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Western Carolinian Volume 59 Number 15 (16)

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  • Page 4 Opinion January 27,1994 Western Carolinian Editorials Hayley Nicholas Associate Editor The ERA "is about a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave theirhusbands,kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."- Rev. Pat Roberts, Christian Coalition. This quote does several things for me. I have it pasted to my refrigerator door at home. Nearly every time I see it my initial reaction is to chuckle. Next it makes me think, and then it frightens me a little. I am thankful to the Reverend Pat Robertson for this little gem of words. It offers the answer to a question I encounter quite regularly. Why will anojherwise intelligent, articulate, strong-willed woman or man deny and refuse the label of feminist? The answer to my query, as demonstrated by Robertson, i s that femmismhas incurred a bad name and an even worse image. Itseems that some women and men feel uncomfortable allying themselves with a word that calls forth the Women: Front and Center Feminism in the 90's image of a man-hating, bra-burning bull dyke. Whether the phenomenon of this image is due to misunderstanding, misconceptions or malicious intent on the part of staunch supporters of the status quo of the 1950's such as Robertson, such an image is far too narrow and patently false in most cases. Perhaps we should start with what feminism is. Feminism can encompass some of the things Robertsonoutlines. Therearefemi- nist who are socialist. Ther are lesbians who align themselves with feminism, and some feminists even believe that capitalism is not terribly conducive to equality of the sexes. But to charge feminists, and specifically proponents of the ERA, with all that Robertson accuses them of is intrinsically ridiculous. He's lumping together near-truths and outlandish falsehoods and perpetuating a harmful stereotype by doing so. In the thirty years since the term "feminism" came into popular usage, it has grown into an established, accepted school of WEtUajSW...uie A.m&_,00UJJUN w& nwjeies. WESTERN CAROLINIAN SUBSCRIPTION OFFER The Western Carolinian is available by subscription for $1.00 per issue. There will be 12 issues printed each semester. All subscriptions must be pre-paid. Send this coupon along with a check or money order to: Western Carolinian, PO Box 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Name Address Phone thoughtandwayoforderingworld view. Feminist theories have been constructed to explain phenomena and answer questions verified in academic fields such as sociology, psychology, economics, literary criticism and anthropology in addition to the realm of everyday life. There are three different types of feminism, each with different origins, tenets and adherents. Liberal feminists are the ones Robertson portrays so poorly in his statement. These women and men work towards and believe in the need for political, legal and economic equality of the sexes. Their means of achieving equality fall within established systems, such as working to pass the ERA. Socialist or Marxist feminists object to established, antiquated systems. Women and men who adhere to this way of thinking feel that our economic system relies upon the unpaid, domestic labor and under-paid, often menial labor of women. The thing is that our economic system, like itornot, is changing as more women enter the work force and move up through economic hierarchies. The third breed of feminism is radical feminism. The most extreme adherents of this branch do indeed call for total rejection of anythingmaleand ultimately separate societies, but the shock value of these ideas is no different from the shock value and extremist notions Robertson is perpetuating with the ramblings. In fact, most radical feminists focus on the inherent inequalities present in our language, legal sys- tem,society and culture. One must be shocking sometimes simply to make someone else think about something they do without thinking. I do hope that this short discourse has elucidated and explained some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounding the term "feminism/'.It's not something to be denied or eschewed, but a way of thinking to be embraced and an approach to living and communicating that is enlightening and rewarding for women as well as men. Western Carolinian Survey Please fill out the following information and return it to the Western Carolinian by February 20. Please check only one answer per question! The survey may be sent through campus mail or to PO Box 66, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Thank you for your cooperation!! ' 7 (optional - include your name and phone number) Name Phone 1) How many times do you read WC per semester? 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Oyes () no () can't remember 9) What is your class rank or position? ^) class rank _ () faculty ()staff Western CaroCinian Editor Danell Moses Ad Design: Amie Beavers Ad Mgn Christa Humphrey Associate Editors: Leanne Doerner - Sports Blake Frizzell - Features Rachel Ramsey - News Jon Patty - Classifieds/ Events Copy Editor Hayley Nicholas Layout Editors: Steve Cheyney - Features Laura Houser - Classifieds Karl Rosman - News Derek Smolik - Sports Office Asst: Kristin Dumas Office Manager Julie Morris Production: Julie Abemafhy Allison Buzzard Tressa Haswell Ted Meier Reporters: Bridget Anderson Jamie Baize Sherry Bradley Neal Braswell KellyDonaldson Shelley Eller Brett Ferguson Jeff Leatherwood Jennifer Martin Curtis Metzger Kim Miller JafaarNyang'oro Jim Phillips Caroline Roper Joseph Shiver Ree Soesbee Colleen Vasconcellas Christin Weaver Earle Wheeler Photographers: Aaron BruncK Justin Menickelli Adviser John Moore The Western Carolinian is^jjj newspaper ofWestemCarohnaUJ^ sity. The WestemCarvlinmxproMy entirely by students and is publish times per semester. the edito- The opinions expressed on"* rial page are not the opinions or West^Carolinian or W^C^ University. Tr*WestemCardm«n^ comes editorial input, news hps, ideas, etc. Correspondence should addressed to: . . Editor, Western Carvlmum POBox66 Cullowhee, NC 28723 d or sent through campusmaU » ^ Student Union. AHsubm*^* cc^idereclbuttheW^^ reserves tr*righttoren^Btoed.t unsuitable material and "* "^nes ^brevity anddarityj^^ for Features, Classifieds, **\ licatjoa arettieThursdayprecedmgP"^,^ AllothersectionshaveaFnaay preceding pubbcatwa ** Hours for the Wes^f* ^gh from lOarn to 3pm Monday old Friday. The office is located StudentUri^Builo^^^ybe and Buchanan. Otfert# reachedat227-7267orbyfaxa^: In an effort to save natural on,«. foe Western Carolinian*?™ cycled paper

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