and exploring what they had to offer. As stated above, Taylor attested that she could not find anything wrong with her time studying abroad. With every- thing she had done, who could blame her. However, she did me- ntion that it was a bit of a culture shock , when she arrived in the country. Though the people and the culture were, accord- ing to her, very nice and inviting, the lan- guage threw her off a bit. She discussed that, even though they were speaking English, they used words and manner- isms that she, as an American, did not know or was not ac- customed to. When asked what she thinks about students study- ing abroad, she of course, totall jumped at the idea, saying it gives people the experience to go to other countries and try things they pei ea would not e able to do in the states. My _ Ifyou are interested in the program Tay- lor was in or visiting Melbourne, there are certain steps you can take. In order to apply with the RMIT as an international student, you need to first apply to a program. When applying, make sure you check off on the abroad spotlight: Morgan Taylor entry requirements, such as academic requirements and selection task. Also, make sure you have the required docu- ments, such as a pass- port, certified copies of your academic transcript, evidence of English language roficiency and two etters of recommen- dation. There is also an application fee of $100 Australian dol- lars, which comes out to be $77.94 in Amerl- can currency. For more informa- tion about the RMIT program, you can visit au. _For more informa- tion about studying abroad through West- ern Carolina, you can call 828-227-7497 or e-mail international@ 4 y ;

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