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Western Carolinian Volume 39 Number 27

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  • nnnn "' —tnnn nnr l><wrrmTmTt^ doctor's THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thursday November 29, 1973 Page 5 / by Dr. Arnold Werner QUESTION: This summer a half dozen of us hitchhiked to the Rocky Mountains to spend some time camping. One of our group started a rumor that had the girls freaked out and the fellows reluctant to camp near the women. She maintained that bears are attracted to women during their menstrual period and in more than just an amorous fashion. We knew enough to hang our food up high and away from camp, but with all the stuff about women's liberation, it seemed unrealistic to expect the women to put up with similar treatment, Was there a real need for caution and what could we have done about it? ANSWER: The longer I write this column the more I become convinced that the questions are actually much better than the answers. This particular concern sent me scrambling for some data which turned out to be hard to come by. One summer in the late 1960's two women back packing in Glacier National Park were attacked by a grizzly bear. One of the women was menstruating at the time. The wildlife expert I spoke with confirmed this story and recalled hearing one or two other similar reports. Needless to say, the fact that the women were men= struating and were subsequently attacked by the bear does not necessarily indicate a causal relationship, it easily could have been a coincidence. As well, the bear might have been attracted by bacon or other odoriferous food stuffs, a more likely occurance when the natural food supply for animals is sparce. Grizzly bears are known to attack even though apparently unprovoked but the more usual black bear found in many parts of this country does not usually attack unless bothered. Getting between a bear and its cubs constitutes being bothered. Attacks by animals on campers, including back packers, are extraordinarily rare. On this basis alone, it would seem there was little source for concern. Camping in the more populous parts of the country would give little reason for concern, the greater threat to tranquility coming from other campers. I cannot give you absolute reassurance on the behavior of grizzlies in the Rocky Mountains. ft************** QUESTION: My husband is a graduate student who has just been awarded a minor but significant honor. He is pleased and proud and I am trying to think of a surprise celebration, but my husband doesn't like to celebrate anything—birthdays, Christmas, weddings, graduations, anything. Why is it that some men are simply unable to loosen up and enjoy being fussed over, or enjoy making a fuss over someone else? It is frustrating to be so excited for my husband and yet to know that a gift, party or a dinner out would meet with polite indifference. ANSWER: This is a complex problem. Some people, and it seems to be men more often than women, have been brought up to believe that the expression of feelings, happy ones as well as sad ones, is generally unacceptable. Such people are made very uncomfortable by attention or recognition which would call forth from them some expression of appreciation. On the other hand, tremendous uncertainty about one's own abilities can result in significant feelings of discomfort every time a success occurs. Since such people might not feel they deserve success, any fuss made over them just increases their discomfort, In the statement about your husband being proud of his accomplishment this certainly does not appear to be the case, I lave seen it happen that such an incredible fuss is made over all events, be they anniversaries or accomplishments, that all but the most vain would be acutely embarrassed, A few such occurences can easily condition a person to prefer a private sense of self fulfillment rather than other people's overcxhuber- ance. Kather than take responsibility for making a fuss over your husband, you might try giving him an opportunity to plan with you in doing something special you both enjoy as a private and personal celebration. Address letters to Dr. Arnold Werner, Box 974, East Lansing, Mi. 48823 / I Spin I On It "QUADROPHENIA" by T. M. Bugg After a two year absence from the LP scene, which of late has been literally a prosaic bed of mediocrity, the Who has returned with a sparkling and ambitious two record set, "QUADROPIIKNIA", A concept album, "Ql ADROPHENIA"presents through photographyi a vignette and most importantly through music, the story of Jimmy, child of that teenage wasteland, the sixties, Hung up on pills, at odds with his parents, sexually frustrated, a mod who is not quite accepted bv his peers or the rockers that make up his known social world, Jimmy takes off on his own to find