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Western Carolinian Volume 52 Number 07 (08)

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  • The Western Carolinian 14 Thursday, September 18,1986 Flex Appeal - "Pump Before You Primp" by Stephanie Crocltto Fashion Writer There is a new trend which is quickly turning into a fashion. It is the involvement of women in body building, these women are shaping up ouridealsof beauty and fashion—but how much muscle is too much? Ten years ago an athlete like Jenna de Rosnay, a well-muscled five-foot-nine, would have looked out of place next to ultra thin high fashion models, but times and body fashion have changed. While the much-publicized fitness boom of recent years may or may not have raised the general level of health in the United States, it has produced one noticeable result. Perceptionsofwhat the ideal man and woman look like are changing. Nowhere is the change more apparent than in the modeling industry, particularly with female models. Modeling agencies now place a premium on women with muscular and healthy good looks. Gone are the anorexic-looking models of the 1960's and 70's, who could never be too thin or too rich. Styles change! Women looked very different in the 1930's. Women then were much shaplier, with full figures. Later we went into a skinny period, which is out right now. The female ideal today is healthyand has more muscles. Styles have changed so much that in the last couple of years a new twist has been added to the muscular trend. Not only are models being encouraged to become more athletic- looking, but real athletes have also begun modeling. Gladys Portugues, a professional body builder, has modeling credits that include such magazines as SELF, COSMOPOLITAN, and ITALIAN VOGUE. Portugues is represented by Better Bodies, one of two Manhattan modeling agencies that specialize in well-muscled models. How much muscle is too much? Looking athletic without looking too athletic may be the secret of success. We asked one model, Sandy Davis, if her muscles interfere with her femininity, how she looks in clothing, and howothers(such as men) perceive her. She says, "I don't think that having muscles interferes with my femininity at all. If anything, lifting weights helps me feel more feminine because it gives me more confidence in myself. I don't consider myself to be a "jock", just a girl who enjoys taking care of herself by being healthy and strong. I love to dress up and feel good in the clothes I wear. A lot of my male friends lift weights and they always have encouraging words to say to me. Besides, it makes me feel better about myself and that's the best part about body-building." Should the fitness boom continue throughout the next several years, we will likely go on seeing muscular models posing for fashion magazines. So before you slip on those body-hugging clothes, remember, "Pump before you Primp". Stephanie flexing her muscles. Boyd Gaddy's Drive-ln & Bar 1 SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM SUPER CHEESE BURGERS SUNDAES SANDWICHES 586-3490 HWY107Svlva Stop by on your way back from Sylva Authentic CHINESE BUFFET At The Woodland Restaurant featuring An 11 Item Chinese Buffet Weeknights, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Sunday 12 noon to 9:00 pm Chinese Dishes Prepared By Peter Chu — formerly of Mandarian Pavilion W Great Wall of Asheville, Asheville, NC and Earl "Wilsong" Wilson — Owner of Woodland Restaurant if former student of Peter Chu. (Aleo offering American food off menu) 441 6/ 23 S., Sylva 586-4331 Also Take-Out TOSTADAS NACHOS THE "ALAMO" SOPAPILLAS CRESPAS PORFITEROLE ««wm o SK:*:*: 55 ill z ills x mm* = WW W feftfcWS Welcome WCU Students & Faculty On the Air with "Power 91 ff Eric Graf — Music Director by Entertainment Writer Eric Graf is the Music Director at WCU, Power 91. He's a junior Radio/TV major who comes to Western from Wilmington, N.C. He has appeared on Wilmington radio stations WMFD, WAAV and WGNI, as well as hosting "Collector's Corner" on 91 FM every Saturday afternoon at 1. "My job is to oversee the "Rock 40" parts of Power 91's programming. Our music falls under 5 categories: A1's, which are the current hits; A2's , which are the