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Western Carolinian Volume 44 Number 11

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  • PAGE 12/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/NOVEMBER 2, 1978 Carolinian opinion and commentary Ingram likes young people Dear Editor, With the election only five days away, 1 wanted to take this opportunity to encourage each and every WCU student to vote. This election presents us with some very fundamental and timely choices, and if we, as college students, are to have a legitimate voice in the affairs of government, we must exercise our most powerful political tool available to us—our vote. As President of College Democrats, I believe the Democratic Party and its slate of candidates will provide this state and nation with the leadership and direction that is needed to alleviate some of the monumental problems that this state and country are faced with. I especially want to encourage each student to give special attention to this years' U.S. Senate race. John Ingram, the Democratic candidate, has proven his committment to people of our age group by such acts as abolishing age and sex discrimination in auto insurance with a safe driver plan. His Republican opponent, however, has voted against such measures that would have provided over $30 million for work study programs for N.C. students, against funding over $42 million for vocational education programs, and against making available over $22 million in National Direct Student Loans. It is this fiscally myopic viewpoint that can deter many students from attending colleges such as WCU, since tuition cost is a major factor in determining which college we attend. We college students often need financial help; John Ingram has proven that he is the man who will work to give us that help. Finally, I want to invite all students to attend the College Democrats' "Election Watch" which will be from 7-11 p.m., November 7, in the Cherokee Room of the U.C. We plan to have three TV monitors, which should give us good election coverage from across the state, and we also plan to provide free coffee and doughnuts for those who come by. Remember, only we can decide how good our government will be—vote on November 7! Respectfully, Steve Warren President, College Democrats Campus boring during break Dear Editor, Today I will tell you about midterm break. We had midterm break from the 21st through the 24th of October. Before the break, everybody was excited. Whenever they met their friends, they asked, "Are you going back home or are you going on a trip?" The colors of the trees are changing and it is so wonderful. If they were going on a trip, they would have a good time. But please turn your eyes. There are about fifty students here at Western who came from abroad. They had to stay on campus. Of course, some lucky students had a chance to visit their friends. But most of them had to stay here. And what is worse, both of the cafeterias closed during the break. So whenever they met the foreign students they asked, "Where will you have meals during the break?" And they always answered "I will go to Hardee's to have a hamburger for four days." I really hope that the international student's office and others will think of foreign students a little bit more. Then they too will be able to say "Have a good holiday!" Name withheld by request Helms supported Dear Editor, Just thought I would drop a couple of lines before the upcoming election. In the midst of the rhetoric that many politicians have acquired as their trademark, there is one candidate who deserves our respect and admiration. Not only is he popular in his home state, but is admired around the nation as one of the few honest and patriotic men left in the United States Senate. The man I'm talking about is of course, Jesse Helms. I don't have to defend Jesse Helms' record after six years in the U.S. Senate, it speaks for itself. He has shown himself to be above the dirty politics so common in Washington, and instead has acquired a reputation as a statesman in the true sense of the word. Senator Helms stands for what North Carolina is—success based upon a firm committment to the constitution and free enterprise. Do yourself and your country a favor next week and vote for Senator Helms. Yours truly, Mark S. Wilkins Your Total REDKEN Hair and Skin Care Center. 586-8717 Beside the Supertest on Cullowhee Highway. STARTS ■ailje^arst ■k^- '> TODAY ::.<:■':.':"}'\ Sims fSVoitrcoms-%&><#+ "JEflNs-tyotf ALL DRESSES #10. * MEN iLADlES CORfcs- ^0%^ FLANt^LS SHIRTS-#5°-? -k FLftNNELBtG-TOf>s-*|0 MEi\/?LAD)ES DRESS PA.KT5 R&T>Uce& 2.0%* MEN'S LONG- ?SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS:- k pRice * ) RACK OP LADIES TOPS -3°® **- V~ nr> LftDlES T£NO-IS "DRESSES - >3off ^S QJi~{ e£ LflDIES C0f?0URoy SPECIAL ,0%*fy /BUX bib OMZRftLus For */o i &er KHOice OF Pftm^SMBX^Cotoi^wiSr-TlKr FR^E

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).