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Western Carolinian Volume 39 Number 48

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  • News Briefs Illinois Wesleyan Un iversity's Woodwin Quintet will appear at WCU at 8:15 p.m. on Monday, April 8. The quintet, directed by Maurice Willis, will present a program including Ibert's "Trois Pieces Breves," Mozart's "Qu- 1'ieces Breves," Mozart's "Quintet K 452," Poulenc's "Sextet", and Heiden's "Sin- fonia." Openings are still available for the U.XC.Year-at-Seville program. Under the program, now in its second year, undergraduates or graduate students spend a full academic year atthe University of Seville, in sunny, southern Spain. Although participation in the program normally comes in the junior year, it is open to all undergraduates or graduate students. It is not necessary to be a Spanish major to participate in the program, administered by the Department of Romance Languages. Further information, including application forms, is available from: UNC YEAR-AT- SEVILLE/ 239 Day Hall Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. The UCB and Saga Food Service will sponsor a coffee house in the "Top of the Stairs" restaurant in the UC on Thurs., April 11, from 8 pm to 12 am. A cover charge of Sl.00 will include live entertainment and free cokes and coffee. Pizzas will be available. Marc Pruett and The Cullowhee Mountain Boys will be featured in the annual Bryson City JCs' Bluegrass and Country Concert. The event will be in the Swain High School gym on april 20, from 7 to 11. BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL The Glenville High School FHA will sponsor its 3rd annual Bluegrass Festival at the Glenville School on April 19 at 7:00 pm. Admission is Si.25 Adults and college students; 75(! for high school and elementary students. Professional groups from all over Western North Carolina will be there. This festival will help the FHA club go to the State Convention in Greensboro. Everyone is invited. T. K.E. BOXING MATCH The TKE Boxing match will beheld April9 & 11 at8:00p.m., admission price will be SL00. There will be 8 weight classes with 8 individual trophies and another trophy given for the most outstanding boxer. Anyone wishing to enter as a contestant should contact any TKE for other information and entry blank or call 293-5,847. There is no entry fee. Dicks Gap Road is now off limits to parking and violators may well face stiff traffic fines, and towing charges, according to State highway Patrol spokesman. Trooper Gene Beshears said that, while he realizes this may inconvenience some students living on Dick's Gap, the volume of complaints about parked cars blocking the narrow road is such that the patrol must take action. "No parking" signs have already been erected, and a sign warning violators that their cars will be towed away will appear soon, Beshears said that strict enforcement of the rule will start after the warning is put up. Psi Chi in conjunction with the Psychology Club is organizing a trip to the Southeastern Psychological Association Convention (SEPA) for May 2- 4 in Hollywood, Florida, Anyone interested in attending should contact Fred Fuco Rm. 341 Killian by April 12, 1974. Mr. Curtis Harvey from the American Overseas School in Barranquilla, Columbia will be on campus April 14 and 15 to interview students interested in teaching overseas for the 1974-75 school year. He is particularly interested in elementary, high school English, high school Math, and Physical Education instructors, both women and men. Information concerning these positions may be obtained from the Teacher Placement Office in Killian 228. SAM MEETING The Society for Advancement of Management will meet Thursday night April 4 at 7:00 p.m. in room 333, Forysth .School of Business. The guest speaker will be Mr. Dan Grin- staff from We stern Carolina Industries in Asheville. I'LL TRADE WITH YOU! Will trade or sell 8 track tapes with you. Bring your tapes to the Western Carolinian office in Joyner building on Monday and Wednesday nites and ask for Judi, Brains .... FROM PAGE 6 While such a bias may eventually be proven scientifically justified, there is no great amount of support offered relating the value of meditation to any other aspect of brain function. Golf ..... FROM PAGE 7 ternoon as the Catamount golfers take on Appalachian State University and UNC-Asheville in a tri-meet. Maggie Valley G.C., the home course of WCU will be the scene of the action beginning at 12:30 this afternoon. One of her most cherished memories ujif/ he of d/ning dr COURT HILL INN C&here every even/ng /s d Special Occasion S. 6. ^tofariioiu IDES, AfWL-9 GFWAMCOJm Reid Gym Tickets on sale at UC Students $2,00 Non-students $4.00 There's no easy way for Charlie Nelson to become Dr. Nelson. But there is a way to make it somewhat easier. Our way. The Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program. It won't soften the demands of your professors, or those you make upon yourself —but it may free you from those financiaf problems which, understandably, can put a crimp in your concentration. If you qualify, our scholarship program will cover the costs of your medical education. More, you'll receive a good monthly allowance all through your schooling. But what happens after you graduate? Then, as a health care officer in the military branch of your choice you enter a professional environment that is challenging, stimulating and satisfying. An environment which keeps you in contact with practically all medical specialties. Which gives you the time to observe and learn before you decide on your specialty. Which may present the opportunity to train in that specialty. And to practice it. You may also find some of the most advanced medical achievements happening right where you work. Like at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, long noted for its Burn Treatment Center. Or the home of Flight Medicine, the famed Aerospace Medical Division, also in San Antonio. Or the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, recognized worldwide for its work in Medical Research. And if you've read this far, you may be interested in the details. Just send in the coupon and we'll supply them. r • —— 1 ■ Armed Forces Scholarships ~ ^m aA Box A Z-CN-44 Universal City, Texas 78.148 I desire information for the following program: Army £ Navy Q Air Force Q Medical/Osteopathic □ Dental C Veterinary* □ Podiatry Q Other {please specify) Soc.Sec.#_. Address City (please print)" To graduate in_ Date of birth (year) (month) (day) •Veterinary not available in Navy Program (year) ■ »w.--b-t ..—i "ioimurg in Hdvy riugMiu ARMED FORCES HEALTH CARE DEDICATED TO MEDICINE AND THE PEOPLE WHO PRACTICE IT

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).