peace within himself and escape the hypocrisy that surrounds his life, In his quest for inner peace the paranoid Jimmv finds that the doctors and priests can't help him, in fact, they are afraid of him, As Jimmy explains, a person who is paranoid is one who sees and understands what is really going on. What Jimmv sees is the hypocrisy that everyone else around him seems to ignore. To complicate matters Jimmv discovers that nobody knows the real him—least of all Jimmy himself, He has four distinct personalilies-the romantic, the tough guy, hypocrite and lunatic. All these are an extension of the individual personalities of the Who, Hence the title "QUADROPHENIA" Finally Jimmv conies to realize that the only plan he can find peace is in death. This is where the album begins, with Jimmv asking amidst crashing waves and thunder if we "can see the real me?" And as he prepares to drown himself we see his life crawling past his eyes, in a musical panorama of the events that has forced this fate upon him until he drowns. Peter Townshend who is responsible for "QUADROPHENIA" in its entirety has practically overshadowed his previous musical accomplishments, including "Tommy" with this present work. Lyrically superb the songs range from the brilliant mini-opera "The Punk Meets the Godfather" which is a scathing statement that Gods Planetary Passports are no more than what their followers have made them to be, to the sensitive "I'm One (At Least)" where Jimmv explains his failure to gain acceptance with the in crowd because of its hypocrisy and then reveals his own unintentionally when he say s: I carry a Gibson without a ease But I can't get that even tanned look On my face I try Ui find a place in the crowd But my fingers are clumsy My voice too loud, Other songs like "o;l.V, "The Heal Me", and ''Dr. Jimmv" have u> be rated with the best the Who have done, All the songs on the album serve to enhance the feeling of Jimmy's personality conflicts, and this leitmotif unifies the work as a whole, Melodically and musically, portions of the album have their foundations in the Who's last LP "WHO'S NEXT" but overall the songs are made distinct and effective with their patented straight ahead rock approach and incisive arrangements, Performance-wise the Who has equaled on surpassed their higher moments on both'"Tommy" and "Who's Next", Keith Moon and John Entwistle, the rhythm section, give thoir best recorded effort to date, Roger Daltr.v's vocals are moving and sensitive, possessinganemotional energy that lew Kock .Ymgcrs can match, The guitar work of Peter Townshend is as usual, impeccable, expressive, and complimentary to the mood of his lyrics and Daltry's vocals. Albums of this high a quality and sophistication are all to rare, There are no real weakness to be found in it, and its theme of cultural alienation and hypocrisy is handled with an adroitness that defies complaint One could almost say with justification that this album has a literary counterpart in T.S. Eliot's "Prufrock," Thematieally, lyrically and musically the album is executed perfectly, Perhaps with this work rock music will once again regain the creative spark that made it so significant and productive during the mid and late sixties, (CPS)—For only five dollars students can purchase passports which identify them as planetary citizens, The nebulous distinction is offered through the World Association of World Federalists (WAWF) which has begun an international campaign to register members, The passports are not intended to replace I'nited States passports and presently have no practical purpose but WAWF is negotiating with all national governments to make them valid for international traveling and identification. WAWF goals as stated in the Pledge of Planetary Citizenship, include "To meet the common global dangers and needs of the family of man and to give the I'nited Nations the authority to act on behalf of the common will of mankind." Among those who have become planetary citizens are Iowa Governor Robert Ray, scientist Linus Pauling, and novelist John Updike, Minister To Leave WCU The Rev, Ted Purcell, pastor of the Cullowhee Baptist Church for the past three years, has resigned to accept the position of Baptist chaplain at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, As pastor of a campus church, Mr. Purcell has been involved in various university activities, including student retreats and programs and occasional classroom lectures, He will assume responsibilities as a campus minister at XCSU on January 1, k**y<^5rf K^For Finals Go To TH€. ftfcC STA¥A Sock Th' froflSSffR 6*at\€ — I///////// ?LANCE. K^S£ 0<V5 vox ftfip u)ATcH lu_ .... Jim.i ■■ns.wnir i tu ■ umu ■ - ■ unjjn 1 1 PPd-lT-'tWsfiL,* sill $Tt>0£Hf thorny HAw^H N£U) HO05.N6 PROPOSALS m + (.:..:: f'S'2 *** '&0Tf

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).