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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

items 18 of 28 items
  • hl_westerncarolinian_2004-11-02_vol69_no06_18.jpg

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  • 18 'House of EDUCATION _ Keever- WCnewsmagazine Senate Race compiled by Mallary Warner Erskine Bowles Jobs and Economy * wants to create new jobs and keep existing ones in North Carolina and America * provide more training opportunities for North Carolinians Health Care * expanding health care coverage on a step-by-step basis * help prevent the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs for everyone + provide heath insurance for the unemployed Education * improving public schools funds * increase federal funding * fight for funding for No Child Left Behind because right now its an unfunded federal mandate + wants to revolve loan funds for school construction in every state * NC needs to hire over 90,000 new teachers within the next ten years and he supports local funding for NC teachers that will make them better teachers Environment * fighting for the environment is at the highest levels * supports research and developments that will reduce the greenhouse effect, gas emissions, and oil consumption * believes in investing in alternative energies _ Foreign Policy : + stop all new trade agreements until Washington D.C. makes tougher laws on illegal imports and certifying all existing and legal trade agreements * believes in putting safety first e In favor of reducing class size e In favor of increasing teachers pay e Supports to amend and in favor of legislation to help fund no child left behind act e In favor of expanding early childhood education programs, such as Smart Start, e In favor of increasing funding for special education programs e In favor of expanding access to higher education In favor of improving teaching conditions and teacher quality, especially in rural Western North Carolina. ECONOMY Keever- e In favor of bringing responsible fiscal spending back to Washington e In favor of eliminating tax breaks from companies and corporations who outsource e In favor of tax incentives to hopefully strengthen the over all work force e In favor of assistance to small businesses; i.e. giving them the tax breaks that otherwise outsourcing companies would gain SOCIAL ISSUES Richard Burr Jobs and Economy * wants to create new jobs and raise wages Health Care * voted yes on limiting prescription drug benefits for medical recipients * voted yes on small business association for buying heath insurance Education * supports requiring schools to allow prayer in school * wants to give funding to public schools * voted yes on allowing vouchers in D.C. schools and voted no on _ vouchers in private schools and parochial schools Environment P P * voted yes on speeding up an approval for the forest thinning projects Foreign Policy urges China to respect religious freedom * voted yes on withholding $244M in UN Back Payments until the US is restored no permanent trade with China voted yes on replacing illegal export tax epresentatives Race compiled by Ben Brooks Taylor- In favor of supporting vouchers for private and parochial schools, which will allow the government to aid money to low income families who cant afford private or religious schools Is in support of school prayer during the war on terrorism In favor of supporting an amendment to the constitution that will allow school prayer In favor of states providing testing for students to keep track of their progress; spun from no child left behind act Taylor- e In favor of decreasing over all taxation of the wealthy e In favor of more immigrant visas for skilled workers, which hopefully helps the economy Supports the expansion of free trade; in favor of withdrawing from the World Trade Organization e ls opposed to reducing the use of oil, coal and nuclear energy Taylor- Keever- e In favor of supporting a womans rights to choose (abortion) e In favor of strong gun laws e In favor of supporting and aiding veterans e In favor of protecting mountain resources, i.e. prevent pollutants from coming across state lines and hold neighboring states accountable if such does happen e In favor of providing affordable healthcare In favor of strongly opposing a woman's right to choose (abortion) In favor of banning gay adoptions Opposes more federal funding for health coverage In favor of privatizing social security In favor of the death penalty In favor of absolute right to gun ownership; also prohibiting suing gun makers and clerks for gun misuse e In favor of allowing churches to provide welfare services

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).