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Western Carolinian Volume 64 (65) Number 21

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  • WESTERN CAROLINIAN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR February 16, 2000 Mr. Glover and Mr. Justice: Dear Editor, The performance by Mr. Danny Glover and Mr. Felix Justice on the evening of February 9, 2000 was an incredible portrayal of the attitudes, beliefs and lives of two historically influential African-Americans. Driven to the Ramsey Center for the experience of seeing Danny Glover perform in person became a lost issue of motivation by the end of the performance. Instead, my reason for being there had elevated to the opportunity to witness true- to-life, passionate and emotional presentations by two professionals with a true understanding of history and the part that both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Langston Hughes played in the creation and expression of that history. I must also comment that I was very pleased to see the large turnout for this performance. Perhaps some came with A Wake Up Call Dear Editor, This is more of a warning than anything else ... this is a wake up call to America's elite and America's underprivileged, a wake up call to whites and blacks alike ... hell this is a call to all people of all colors. I tell you now situations is only gonna worsen if we as a people do not start unifying we as a people gonna keep dying. I look out on this world, this state, this campus and I see little or no unity. This ■ sight hurts my heart. For without unity I fear things will only worsen between us. I, as a man, educator and educatee, philosopher, prophet, lover and brother see the main obstacle standing in the way of our unity in understanding our diversity. For how can you unify if you have no desire to understand why? Why people are forced to act the way they do. This understanding comes only after a true effort is made, and to be truthful no white male in the United States of America can ever totally understand how it feels to be oppressed, solely because of your color or sex. This is a fact. However this is no excuse. You can try to understand, I know you can, I do it everyday. Challenge yourselves, remove yourselves from your positions of complacency and force yourself to see the, sad but, true America. I pray you will not like what you see. I pray that you will want to change Attention Fitness Center: Dear Editor, Is WCU spawning couch potatoes'? I am a CIS major here and I think that all of the current improvements for computing on the campus are great. However, I recently went to play racquetball with my girlfriend at the Ramsey center. The plan was to play for an hour or two, then maybe go up to Reid gym to play basketball for a while. Unfortunately, when we arrived at Ramsey, we found out that the racquetball courts were closed. In fact, the only time they are open is on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Slightly dispondant at this fact, Thank you and I'm Sorry motivation similar to mine, to see one of the greatest actors today, or to gain extra credit for a class, but I hope that most, if not all, left willing to come back for the educational impact the performance had. I must also express a concern for the reputation of the student body as a whole that I feel was damaged by the few who chose to arrive late, or leave early and/or who were disruptive to the audience with constant movement or talking. This behavior is not accepted at student performances on campus at Coulter or Hoey Auditoriums, and I am disappointed that it was so widespread and accepted at a performance of this caliber. I am sure that others felt the same. To Mr. Glover and Mr. Justice, I can simply speak for myself in saying thank you for your time, if only for the influence it had on my life. Eric Schmieder this country and make it what it was originally intended to be, the land of the free. America, a country supposedly based on state, economic, social, and cultural unity, instead seems to be based on hypocrisy. This hypocrisy runs deep into our fabric of American pride. Oh yeah we are the melting pot, allegedly all equal, stirred in together, but you know there is a dominate flavor, the taste of which sours my palette. Surely we are proud of our forefathers, yet we will not even dedicate more than 30 days of the year to the Four million, bounded, fathers that created, maintained, sustained, and developed our country. The sad fact is instead of America recognizing these truths to be self evident they hide them away and prevent. Prevent the U.S. from becoming what it really should be, us. It is coming, I feel it in the air, soon it will be here. It has got different names but the goal is the same, Revelation, Armageddon, or Revolution. The only solution, is a resolution, a commitment for infinity, a commitment to unity. The power of you and me, together there is no stopping see. For we, are the one, one mind, one origin, one soul, once this is realized ... well hell you know. Thank you Zachariah LeQuire Cater to More Students! we decided to go play basketball at