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Western Carolinian (Volume 69 Number 05)

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  • hl_westerncarolinian_2004_vol69_no05_02.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • From the Editor desk... Oe Editor-in-Chief Jessica Jarrard Executive Producer Jennifer Wilkey -Dear Readers, Staff Writers Ben Brooks As you can see, this paper is quite differ- oul ie ent than any others we have put out in the Ryan Fussell Sara Halterman past. With a new staff, and new idea, a few Brandy Kiger _ things in the paper are a little different. Lay- Danelle Nicholson _ outs have changed quite a bit. A few sec- peli Ursis _ Jennifer Scism tions have been added as well. We hope Emily Weaver _ you like it! Traci White | This is a special issue, as It Is dedicated Contributing Writers Laura.dydalotte to the two students who lost their lives earlier Todd Jambon this month. Outdoor recreation Is something Copy Editors serieson Alam | many students at Western enjoy. This issue Joseph Ross | discusses many of the popular outdoor ac- . |... J ; Design Layout Andrew Burton | tivities, and ways to avoid danger while out- doors. Photographer Caitlyn Campbell _ Our thoughts are with the family and Bistribution Ban Boake friends of those students who died. Darius Foster Advisor John Moore Sincerely, WCnewsmagazine is a Western Carolina Univer- sity independent student publication. The infor- mation within does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the universitys adminis- tration, faculty, or staff. Jessica Jarrard Editor-in-Chief We provide information by, for, and about WCU students. WC is available free on the campus of Western Carolina University. We are located on campus in the Old Student Union building and can be reached at (828) 227-7267 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1 - 5 P.M. - or - E-mail us at WC@WCU.EDU for marketing op- portunities, submission requirements, desirable content and file formats. Front Page Photo Credits Brad Pastir - Grand Teton photo (big in center of page Andrew Burton - Jeep/ORV photo Sarah Brady - BCC trip photo of Worleys Cave in Bluff City, TN

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).