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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 14

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN SERV PRG THE CULTOW HEE AREA STN CE Volume 77, Issue 14 Veterans Day - Some Gave Some, Some Gave All 9-3-3 November 11th, 2011 A look at this years wu basketball teams Read more on Page B-1 and B-2 ) Tuition and fees at WCU to rise again next year , _ David O. Belcher announced on Friday, Nov. 4 the appointment of a 15-member search - committee that will help select the universitys _ next director of intercollegiate athletics. - University Club having trouble without place to call home . Read more on Page 3 ) Before They Were Educators: Dr. Todd Collins ) Read more on Page 6 PE {OTO BY KALEN QUINN Seeger z . ike Gant, Contributing Writer For the 2012-13 school year, WCUs tuition and costs will again increase. The increases will be felt by all students attending the univer- sity and will be spread throughout the various charges and fees that make up the total cost of attendance. From Oct. 24-26, three open forums were held in the University Center Theatre to inform students and faculty.of the. impending changes and to elicit feedback on the proposed changes. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dr. Sam Miller presented the plan to the attendees. Proposed among the increases is a 6.5 per- cent increase in tuition, an increase of $194 for North Carolina undergraduates per year, as well as a 6.5 percent increase for North Caro- lina graduate students, for an increase of $217 per year. Instead of applying the same percent- age increase to out of state students who pay much higher tuition, WCU will continue. its longstanding policy of increasing out of state tuition the same dollar amount as in-state in- creases. Miller stressed in the forum that in light of the recent state funding cuts across the UNC system, tuition will likely increase more than Tyler Auffhammer, Staff Writer Flu season is beginning to rear its ugly head in the Whee, and many students have already '. felt the nasty effects of its potent virus. ' Western Carolina Universitys Health Cen- ter, headed up by Director Pam Buchanan, has - already taken preventative measures by stock- ing up on flu shots in hopes of routing the dis- ease once it begins making its rounds through the residence halls. - Buchanan said there is many ways to pre- vent getting the flu. Vaccination is one of the easiest ways to prevent getting the flu and spreading the flu vi- rus, she said. Flu shots are available on campus and pro- tect against several strains of flu, including typ- NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE: ay percent. For many years, a 6.5 percent in-_. crease has been the maximum increase allowed by the Board of Governors, but Miller believes that the Board of Governors will recommend a more substantial increase to make up for the disparity in state funding. Mandatory fees will increase in some areas as well, with the Education and Technology fee having a proposed increase of 31.8 percent, from $387 to $510 per year. Miller says that extraordinary cuts in state funding totaling some 13-16 percent necessitate the increase in the Education and Technology fee. He stated that these increases will help protect the aca- demic core of the institution. The only other increase in the mandatory fees category is in the transportation fee, with a proposed increase from $64 to $80 per year to help fund extended CatTran service from the main campus to Health and Human Sciences building across Highway 107. The remaining twelve categories under mandatory fees are proposed to remain the same during the 2012 academic year as they were during the 2011 year. Residential living costs will increase as well, with a 4.5 percent increase in costs for each ie with the exception of The Vil- ical seasonal flu and H1N1, commonly known : as Swine Flu. Buchanans urging for students to receive the vaccine follows in line with Health Servic- es observation of the Center for Disease Con- trols three-step approach to the flu. Directly from the CDCs website is the first step: obtaining a flu vaccination each year. While some people may decide to opt out of the flu shot, the CDC recommends the vac- cine because influenza is easier to prevent than to treat. Prescription antiviral drugs are available for those who contract the virus. The elderly, the very young, those with chronic health condi- tions, and pregnant women should all be treat- d immediately to prevent further complica- tions, according to the CDC. ZIP; age which will see no increase, and a 0.3 percent increase for Robertson double rooms. Remodeled and improved Harrill Hall is pro- posed to carry a cost of $4,400 for the 2012- : ah . Of retirement to serve as interim director of Concerns voiced by students all carried a athletics. similar tone, wondering where the additional - money to cover increased expenses would moe - and Needy Division of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. A former member of the and the condition of the economy into account WCU Board of Trustees and board chairman * from 2001 until 2003, Crocker is a member of _ the WCU Foundation Board. A 1974 graduate 2013 academic year. come from, and asking the Tuition and Fee Committee to take the concerns of students when writing the proposal. All feedback from students was. recorded, and will be presented to members of the Tuition - and Fee