Reid. When we arrived, there were intramurals in progress as well as several pickup games. Then it dawned on me, unless you play intramurals, or have a PE class, it is hard to do anything but lift weights in the fitness center (and you can only do that during certain times, since Reid closes at 5 on Saturday.) Oh, to become a internet junkie, or a couch potato! That's what we are all spending our parent's money to become. Spudfully yours, Adrian Jelley Another NEW Format for Dear Ms. Gerdts, Congratulations on your new position at the radio station as the manager, but you are not the "first" woman to be the WWCU Z91 manager. Yancey [Mayfield], a woman, was the first manager of the radio station the fall semester my freshman year. I was here for the freshman step program the summer before she was a manager. That summer the radio station had given a survey to the students on what format the radio station should be. Of course they had voted to do away with the top-40 format that it once had been. The paper made a big deal of the survey, because not even a third of the students were here to take the survey about changing the radio format. While Yancey was in charge the radio station had the music set up in a show format. For example from 11 am-1 pm they had the Classic Rock Cafe, 8pm-11pm was the Rap and R&B section, then from 11-1 am was the all request show. During the rest of the day they played Classic and Alternative Rock. After Yancey graduated Dino took over and we were back to the "High School top-40" format that we listen to today. From the students that I have talked to they do not care too much for the top-40 format and they would like to hear something different. I saw Yancey during the '98 fall semester and I told her that I wish that she was still in charge of the radio station instead of Dino. She told me that she had had some of Dino's people come up and tell her that they had no idea what Dino was up to and that he was crazy for changing the format. I guess they knew that the station would lose listeners if it was changed. This has occurred. I now try to listen to three other radio stations in the car through static so I will not be forced to listen to the school station or just play tapes. College is a place for a person to grow the Radio Station up not only socially and academically but also through the type of music that we listen to. Back in the '80's the Alternative Rock of today was known as "College Rock." I myself did not care for Alternative Rock in High School I listened to Classic Rock instead. When I came up here this was, and still is, the only station that was around that anyone could pick up and I came to like listening to the format that Yancey had set up here at Z91, or as it was called then Power 91. Thanks to the top-40 format that Z91 has, the students are forced to buy CD's so that we do not get stuck in this top-40 rut. Most of your format appeals to the middle school and high school aged kids. Like Spears, NSYNK aka NSUK as Dave Letterman calls them, and the Backdoor Boys 1 mean Backstreet Boys. These three bands are just an example of how the radio station has regressed instead of progressed since Yancey left. If you want more sponsors, try getting away from the top-40 stuff for a while and see what happens. Or you can put a link to your home page from the schools page as well. I heard that $35,000 of the students tuition money goes towards the funding of the radio station. Talk about a rip off! We not only have to listen to a top-40 format but also through static, even on campus! What happened to the clearer signal that we once had a year or so ago? Not enough funding? Why do you need so much money to begin with when the DJ's do not even get paid for playing music? Will you start to pay the DJ's if you get more sponsors? If you like having a woman to look up to as a hero look up to Yancey, because she was the greatest manager that WWCU has ever had. This is a BIG HINT! PLEASE reconsider the top-40 format, and you might just get those sponsors and the listeners back that were lost thanks to Dino. David Whiteheart Submitting Letters to the Editor The Carolinian welcomes letters from its readers. Letters printed contain the expressions and values of their authors. The Western Carolinian reserves the right to refuse publication of letters containing defamatory statements or obscenities. All entries must be signed (first and last name) and no longer than 250 words. yni WESTERN m^T Carolinian Phone: 22: Fax: 22' ''043 • e-mail*. carolinian€!wcuiedu PO Box 66 • Cullowhee NC • 28723 Crystal Frame, Editor-in-Chief Seth R. Sams, Managing Editor Jeffrey Sykes, News Editor Dawn Pasley, Asst. News Editor Alex Esmon, Features F-ditor Holly Rhodarmer, Asst. Features Editor Daniel Hooker. Sports Editor Nichole I lardy, Production Manager Laura Hyatt, Advertising Manager Family Moore, Copy Editor Contributing Writers Robby Brown, Hannah Crane. Virginia Culp. Brett Knight, Michael Lewis, Daniel Menestres, Denise Merritt, Johnnie Mickel, Mike Poston, Matt Rogers. Annie Sechrist John Moore, Advisor

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).