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Western Carolinian Volume 59 Number 13 (14)

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  • Page 5 News December 9, 1993 Western Carolinian Cunningham off to Germany thanks to Rotary Club Cedric Cunningham, a senior at Western Carolina University,has received aRotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship to study inGermany in 1994-95. Cunningham wasnominated for this honor by the Rotary ClubofSylva,NC. The Rotary Foundation awards thesescholarships worth approximately $20,000tooutstandingindividuals whowillmakeastrongcontributiontoun- derstandingbetweennationsandtopeace in the world. Cunningham is the son of Jimmy and CeceliaCunnighamofGreens- "Endowments," cont'd from pace 3 the world'stop resources." Healsosaid that "itisan honor tobeasked to fill the position of professorship." Depaulofeelsthatthisjob would beof great benefit not only the stu- dentsbutalsoto"thescholar,(because)work- inghere would provide them with a major resourceduetothelocationof WCU relative to Cherokee." Depauloisexcitedabouttheendowed boro, NC. He is a graduate of the Ben L. SmithSeniorHigh School in thatcity. Internationalexperiencesarenotnew to Cunningham, who worked in the US Foreign Service. He has done missionary workin Belize, in Central America,hasbeen an exchangestudent in Alfield,Germany, and has spent a summer workingina bakery inSchlucksee,Germany. Lastsummer he spent two weeks in Waynesville, NC, working as a guide for Folkmoot USA, an internationalcampfestival. professorship. Shesaid/'We'vebeen work- ingforyears toward this mutual agreement withtheSequoyah." Hopefully, thefund- ing will be finished by fall 1994, and the chair will bein place by then. AccordingtoConnley/'Somethinges- peciallysignificantaboutthegiftisthatitis notonly WCU's first major professorship, but it also allows WCU the first endowed professorship in Cherokee Studies in the entire NorthCarolinaStateSystem." While a student at Western Carolina University, Cunnigham has majored in German. HeisamemberofMortarBoard Senior Honor Society, of Gamma Sigma Sigma, of Kappa Kappa Psi, of La Societe Francaise and friends, a program which matches specially trained adult volunteers to work with youth inone-to-one relationship. Cunninghamalsoplaysa very important roleonWestern'sBlackEducationSup- portTeam,a project commi tted to tlie reten- tionof African-American studentson the WCUcampus. "Anderson," cont'd from pace 4 . 1 1 their upcomingworks. Some of Discovery Channel's legwork wasdoneby WCUgraduate Karen Kimsey, now a researcher forGannettProductions in Denver. "How the West Was Lost" isa co- production of 9KUSA,theGannett-owned ABCtelevisionaffilliateinDenver,andthe Discovery Networks. The Discovery crew of Hutchison and cameraman Eric Kehearrived in Western NorthCarolinainearlyOctober,filmingthe landscape from a helicopter based in Asheville and talking with Cherokeeoffi- cialsonthereservation. "We hope to convey a sense of the prob- lems,conflictsand choices facingtheChero- keeandhowtheymetthechallenges through Native America nslivingtoday," Hutchison said. "And historians like Dr. Anderson playabigpartinthat." So,youte in desperate need of a computer butyoute totally broke until after the newyear. Happy Holidays. Introducing the new Apple Computer Loan. Now qualified applicants can get any select Macintosh or PowerBook with no payments for 90 days. Now you can take home some of our most popular Macintosh* and time, seven incredibly useful software programs will be included all for PowerBook* models with no money down and no payments for 90 days, one low price. So, celebrate this season with a brand-new Macintosh or (You could qualify with a phone call, but must apply by January 28, PowerBook computer. It does more. It costs less. It's that simple. 1994.) It's all part of the new Apple Computer Loan. And, for a limited ■iiiffiTiiTTiriiTiii.TSM Visit your Apple Campus Reseller for more information. University Media Center • 227-7341 Hunter library • See David or Bob ©1993 Apple Computer, Inc. Ml righk reserved. Apple, the Apple logo. Macintosh, and PowerBook are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).