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Western Carolinian Volume 52 Number 07

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  • Volume Fifty-two Number Seven Thursday, September 11,1986 (704)227-7267 P.O. Box66 Cullowhee,NC 28723 ON TAP Just For Kicks, and the world record, more than 400 Otterbein College students formed a twisting chorus line. The students believe they have earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records by surpassing the previous record - held by the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes -- for the world's largest chorus line by 40 or 50 participants. ' The Challenger Disaster and indecision by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is destroying space science at American universities and could cost America an entire generation of scientists, according to researchers at Stanford U. and the U. of Midhigan. The situation is made worse by the Gramm- Rudman-Hollings debt-reduction law, which has already cost NASA funds. Liberal Arts Graduates received the best news from this year's Salary Survey by the College Placement Council. The average salary jumped 10.1% for humanities grads, and 8% for both social science and economics students. "More and more employers have been telling us that they're giving more attention to liberal arts Igraduates because of their ability to see the big picture," says CPC's spokesperson. A Portion of Students' Activity Fees fund a fine-arts collection at Wake Forest U. Every four years, student art buyers purchase about $30,000 worth of current art for the College Union Contemporary Art Collection. The collection now has pieces by Picasso, Warhol and Motherwell, amongothers, and is valued at roughly $1 million. * Minority Youth Are Incarcerated in juvenile correctional facilities three to four times more often than whites and their numbers are growing even though the overall serious crime rate for youth has declined, according to a report from the U. of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. Minority youth aren't committing a disportionate number of crimes -- they're simply more likely to be arrested and charged than equally delinquent white youth. High Tech May Not Help: Although both faculty and students are "positive" about computers on campus, a recent study on the impact of personal computers at Dartmouth College found no hard evidence that learning is increased in courses using computers as part of the instruction. Although half of the students surveyed say their grades would suffer without their computers, in 21 of 24 introductory courses, there was no difference in grades between computer owners and non-owners. Students use computers mostly for word processing. Their papers were longer by half in two courses, but faculty opinion is mixed about whether the quality of the papers improved. A Former U. of SouthernCalifornia Employee has admitted to tapping into the campus computer system during a period of two years, apparently to tamper with students' grades in return for money. USC administrators think 43 students paid the employee and two others to fix their grades. Since the scheme was uncovered last spring, 14 USC students have been expelled and the records of another 14 .have been put on hold, pending further investigation. A Counseling Hotline at Stanford U. is staffed each spring by Stanford professors who provide academic advice to prospective freshmen. "Course catalogs fail to answer every student's questions", says Jean Fetter, dean of undergraduate admissions. "This is a nice personal touch." INSIDE Campus and Local 2-3 State and National 4-5 Perspectives 5-6 Editor's Notebook International Affairs 7-8 Arts and Entertainment 9-14 People 15-16 Sports 17 Classifieds 18 Features Mike Doerner photo Paul Liddle, a Radio/Television major from Raliegh, North Carolina, is shown here knee scraping, Gran Prix style, around campus. Coeds Assaulted on Campus by Brad Kimzey Staff Reporter A W.C.U. coed was assaulted Saturday in Leatherwood Residence Hall as she made her way up the stairs between the second and third floors around 1:30 am The victim was walking up the east stairwell when she was grabbed from behind, according to Director of Traffic and Security, Gene McAbee The girl then kicked her assailant twice in the groin and escaped. There has been no arrest, but the case is still under investigation. McAbee described the suspect as a black male with short hair. Another coed was assaulted on September 3rd after leaving a party in Leatherwood, around 11:15. As she walked between Helder Residence and Scott Residence an unidentified white male "escorted" her across the street to the Reid Atheletic Field. Once at the field, the girl realized something was wrong and fled. Neither of the assaults were sexual and neither involved bodily harm.said McAbee. "However", he added, "assault on a female carries a maximum sentence of 2 years in prison and/or fines in North Carolina." McAbee suggests using yor common sense when travelling around campus at night, walk in lighted areas and walk with someone. "Campus crimejncluding assault is a problem that every school in the state has," said McAbee. "About all you can do ispay attentionand reduce the odds." There's Nothing Trivial About Pursuing Ambition. National On Campus Report The student staff of Western Michigan U's Ackley/Shilling residence hall wanted to create an incentive for student program and to build a bond between themselves and the hall government, so they invented a semester-long series of programs incorporating the popular board game Trivial Pursuit. The progra m won the National Assocation of College and University Residence halls' Program of the Year '86 award. At the beginning of the fall semester, the 500 residents of the co-ed hall were given a game card representing the Trivial Pursuit pie. The pie was "cut" into six pieces: Academic, Arts & Literature, Community Service, Entertainment, Science and Nature, and Sports and Leisure. Every program put on in Ackley/Shilling - whether sponsored by the student staff, the hall government, or campus committees - was listed in one of the Pursuit categories. During the semester, a color-codes sticker, sumbolizing a pie piece, was given to the residents attending a hall program. As a bonus, students who turned in an "A" paper or test score to the hall director's office received a sticker in the academic category. Also, residents who helped plan a program received a sticker in the category of the program. Once a residentfilled up a carO with six stickers - one Academic, one Science and Nature, one Sports and Leisure and three of his choice--he turned in the card to the director's office. The card was placed in a drawing for the grand prize: an all-expense-paid weekend trip for two to Chicago or Toronto, or $300 off of tuition (The students who have won the first two drawings had already paid their tuition, so they took $300 cash). "The response was overwhelming," says Janet Walls, one of two students presenting the program at NACURH contest. "By having such an attractive grand prize to choose from, the incentive to turn in complete cards was high..." "By utilizing so many resources, a great variety of programs were offered, (and) the student staff and hall government had the opportunity to work together on several programs." "More that 110 cards were received -- which represents more than 660 participations," Walls says. "And, these figures do not reflect the number of residents who attended programs but did not collect stickers, complete full cards, or turn in completed cards by the deadline." Because the program goals were met, Walls says, Ackley/Shilling Pursuit was a "great success," and can easily be adapted to other schools once they've established their programming needs. New Parking Regulations by Brad Kimzey Staff Reporter WCU students will no longer be able to back into campus parking spaces due to a new regulation that will go into effect this fall. The new regulation is part of Article 11, Section 7 of the WCU Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations. The proposed purpose of the regulation is to keep students from hiding improper registration stickers (or no sticker at all) from patrolling campus police. ' While many students complain that the new law will only provide more Hardee's lounge time for the Cullowhee Five-O, Director of Traffic and Security Gene McAbee defends the regulation as an important step for more equitable parking for everyone. I do feel like it is a good regulation. Because it will take our officers less time to check each lot, they will be able to patrol every lot on campus more frequently. McAbee says that now some lots on campus are only patrolled two or three times in a day instead of every hour, so a lot of people can get away with parking where they are not supposed to. However McAbee says, "we're hoping that this new law will change that." McAbee realizes that the new law is a change.that students will have to adjust to, and his department has provided for that. If you do back into a space, chances are that you will only receive a warning notice unless you have violated some other regulation. This will continue only until November 1st, when Traffic and Security officers will begin to ticket cars for the violation. "We realize this is new, and we will have to use discretion," says McAbee. "It will be an educational process up until November The Western Carolinian Striving to be the best we can be. It is just as easy to hope as it is to despair. ■Alexander Pope

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).