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Western Carolinian Volume 64 (65) Number 31

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  • May 3, 2000 GET A LIFE 15 Movie Review Portman Discovers 'Where the Heart Is' by Jenni Bartels Staff Writer In the movie Where The Hearth, based on the novel of the same name by Billie Letts, Natalie Portman (The Professional, Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom Menace) is Novalee Nation, a pregnant seventeen-year-old girl who has never lived in anything that didn't have wheels. She and her boyfriend Willie Jack (Dylan Bruno of Carrie 2: The Rage and Saving Private Ryan) are leaving Tennessee for California in a beat-up, piece of crap car, complete with a hole in the bottom of it for easy and efficient littering. However, on the way to the sun state, they stop at a Wal-Mart in Sequoyah, Oklahoma, where Willie Jack leaves poor Novalee stranded barefoot and pregnant, in the most literal sense of the phrase. After six weeks of living in Wal-Mart, she gives birth to her daughter, Americus Nation, and meets a variety of interesting people that quickly become friends. Novalee decides it's time to rebuild her life and plant herself in Sequoyah with her new, somewhat eccentric friends, including Sister Husband (Stockard Channing from the infamous Grease and Practical Magic), Lexi Coop (Ashley /— Judd of A Time To Kill and Simon Birch fame), and Moses Whitecotton, played by Keith David (primarily a television actor, he was also in the recent box office flop Pitch Black), to name just a few of the quirky bunch that comprises the small town. Then there's Forney Hull (James Frain of Reindeer Games and The Devil's Advocate), who is crazy for Novalee. Novalee, of course, sees him only as a friend. With a bit part from Joan Cusack (High Fidelity, Grosse Point Blank) as Ruth Meyers and a cameo courtesy of Sally Field (Mrs. Doubtfire, Forrest Natalie Portman (left) and Stockard Channing star in photo courtesy Twentieth Century Fox ' Where the Heart Is." Gump) as Novalee's good-for-nothing mother, this^ is definitely a strong, solid cast. Natalie Portman is going to be with us for a long time if she continues to give such strong performances. She breathes life into Letts' Novalee with big wondering eyes and endearing vigor and force, even with Where the Heart Is Directed by Matt Williams Starring: Natalie Portman Ashley Judd ***• *****SeeitNOW * "k * ~k See it relatively soon * * ^r Wait for the video * * Watch for it on USA ir See it in Hell... Over and over again all that latex around her belly. Her character's ignorant but resilient nature is captured with Portman's own expressiveness. Novalee evolves before our eyes from a lost baby with a baby into an accomplished and strong woman. Portman's powerful stage pres- —x ence in this movie has assured me, personally, that not only will this not be the last of her leading roles, but that she is in no jeopardy of being known only as Queen Amidala. Judd also gives a characteristically wonderful performance as Lexi who, with Novalee's strength and encouragement, inevitably becomes a strong woman as well. Her unbelievable bad luck with men leaves her with all kinds of children, with names out of a candy store rather than a baby book. Joan Cusack, as usual, is left with a minute part that doesn't give her nearly the credit she deserves. She's doomed to playing supporting roles until the day she dies. Cusack is heroic in her acting endeavors because she puts her heart into even the smallest of roles; she does her character more justice than is deserved for this particular bit part. Stockard Channing's character, Sister Husband, is one of the most loveable of all the characters in this movie, with her prayers of forgiveness for incessantly "fornicating on the kitchen table" with Mr. Sprock (Richard Jones), her painfully decrepit truck, and most importantly, her generous and loving nature. Frain is excellent as the quirky 'library guy' who's in love with Novalee. His desperation for her affections is touching and his compassion for her daughter, Americus, is endearing. He too, evolves in this movie; he goes from a frantic, nervous wreck guy to a mature and solid man. I hope to see him in more movies in the future. This is actually a pretty good movie. It follows in the same vein as Fried Green Tomatoes with its strong story (based on a best-selling novel) and a plethora of memorable, idiosyncratic characters living in a small, rural, southern town. It is a chick flick, I'll tell you right now, but even the butchest of guys may get a kick out of a few parts. This movie has all of the all-important elements to the stereotypic "feel-good movie": Strong characters, a few tragedies, a lot of laughs and that all too crucial happily ever after ending. Where The Heart Is is by no means the deepest or most original movie I've ever seen, and though it has the dynamic duo components of Thelma and Louise with Judd and Portman, I don't see this becoming a contemporary classic. However, if you're in a good mood, or want to be, watch this movie; it's a heartwarming and well-written story with a message of hope and the reassurance that there are good people in this world—they just live in dumpy little towns. Book Review On the Prowl with 'The Cat Who Robbed a Bank' by Virginia Culp Staff Writer As mainstream, serialized fiction goes, Lilian Jackson Braun's latest novel, The Cat who Robbed a Bank, is not bad. But, to be honest, it isn't that good, either. Not having read any of the previous 22 "Cat Who..." installments, I cannot say how it measures up comparatively. I can, however, say that I went into this reading experience looking for clever dialogue, witty characters and a semi-suspenseful plot. I emerged with a new-found (and detailed) familiarity with the prevailing fashions, dining options and topics of gossip of Moose County. While I am gratified to have enlarged my scope of knowledge in this way, I feel sure that there could have been more to the story. The tale takes place in a small town called Pickax (don't ask where this is—I just know that it's cold), which seems to be populated almost entirely by people of Scottish ancestry. The main character is a newspaper columnist named Merlin James ("Jim") Qwilleran, who lives in a barn and has a propensity for long-winded speeches. The plot revolves around the mysterious death of a wealthy, mysterious estate jewelry dealer from Chicago, the subsequent disappearance of his so- called niece (read: buxom, flirtatious, equally mysterious assistant), and the implication of a champion of the Highland Games. Now comes the fun part: Qwilleran's cat leads the bumbling humans through a maze of clues to discover the identity of the killer. How, you ask? Very simple— Koko unrolls paper towels, licks photographs, tosses pencils and takes inordinate interest in pennies. Credulity strained yet? Try the cat's uncanny ability to sniff out a good read from the library shelves, unerringly choosing a piece of literature with direct ties the situation at hand. I have to admit that this was a little much even for a confirmed lover of fairy tales and fantasy like myself. Perhaps if I had not jumped into this series midstream, it would not have seemed so ludicrous. Lilian Braun must be doing something right to have been published so many times, and I have heard good things about her work. Therefore, I will refrain from writing The Cat Who Robbed a Bank off as an absurd combination of cutsie animal story and sophisticated mystery, and merely state that it did not grip my interest as other novels have done. One thing is sure, however—Braun certainly knows her cats. Their antics and comments (minus the imaginative stretch required for the psychic detective part) were entertaining and realistic. I would urge anyone who likes animals and mysteries to draw his or her own opinion on The Cat Who Robbed a Bank, and for those who take my advice— you're in luck! The novel is available at City Lights bookstore in Sylva.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).