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Western Carolinian Volume 60 Number 18

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Ventilated 2/2/95 ■Mother Images" Cont . from p. 2 gument. Quite unexpectedly, he began bashing women who had had abortions. Sarah had begun defending these women even though she was instantly filled with disgust at herself for swallowing her brother's bait. From her darkest depths, she pushed back the image of a fetus on a hook. Her mother had joined in the argument with the simple intention of ending it with one sweeping statement: "Abortion is wrong; it is against God's law and is due to sin in the world." Sarah grimaced ironically. These statements were her mother's arsenal and her strongest bulwark. Her mother knew that after such a statement Sarah would be completely disarmed because she was powerless against her mother's blind faith. But this faith had placed a barrier between them; Sarah had for a long time refused to accept the idea of a god. This lack of belief had destroyed a bond between them which had existed during her childhood, she now had to hide parts of herself from her mother's searching eyes. Sarah lit a cigarette and put The Fall into the cassette player. The singer bellowed: "It was-uh the fault-uh of the goverment-uh." She remembered suddenly her mother's slit wrist. Sarah had only been about ten. When her mother began screaming for Anna she had not even heard her. A dreamy child, she had probably been deep in an imaginary world with her stuffed animals or locked intently into a book. She could recall only her mother coming home from the hospital with a heavy white cast, her eyes tired and sad. As she stubbed out her cigarette, in her mind rose fn image of herself, a scrawny girl staring at oloody glass in the garbage can. Had It been an accident- this slit wrist, so deep it cut tendons and caused nerve damage? Had her mother stood horrified as she gazed at the blood sparkling on the bright glass? Such a violent deed would have to be repugnant to such a devout woman, even one driven to despair. Perhaps the sudden dizziness and blind panic compelled her to scream for help. "My mother- undone by blind panic and blind faith" Sarah murmured. As Sarah watched, the highway led them inexorably forward to the place where her mother lived. Her mother would perhaps be waiting with her homemade chicken pot pie. As a young girl, Sarah could remember standing on a small stool, in her hands a bowl of a floury mixture. How she had loved spooning the flour into the electric mixer and watching it magically combine with eggs, butter, and sugar to create cookies or cake. She remembered her little girl's pride in being able to help her mother in this process of creation. Sarah and her mother, their cheeks rosy from the heat of the oven and their own exertion, in this way shared much transitory happiness. But eventually the cookies finish baking, are quickly eaten and the moment is gone. As the car brought them closer to her mother's house, Sarah's thoughts became more occupied with the present and her fragmented images of her mother began to recede like so many shards of glass. The W is a literary review for not only the best and brightest talents here at WCU, but for absolutely anyone who finds themselves struck by their own personal muse. So send us your very finest literature or artwork today! Also: the winner at the end of the semester for the best poem, story, photo, art, etc. will receive something cool. Please send weekly submissions to: Ventilated Voice, P.O. Box 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. •10% discount on orders placed on or before Feb. 10 •Place orders on or before Feb. 13 to assure delivery on Valentine's Day •Free campus/Cullowhee delivery- Friday, Saturday and Monday Bridging the gap between culture!).., 20 W. Main St. (Beside Lulu's) | 1 1 631-0010 Sylva, NCfe

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).