up-and-comers; Extras, newer stuff that we're just trying out; Recurrents, which are A1's that everyone's starting to get sick of; and of course the Golden Oldies." Eric says that unless someone requests a song, no song should ever be repeated more than ten times every 4.5 hours. Also, "Rock40" is a misleading term because at any given time 91 FM has over 70 current songs "in rotation." Eric says that 91 FM does not have a big enough budget to buy records. "We have to rely on the record companies to send new material. If they don't, we borrow records from people's personal collections or from other radio stations. We're pestering certain major labels to start sending records to us because we can't play them if we don't have them. Things are improving already. Atlantic and Elektra started sending us things just last week." Eric invites anyone who wants to talk about "music, radio, or whatever" to come by the station during his office hours (7-9 P.M. MWF, 9:30-10:30 AM. and 2-3 P.M. TR), or better, to come to the staff meeting at 6 P.M. every Tuesday. "Also, don't forget my Collector's Corner show this Saturday," he says. "Dr. Demento fans need to go get a 90-minute tape and be ready to record at 1 P.M. We're going to have a massive home taping session. Every comedy record you ever wanted will probably be there." "Tell everybody to keep listening!" POWER SCHEDULE Daytime Mon-Fri 6-9 am Paul Turner Sports 9-1 lam Stan Murrow 11-1pm Kenny Ray 9:30am 1-3pm Master Gee 12:30 3-5pm Tim Paskert 4:30 5-7pm Lisa Mirando 7-9pm Stuart Condie 3-5am Hots Hits/Rock 5-10am Classical 10-11am North Carolina School of the Arts- Classical Program 11-11:30a m On Pit Road-Motor Racing News (October) 11:30-1 pm Cullowhee Countdown-Zilphia Thomas 1-3pm Collector's Comer-Eric Graf 3-5pm Hot Hits/Rock 5-8pm Jazz-LaShaun Cahill Nighttime Monday 9-1am New Music Show-Jamie Sardone Tuesday 8-9pm Future Hits-Joel Denver 9-1am Rock of the 80's-Craig Wells Wednesday 9-1 am Country Music Show-J. Scott Thursday 8-9pm Superstar Concert Series 9-1am Rock Classics-Gene Harris Weekends Friday 9-12am Party Show-James Hollis Saturday 12-3am Album Rock Sunday 8-12am 12-3am Morgan 3-6am 6-9am 9-12pm Contemporary Christian Rock-Estere Ramsey 12-5pm 5-9pm Galney 9-1 am Party Show-Keith Butler The Sounds of Silence ( Mellow )- Hot Hits/Rock Classical Hot Hits/Rock Memory Bark (Oldies)-Richard Mellow Music-Cindy Miller 35 (Scstor mm Prints and from the same roll Kodak MP film... Eastman Kodak's professional motion picture (MP) film now adapted for still use in 35mm cameras by Seattle FilmWorks. Its micro-fine grain and rich color saturation meet the exacting standards of the movie industry. With wide exposure latitude, you don't have to be a pro to get great everyday shots or capture special effects. Shoot in low or bright light from 200 ASA up to 1200 ASA. Get prints or slides, or both, from the same roll. Enjoy the very latest in photographic technology with substantial savings. °1984 Seattle FilmWorks Kodak 5247 is a registered trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company. INTRODUCTORY OFFER □ Rush me two 20-exposure rolls of your leading fv] KODAK MP film—Kodak 5247® (200 ASA). Enclosed « is $2.00. I'd like to be able to get color prints or slides (or ^ both) from the same roll and the remarkable *^ versatility of this professional quality film. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Limit of 2 rolls per customer. Mail to: Seattle FilmWorks 500 Third Avenue West, P.O. Box C-34056 Seattle, WA 98124 ga*<k 586-4060 VillageStudio NEW SELECTION Lunch Hours: 11-2 DORM DELIVERIES ($8.00 mln. group or Individual) TO GO ORDERS CATERING SERVICE (No occasion too •mail) CALL: 293-3332 Din. on El Clot. Patio Overlook!.. Um T«rlllH|ll Old Hwy 107 CIom bv WCU ffn BEER a WINE PERMITTED - I.D. REQUIRED. New Owners NEW LOCATION W®&r Dinner Hours:5-10 l.uncn m>ui>. iii a. ■» */ . t ^_*r t t mm »«^« u aaaaB>»~ - « , —« GUACAMOLE SALAD MEXICAN PIZZA TEXAS RED CHILI CHILI RELLENO ^yJQftgStAbe/ New selection of prints, posters & original artwork by area artists Custom framing and quality wood ready-made frames See the new location at Cannon's Corner Limited edition prints

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).