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Western Carolinian Volume 64 (65) Number 23

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  • 14 WESTERN CAROLINIAN GET A LIFE March 1,2000 Students Travel to Grand Tetons with WEA Course by Johnnie Mickel Staff Writer Many Western Carolina University students seem to believe that the hills we have to climb are the worst and most difficult in the whole world. However, this is not the case. Most mountains outside the east coast rise far into the atmosphere and many are snowcapped throughout the year. Many of us will never get the chance to explore these areas unless we take the initiative to visit these places. One way is to take advantage of the opportunity presented by the Wilderness Education Course provided by WCU. The Wilderness Education Course encompasses many different aspects of leadership, such as how to travel in snow, how to be prepared, and the ability to lead a group of 10 safely in the wilderness. This course is worth three university credits if completed, and students can choose between a Wilderness Education Association National Certificate course or a Steward Preliminary outdoor leadership course. "These courses provide mainly technical skills training and personal growth experiences," said Maurice Phipps, WEA instructor. The course being described will be held in the Targee National Forest on the western slope of the Grand Tetons from June 14-27. The course will meet at the Badger Creek Outdoor Center in Tetonia, Idaho. Students who decide to attend the course need to provide transportation from WCU to Idaho. This course is limited to 12 participants, not including staff, and is first-come, first-served. Different students will lead on different days; students are expected to keep a journal on leadership and decision-making that will provide feedback for that day's leader, which will eventually be each student. Leaders will have to make good decisions that involve dealing with conflict, and will be taught three fundamental focuses: judgment, such as "why should we camp here?"; what leadership truly is and how to lead properly; and important decision-making. "This is not a survival or a go 'til you drop experience, but it is physically and mentally demanding. This course is recommended for those that are interested in a career in the outdoors and enjoy working in the outdoors," said Phipps. Other interesting things that will be taught include: environmental ethics, nutrition and ration planning, equipment selec- photo courtesy Maurice Phipps A group of Western Carolina students enjoy the view from this summit in the Grand Tetons. tion and use, weather, navigation, and many more. "Most of the trip will involve spring mountaineering," said Maurice Phipps, one of the instructors. According to Phipps, for the whole trip they will be camping mostly in the snow. "This is good training in different environments," said Phipps. Phipps became involved with the WEA 18 years ago. While living in Minnesota, he attended a WEA trip, and eventually taught the first WEA course at Western. Where Have All the Tampons Gone? Warning! The following opinions about a woman !v time of the month may be too much for some of our male readers. Proceed with caution. Okay. The good news is: at least I'm not having it during Spring Break when I will be wearing a bikini. The bad news is that "Fred" decided to pay me a visit on Monday when I knew that there was no way I would be able to return home before 11 that night. Sure, periods aren't the most talked about subject by guys. Most of them get that squeamish look like their girlfriends just mentioned a new rare airborne disease that will strip any guy's manhood away. Come on! Most of them seem to have no problem with that area of a female's body any other time of the month, besides - the only pitter patter of little feet that most women want to hear while in college is the sound of their feet running to their Sam class. Only girls can truly understand the feeling of sheer horror as the realization sinks in that "Fred" has just decided to pay an early visit in the middle of a class. Even better yet, a girl from another class borrowed the last emergency tampon. Oh joy! The adventure begins. Already feeling self conscious and try- 61/ Crystal Srame ing to politely find the nearest exit without the class looking up, I quickly mutter some excuse to my friend sitting next to me and dash out the door to the ladies' room in Coulter. The door swings open and as I see the gleaming silver dispenser, I breathe in a sigh of relief. Thank you, God! At last, this nightmare is over! As I place a dime into the slot (clue #1: a phone call doesn't even cost $.10 anymore), I turn the knob and... nothing happens. The damn thing took my dime! I try again, but still I have no luck, so I run upstairs to try another bathroom. Still, nada. Zip. Houston, we have a problem. I see a janitor outside of the bathroom and ask her if she has any idea of anywhere I can find a tampon, pad, anything to keep Noah from having to build another ark. "Honey," she says. "The administration said that it cost too much to keep those machines stocked, so they quit filling those things up a long time ago." Wwhhaattt!!!!! The entire female population will probably agree that feminine products cost way too much, but we don't have much of a choice in the matter, now do we?! After making a phone call to Auxiliary Services, I found that the administration stopped stocking these machines back in the 90s. Does the administration realize how cruel it is to leave these machines up without any sign stating that they are no longer available? Female students have bigger issues to worry about, like passing their accounting class, than how to prevent the crimson wave from showing. Random note: Toilet paper seems to find places on a woman's body that only thongs know about. Besides, toilet paper has never worked, especially when girls first tried it during eighth grade RE. class. How can the administration expect female students to succeed when no steps are taken to help keep the vending machine stocked with feminine products? No woman can concentrate on schoolwork without a tampon during that blessed time of the month. Chancellor Bardo, sir, I direct this at you because I don't know who can rectify this problem, but talk to your wife or any other female on this campus and they will probably all agree that saving money by discontinuing stocking the dispensers in the ladies' rooms on campus will not protect the overall budget on this campus. There is nothing worse than a group of PMSing women without tampons. The situation can get ugly quickly. Please, dear Chancellor, go to Free samples are available. Students who attend will need to bring along personal equipment, such as clothing and boots; a list will be provided well in advance of the trip To become involved in this course, interested students need to contact Maurice Phipps at (828) 227-3844 or write to the Department of Health and Human Performance, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC, 28723-9018. The cost for in-state undergraduates is $885; out of state undergraduates $968.00. A $ 100 non-refundable deposit is required. 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Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).