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Western Carolinian Volume 40 Number 10

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  • ElAl^pLlrMlAM \OM I-; OF THE Ml »K\IS VOL. XL No. 10 TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 1974 WESTEKN CAROLINA CNIVERSITY CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA Robinson outlines plans for WCU's improvement There's no doubt about it now,, Western reestablished itself as "King of the Mountains" Saturday night against Appalachian State 21 - 17, (Photo by Steven C. Cook). Asking students to help keep Western Carolina University's campus clean, Chancellor Harold F, Robinson said Sunday night "We want to make this university the most beautiful campus in the nation,," Speaking before about 40 students at the Wesley Foundation at the Cullowhee Methodist Church, Robinson outlined his plans for physical improvements to the university. The 56-year-old chancellor who has been in Cullowhee since June 1 said the campus was too conge stedo Robinson and the WCl' Board of Trustees have submitted an $18 million request for capital improvements for the 1975-77 biennium to the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina,, Over the summer months Ro- binson said the major concern had been on improving conditions in the residence halls. "Things had been let go," Robinson said, "If we provide beautiful living conditions , I think you'll take care of them," he said to the students, Robinson said he had heard complaints about excessive noise in the dorms and said the dorms would be quieter this year. Personscausingthenoise would be dismissed from school, he said, "I expect to stay; they are going to leave said Robinson, Getting a new four-land entrance to campus was one of Robinson's chief concerns. The new entrance would remove non-university traffic from campus and clear up traffic jams now being caused at football games. In order to get student opinions, Robinson said he was establishing a 25 - member Student Advisory Committee, In addition, he said he planned to conduct numerous discussions in the residence halls throughout the year, Robinson said the major expenditures for the $18 million budget would be $3,423,000 for a new administration-museum building; $1,079,500 for an addition to Hoey Auditorium; $4, Dorm renovations exceed $125,000 by Rich Hall More than $125,000 in painting and carpentry work was spent on dormitory renovations this summer, Russ Stevens, Director of Residence Facilities, reported that extensive painting and paneling work in Scott, Madison, Leatherwood, Helder and Harrill dorms was performed by a thirty man crew over the months of August and early in September, The crew was composed entirely of WCU students, who were provided summer employment by the Housing Office, The main and outer lobbies of Scott Hall have been completely repaneled, as well as the second floor lounge in Madison, Leatherwood, Scott, and Harrill dorms were completely repainted on the inside. In addition, plumbing, floor polishing, ceiling tile and window screen replacements were done where they were needed. Approximately $25,000 worth of new furniture is on order for the dorms, Stevens stated that for the last few years, he has been "quite vocal" in his pleas for massive reconditioning of the residence halls, and was quite pleased at the final results of the crew's efforts. He also said Chancellor Robinson, who had made a tour of the dorms in June and initiated the work plan for the summer, recently made a second tour and was also extremely pleased with the results. It was Robinson's assumption that the poor living conditions of the residence halls was a chief factor in Westerns' declining undergraduate enrollment. In regard to social changes in residence hall life this year, the only significant differences are in visitation policies and the repealing of any dorm- sanctioned beer blasts, Robinson felt that the blasts, aside from being technically illegal, were also directly conducive to hall damage. He thought that many of the problems in the halls including furniture damage, noise, and fighting, were created, by and large, from people having too much to drink, N. C. state law prohibits the' consumption of alcohol in public areas, Although beer drinking in private rooms is perfectly legal, the corridors are considered to be public property and coordinators last year complained of having difficulty in keeping drinkers from spilling out into the hallways. The overwhelming success of Leatherwood Hall's trial visitation policy last spring quarter, has resulted in the extension of weekday visitation to all men's dorms, as well as Scott Hall, Weekday visitation is allowed from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m, Monday through Friday, as well as the standard weekend hours. In regard to this years changes, Stevens remarked that "when students see what has been done, they will appreciate it and treat it accordingly." Buntin assumes assignment to strengthen Home Ec. outreach Dr. L, Ann buntin, head of the Western Carolina University Department of Home Economics, will assume a special assignment this year to strengthen the department's outreach program in the region and state, Dr, Taft B. Botner, dean of the School of Education and Psychology, has announced. One of the nation's leading home economists, Dr. Buntin will take over special field work with student teachers in the region and with home economics extension majors. She also will direct a special WCU effort to develop joint programs with technical institutes and community colleges in child care and child devel opment. This assignment will include initiating coordinated child development programs that will enable students at two-year institutions who desire a bachelor's degree to transfer directly into the WCU home economics program in child development. The coordinated transfer program is being developed, Dr. Botner said, in recognition of the rapidly growingneed for trained professionals in child care and child development centers. Dr. Buntin holds degrees from Oklahoma College for Women, Oklahoma University and her doctorate from Columbia University. Prior to joining Western Carolina as depart ment head in 1968, she was chairman of the horoe economics education department at Texas Tech, Previously, she was home economics advisor to the State University of New York-Israel Project in Tel Aviv; director of home economics education for the state of Delaware; and a home economics professor at the State University of New York at Platts- burgh, Oklahoma College for Women, and assistant state supervisor of home economics education for the state of Oklahoma, Dr. Buntin has been in wide demand throughout the nation as a home economics lecturer, visiting professor, and consultant. 362,000 for an addition to hunter Library; S600.000 for additional funds to complete a new classroom-office building now in design; $600,000 for the renovation of Moore Hall; $2,900, 000 for a technology and health sciences and services building; $640,000 for improvements to the campus electrical system and lighting of intramural fields; $300,00 to renovate Stillwell Building; $470,000 for an additional floor on Killian Building; $500,000 for renovating McKee Building and $750,000 for renovating Joyner Building, In academics, Robinson said he hoped to establish a four- year School of Technology for mechanical, electrical and middle management-type training. A technology school would attract graduates of area 2= year technical institutes wanting a broader background, Robinson also said lie had plans for expanding the home economics department and the pre-forestry program. WCU is also in the process of establishing an extension center at Cherokee similar to that at Oteen which would include special emphasis on Indian arts and crafts as well as the regular academic training, Robinson said department heads would begin working on a 12-month basis. He also said he would try to raise faculty salaries to a level at least comparable to neighboring universities. After his speech, Robinson fielded questions from his audience on topics including the conflict between the WCU ambulance service and Moody's Funeral Home ambulances, the types of services Graham Infirmary should provide, and why recreational areas were not open at times convenient to the students. At the end of the questions, Robinson said, "There will be some problems we'll solve quickly, some will take a long time and some never will be solved," Senate filing dates set Filing dates for Student Senate seats from all of the campus residence halls are currently open, and will close October 8. To be listed on the ballot, a candidate must file with the president of the senate, Roland Johnson, on the second floor of the University Center before the deadline. Candidates must have at least a 2.00 QPR unless they are first quarter freshmen. In addition, a candidate must live in the residence hall in which he wants to campaign. The election will be held in each hall on October 10,

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