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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 04

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  • ot Interne ab te he could not view his Catamount emails. or - Blackboard. - ay. 2 Tts just slow. he- said, its sekibly Z 2 Ten WCU employees a jobs to budget cuts . Director of Writing Center speaks out on dismissal THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN SERVING THE CULLOWHEE A ReE* A Sil NiO E Volume 77, Issue 4 Visit us a t 493.3 March 25th, 2011 IT Services Tesponds to Internet complaints oe Lex Menz, News Editor NetFlix, YouTube, Facebook, Flikr, -~ Blackboard, and WebCat students want -* their websites, all of them, and in a quick Gos manner. Unfortunately.though, Western Car- : ae : ne olina Universitys bandwidth is not ais to. dates during @ seties of airport interviews _ March 4-5 in Atlanta, the search committee Complaiits Have been pocbine tel alee. _ provided a list of finalists to the WCU Board P PPR re oP - of Trustees for consideration. ery dormitory this year that the Internet is not . -. working or is too slow: In an effort to fix 1h Tuesday, March 15, agreed on a list of at least _ three finalists that has been forwarded to Tom ' Ross, UNC president, who will make his rec- support them all. ~~ Scott Swartzentruber, Director of Network- os ing and Communication at IT, and his team e replaced the campus bandwidth manage- - ment appliance on March 5. Swartzentruber, who has been working at IT for 16 years, explained that bandwidth is : also is chair of the Board of Trustees, said the "like a pipe of a certain size. The replaced ap- committee is on schedule to meet its goal of ~ having a new chancellor named and ready to - lead the university by July 1. _ pliance manages the flow of water and what . type of water (streaming media, academic _ sites, etc.) goes through the pipe. yo te However, there have still been problems, a according to the students. | ; SCO Bot plained slow. . Kristen Rivers in Buchanan Hall also said her connectivity was slow or that it was not ae . connecting at all. Her complaints came after - the upgrade in early March. Tts very. convenient when you have an ; online class, she said sarcastically. In reply, Swartzentruber was surprised at : ree Le Ply: a P _ ees received notification that their jobs would - the continuing issues. - It was my understanding that the slow yall he con ih the upopmine mouths as peut of Internet connection issues were resolved when we did this upgrade, he said. How- ed loss of approximately $8.6 million in state - funding for the 2011-12 fiscal year. ever, if problems persist, there will be a new upgrade too hopefully solve the problem. If there are continuing problems for stu- - YouTube clips, online movies, and music videos. dia, said Swartzentruber. Things like Hulu, NetFlix... are what make up the lions share of our bandwidth utilization. Streaming me- dia has always been a big portion... but start- ing last August when school opened for the Fall semester, we saw a significant increase. Since the end of the 2009-2010 school year, IT has seen a 25 percent increase of streaming media with those types of sites taking up 40 percent of me schools band- width. The rumors about bad connectivity cir- - cling campus are untrue according to Swart- _ zentruber, Students have been saying the __allow Internet onto campus. Swartzentruber insists that the answer to _ . students problems is to come to IT for help. _ Tf you know anyone that has been having | Subscribe Today! | truber. We can get in touch with them to de- issues since the fifth, Id ask that they contact, the IT help desk at ex. 7487, said Swartzen- termine what issues they are dealing with. ap Students can check the connectivity status of particular Internet systems, such as My - Cat and email, at ITs website (http://www. - IT can be reached by phone at (828)-227-7487 from 8 am. 5 __ p.m., Monday through Friday, or in person during the Hunter Library hours. Scott. Hall com- Concepcion steps down as head elder coach Read more on Page B-5 From Staff Reports The Search committee tasked with help- _ ing select Western Carolina Universitys next - _ chancellor has recommended a final slate of . candidates, and that list is now in the hands of the president of the University of North Caro- _ lina system. The search committee has been working since late October to help identify a succes- sor for John W. Bardo. Chancellor at WCU since March 1995, Bardo announced last fall his plans to step down from the position this summer. After interviewing a number of top candi- The WCU board, during a special meeting ommendation to the UNC Board of Governors for final approval. Search committee chair Steve Warren, who Although I cannot tell you specifics about - the candidates, I can tell you this: The quality - of those who want to be your next chancellor and their credentials are stellar, yy is ouistandings Justin Caudell, dale aah Ten Western Carolina University employ- be eliminated at or before April 1 and 15 more the universitys efforts to deal with the project- Among those let go in this first wave are : _ eight staff employees (subject to the State Per- dents, it could be because of their need for sonnel Act, or SPA) and two administrative - employees (exempt from the State Personnel : i : _ Act, or EPA) and are employed in several di- The real bandwidth hog is streaming me- visions across the university. The positions _ that were eliminated ranged from a university _ mechanic to the director of the campus writing - center. All of the inAviduele whose jobs are being eliminated will receive severance pay, if ap- . plicable, pay for unused vacation and bonus ~ leave, and 12 months of health insurance cov- - erage. Those subject to the State Personnel Act also will receive priority re-employment rights at any state agency for one year. Barbara Hardie, the Director of the Writing Center at WCU, said she was informed ver- _ bally by her supervisor that her position would _ be part of the campus-wide job eliminations on Internet was bad at Scott Hall because of the campus construction. Also, there was a _rumor that said Verizon was bought out and now the server boxes had to be replaced. | Both rumors are false. Westerns connection - does not involve Verizon but a non-profit company that runs the entire states school- ing system, including K-12 schools. Duke . Energy then provides fiber optic lines that - and our services part of the academic CON Feb. 16 and was released from her duties atthe beginning of March. Hardie had been employed by WCU since 1992, starting as a part-time English instruc- tor and working her way up to Director of the Writing Center in 2000. J was as much at risk as anybody, but I didnt anticipate my specific position being cut. In truth, I considered the Writing Center Hardie said. She is grieving for being fet go from the center because she cared for it as if was her NAME: =" ADDRESS: GHEY; STATE: PHONE: The reason is simple. It is because of is ret Miss Me Kate ee this weekend at FPAC Read more on Page B-6 15 | Chancellor - search n now in n hands of UNC president Before They Were Educators: Dr. Kenneth Price >. Read more on Page B-4 1 i a PHOTO , jon Roe pecan a the any of. North eoling een aed! at a ene at Western Carolina : University last fall what waits he believed the next WC U chancellor should have. ineeike of Chancellor Toba bs over these past 16 years, and it is because of the contributions of all of you who teach and work _at Western Carolina to help implement a shared vision of excellence, he said. Together, you have taken this university to another level. Ev- own child, but is also angry at the administra- tion and is not hiding it. When I first walked into the center, it _ looked like a doctors office, clinical and unin- vitingthe ficus tree was dying, Hardie said, I turned my attention to my new mission as I would an abandoned childnurturing her, strengthening him. I now feel as though my rescued child has died. I am grieving. On the other hand, Im furious that our administration has so little connection with what the Writing Center does in Hunter 161 that they dismantle and rearrange the people involved as though they were Legos or Lincoln Logs. | The Writing Center, which began in 1975 and serves hundreds of students a semester, will continue despite Hardies departure, but in a different form. According to Dr. Carol Bur- ton, the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Under- graduate Studies at WCU and who oversees . the Writing Center, the center is currently be- ing administered by Leah Hampton, who is the Writing Centers Interim Associate Director. Over the summer months, the Writing Center will be combined with another tutoring center, - Catamount Academic Tutoring, under the su- pervision of Chesney Reich. Hardie is unsure what she will do next for employment and is currently taking time to herself. T am a reader, writing, thinker, and teach- ernot only by vocation but also by passion, and I will continue these activities in some _ way, Hardie said. Right now, I need time to recover. What sounds good to me today is to have tea with a friend, rake the leaves in my front yard so the grass can benefit from the sitet rain, oe read this Wa New York- er magazine. She also plans to stay in the Cullowhee area. My husband and I both love Jackson Countyits stunning mountains and valleys, ZIP: eryone wants to ey on a eae team, and : rol ( anag mesouices for the UNC system. fir dons, cane oe trustees and Somuisanity members. Throughout the process, the committee has worked with Jerry Baker of Baker and Associ- _ ates, a national executive search firm with of- fices in Winston-Salem and Atlanta, and with _ Ann Lemmon, associate vice president 2) bv rivers and creeks, and the hiking trails that take us up, down, and through this magical landscape, Hardie said. Although I grew up dn El Paso, Texasthe mountainous Chihua- huan desertmy mother was from Boone. For many summers as I child, I traveled from the dry brutal heat of El Paso to the cool cool green landscape of western North Carolina. I remain committed to the places and the people of Jack- son County. In addition to the elimination of Hardies position and the nine others, between now and July 1, university leaders also anticipate elimi- nating approximately 15 other positions, of which three are staff (SPA) and 12 are fixed- term faculty or administrative (EPA). Most of the 15 additional positions are _ See JOB CUTS, Page 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES -: $30 for North Carolina addresses | $45 for other addresses MAIL PAYMENT TO The Western Carolinian PO Box 66, Cullowhee NC 28723 yr src rae mags Join the Conversation: Twitter: @WCUsNewspaper Facebook: www. facebook com/wcunews Websters www. westerncarolinian. com 4 rianainnnnnninreeninnnemnivuetl SAAN,

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