Committee at a future date. Miller said _ that the approval process for the proposed fees _ ' for U.S. Rep. Heath Shuler (D- N.C.). Former _ head football coach at Swain High School, is complex, with the proposal passing through the Chancellor, the WCU Board of Trustees, the UNC Board of Governors, and eventually _ athletics, he was president of the N.C. High the N.C. General Assembly. Miller expects that the final budget will be _ approved around June 2012. He also suggests that any students with input on the proposed tuition and fees who could not attend the open | forums direct their concerns to Student Body President T.J. Eaves, who is both a member of the Tuition and Fees Committee, as well as a -_ ball coach at Rice University (1989-93), Duke _ University (1994-98) and Lenoir-Rhyne Col- _ lege (2007-10), and at Franklin High School WCUss Health Services preparing for flu season rush (2001-05). member of the WCU Board of Trustees. For those who decide against the vaccine _ team. Vice president of the Student Athletic _ Advisory Council, Hodge is a member of the class of 2013. _ sneezing, talking, and touching, washing your | hands frequently with soap is essential to stay- - Club Board of Directors from 2005 until 2008, - Hollifield is a 1965 graduate of WCU and ' played on the WCU football team from 1962 possible, try to avoid close contact with sick and are still healthy, everyday preventative measures against the flu can be taken. As the flu virus spreads through coughing, ing healthy. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as this is th main way that germs enter the body, according to the CDC. If at all people as well. For those who have already contracted the flu. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $30 for North Carolina addresses $45 for other addresses MAIL PAYMENT TO The Western Carolinian PO Box 66, Cullowhee NC 28723 Athletic Director search committee announced From Staff Reports Western Carolina University Chancellor Belcher also announced that Collegiate Sports Associates, a North Carolina-based - executive search consulting firm, has been _ hired to assist the committee in its work. The _ firm was founded by Todd Turner, a 30-year , veteran of intercollegiate athletics administra- - tion whose career includes stints as director of - athletics at four major universities ~ the Uni- - versity of Connecticut, N.C. State University, 1 Vanderbilt University. and the ooo cal of Washington. , Shea Browning, associate general soul at WCU, is chairing the search committee, - which includes current and former student- - athletes, Catamount Club representatives, and - members of the external community with ex- _ perience in athletics administration. This committee features a broad cross sec- - tion of people who have a deep interest in Cat- amount athletics, Belcher said. I am urging the members of the committee to conduct this important search as quickly as possible. At the same time, I want them to take the time they need to conduct an extremely thorough search to ensure that we find the strongest possible ' leader who can take our athletics program to _ the level of excellence we expect. The committee will search for a permanent _ successor for C. Joseph Chip Smith, WCUs ' former director of athletics who held the posi- _ tion from September 2004 until Oct. 25 of this year. Fredrick Q..Cantler, WCUs longtime se- _ nior associate athletic director for internal op- _ erations, who retired in March after 33 years of athletics administration, agreed to come out Members of the search committee: Joseph D. Crocker, director of the Poor of WCU, he was a member of the mens ten- nis team. Boyce Dietz, regional field representative where he served for 20 years as director of School Athletic Association. A 1971 graduate of WCU who earned his masters degree from WCU in 1984, he is former director of the uni- versitys W Club. Fred Goldsmith, field representative for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. A resident of . Franklin, Goldsmith was formerly head foot- Samantha Hodge, current wcu student- athlete and a member of the womens soccer Dale Hollifield, retired customer service manager at UPS. A member of the Catamount until 1964. Gorham Bradley, WCU assistant director of athletics for development and director of the virus, there are some simple tricks to keeping your friends and colleagues from getting the Catamount Club. A 2004 graduate of WCU, Bradley isa former member and former coach _ of the mens golf team. Using a tissue to cover your nose and mouth | : coach. See FLU SEASON RUSH on Page3 Subscribe Today! : : versitys faculty athletics representative, serv- - ing as the: liaison between the faculty and the : Department of Athletics. He currently serves _ as president of the Southern Conference, and ran track and cross country at the University _ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Larry Hunter, WCU head mens basketball Gibbs Knotts, interim dean of the WCU College of Arts.and Sciences. Knotts is the uni- Dianne Lynch, WCU chief of staff. Greg Parsons, retired senior vice president _ with Blockbuster Entertainment. See ATHLETIC DIRECTOR on Page 2 QOH NWPIPPIMMPPP[MHHNUWHHUHHH 8 UE 0 > "E>. *e"> : Er Es ie "' ee i. 'F?'F'F=eTFT[f: Join the Conversation: WUHAN GAAA|HHMHHHAH/}HHNHNHNHNowoowyggg yyy yw yy 6 20 ri wy gy DW DBI og FFF. 8..." Twitter: @WCUsNewspaper Facebook: Website:

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