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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 24

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  • MARCH 9, 1978/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/ PAGE 5 Amnesty International leads WCU to progressiveness Dream becoming a reality by BOB COCHRAN Amnesty International What began as a dream to enlighten and involve Western Carolina University and the surrounding community in the international problems concerning human rights has last become a reality. With steady emphasis on the part of the Carter administration and with the ever growing number of reports of political repression around the globe it seemed inevitable that Cullowhee would someday open its somewhat apathetic eyes to the crying concerns of other human beings who exist outside our mountainous seclusion. With the introduction of an organization called Amnesty International to WCU, the ball has begun to roll in a progressive direction. But what is Amnesty International, and what is it doing in Cullowhee? Amnesty International is a seventeen-year-old. world-wide organization that is dedicated to the freedom of "prisoners of conscience" in countries all over the world. A prisoner of conscience is any individual who has been imprisoned for his or her beliefs, color, language, ethnic origin, or religion, provided he or she has nol used or advocated violence. Following these similar lines, A.I. also advocates the observance of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N. Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners, and the U.N. Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Torture and Other Cruel. Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. With over 100.000 members in over HO countries. A.I. consists of such diverse personalities as Joan Hae/ and William F. Buckley Jr. A.I. has also been accorded consultative status which oops A.I. has also been accorded consultative Status with the U.N.. the Organization of American Slates, Ihe Council of Europe, and the Organization of African Unity. Mosl impressive however, is lhal Amnoslv International vvas. the recipient of the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize, Being a part ol Amnoslv International is a verv metamorphic experience that creates individual tela tionslnps among A.I members and their adopted prisoners bach member soon feels a sense of personal involvement and responsibility. A.I. is unique because Us members have a chance to take direct, effective action to assist Other human beings. Each letter, telegram or oilier tv pe ol appeal is a wav to rewrite history so that humane values are honored by all governments of the world. Ihe Amnoslv International movement in Cullowhee began during fall semester with I small, but conscientious, group of individuals who. along with help from media sources such as the Western Carolinian, The University Media Center. WWCU, and the University Forum, have made Amnesty International a household word in and around Cullowhee. The mosl recent exposure came from the University Forum for Contemporary Issues where Bob Mailer, and A.I. official from the national office in New York, spoke on human rights and Amnesiv International. Giving a general profile ol Amnesty Inlet national and its role in the area of human rights. Manor stressed two fundamental rights which an- contained in a bill adopteil bv the United Nations, which is to he ratified bv the United States and other U.N. countries I he two rights are: •The right to survive (this encompasses the rights ol an individual to adequate food, shelter, and health care). •The right to participate (the freedom ol speech and opinion in tin- formulation of governmental practices. educational processes, etc.). I Ins proposal Utilizes tin- positive aspects of both'Undemocratic and socialist regimes that now exist in societies around the world. Mailer also elaborated on A.I.*Sefforts to end various tortures thai an practiced among many countries in dealing with their prisoners. Manor also emphasized Cullowhee's potential as a very effective chapter in Amnesty Internalional's advocation Of human rights because a letter on telegram coming from Cullowhee. U.S.A is from the heart of America rather than a typical educational, research community such as Duke or Chapel Hill. Speaking along with Mauer. Drs. Charles Stevens and Vijaya Samaraweera agreed with A.l's purpose and Turn to Page 11, Please The HILL AREA .hoiks 35 E Mill St. for thtir sopport off too SCHULMAN'S DEPT. STORE Sylva NC GONG SHOW q$efrl OF SYLVA * . Exciting Spring Sale MARCH 9 THROUGH 18 \1 V 20a 2CXJM every HeiRess pantyhose, knee-hi's and stockings trio of sandals our HeiRess brand SwiiifN w»"li urttthanr *a*Saa,a)MI 'lanbte bottom* aflMBtHM Mt upon •w»(» heeli Ait with cu*t»oti malfi twrniw that t luc* > Treat toe (four teat And fiftit nc you II hm the eatra loccial sawnfS' T m* to (It** uP' *» <*" a**** Matrass stytes BjO On sate «L*r to IM *•'*< *™l P"""",n" P*",**,°*» »uWl Slftei. seat* Slotrattf. sloti..nfs. ana. n.'s too Wi fwt q-ahtt Anda-Ww bast for Sp*"* »"*<**

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).