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Western Carolinian Volume 34 Number 21

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  • Thursday, January 9,1969 wmascDPE THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Tvanmr 'Romeo And Juliet' Yours truly spent his Christmas vacation, as well as most of his Santa, in Atlanta seeing several of this year's more widely discussed films. Thanks to Barbra Streisand, "Funny Girl" was worth sitting through again, and with "Roller Skate Rap," "Don't Rain On My Parade," and "My Man" to entice, a third viewing wouldn't be entirely out of the question. The most interesting picture, though, and the best I've had the pleasure of seeing this year was Franco Zeffirelli'aproduction of "Romeo and Juliet." This film version of Shakespeare's earliest tragedy just about wraps it up; true, some brave director in the near future may give us something more faithful to Shakespeare's text, but, until they film "Remo and Juliet" with teenagers in space suits, it's unlikely that we'll see a work that captures the reckless, youthful, lyrical ex- huberance of the play that I feel Shakespeare intented above all else to convey or to convince modern audiences that the spirit of his work is, indeed, timeless. The most obvious factor for Zeffirelli's success with this venture was his casting of two young people, aged 16 and 17, playing the "star-crossed" lovers, who, in the play, are only slightly younger. What we have, then, is no matinee idol well trained enough in Shakespeare to spout the lush lines with measured assuredness, but, rather a girl and boy conveying the youthful passion, innocence, and unaware- ness to evil in a society that refuses to let their love grow. Ardent Spirits This younger Romeo and Juliet may not always hit every lamb on the head, but their ardent spirits, flashing eyes, and intense yearnings made me see the play for the first time as a true love story, even though no great tragedy. Their youthful enthusiasm is most evident in the play's most famous scene- Romeo's encounter with Juliet on her balconey after the Capulet Ball. Zeffirelli lets all the well-worn lines corneas they may, allowing, instead, Juliet to rush around as any 14 year old Renaissancegirl in love for the first time, and, has Romeo bounding walls or hanging from trees while feverishly clutching for Juliet. Sounds like a toumbling course on paper but you must see the scene to believe it and, seeing it presented in such a way, the terrible irony in this play of ironies is driven home more deeply than ever before. How can two people so full of life and charm be allowed to die because of a name? It would be a sacrilige to mention the lovers without naming Leonard Whiting as Romeo and Olivia Hussey as Juliet. The couple have made an extensive publicity tour since the picture's premiere, a trip which may be harmful to their future in films. Too much identification with the roles. Mr. Whiting and Miss Hussey need not worry, however, anyone who sees this "Romeo and Juliet" will never forget them, seeing what Zeffirelli obviously saw, two of the most beautiful faces in the world. Such casting naturally revitalizes the entire production, most noteable.v the characters fatuation with Rosaline isnt stressed as heavily; and Romeo's duel with Count Paris before the Capulet mortuary has been omitted entirely. These changes either add new light to the play or disguise errors in a work where Skeleton's of Shakespeare's art are still too evident— especially in the break-neck contrived pacing of the latter half. Perhaps the most interesting Zeffielli innovation, however, is the inclusion of a nude scene between the two lovers just before Juliet's "Hightengale- Lark" passages. Tastefully short through a blue filtered lense, the scene is totally in context with the events of the play and there was none of the nervous uncomfortable giggling in the audience that one often hears on such occassions. LEONARD WHITING of Tybalt, Benvolio, and Mer- cutio. They are not so much pompous, elegant lords dueling stylistically to death for honor as restless, wealthy young gentlemen who have nothing better to do than strut about the vapid streets of Verona using family names as an excuse to barter, brawl, and disturb the city's peace. Such an interpretation makes the crucial duel between Tybalt, Mcrcutio, and Romeo ;appear; as an accidental, bizarre game that nobody really wanted happen, thus, once more heightening the irony of the Romeo and Juliet relationship. Several Changes Several other changes from Shakespeare have been made for the better — Lady Capulet is more soundly developed , a woman obviously dissatisfied with her May- December marriage; Romeo's in- rjSjy Ol •3r)NV4<rrt V ' OLIVIA HUSSEY Nudity on the screen, when handled in such a manner, can be effective and beautiful. Death Scenes What suprised this viewer most, though, was the reaction to the film, especially the lover's death scences. We are told our generation is one afraid to show emotion, blow our cool. Their was hardly a dry eye in the house during these final moments. It's hard to believe anyone so callous as not to gulp or wince when cared heavily as much « this is a play of youth and Zeff- irelli has realized this completely, and though occassion- ally Sacrities Shakesphere for Zeffirelli the diretor has turned this war-hourse into a truely contemporary work with which the youth of today—or those who aren't too sophisticated to admit what youth is all about- can identify. a«i£ WHATSAKISS ■> Timmy and Jody are not very good at hugging. Their crutches are always getting in the way. It's a heartbreaking fact that these youngsters will miss many of life's good things because they are among the estimated 250.000 American babies who are born every year with defects We know you want these children to have as many chances for happiness as possible. And help them you can, by helping the March of Dimes to finance its nationwide programs of research, medical care, professional and public education. fy* MARCH of DIMES FIGHT BIRTH IDHJI^EX^TS ZEED ne loved. Keviled at his steadfastness, the leaders proclaimed to the people that the evil doer was beyond help and would be executed the following morning. ..... Now, many many years later, Zeeds name is spoken in reverence among the . .. From Page 2. people of Bestestplace. A week is set aside for Commemoration of his philosophy, in place of the old honor festival. As the throngs pass by his grave, each lays a beautiful white flower on Zeed's breast, and many a mornful tear fall for the man who dared to speak for love, and speak the truth. jsai '!»« \^" ,S909 rVa^i U xrra) ,& am «M rvOY?>8 ikA . • •■ viw JQ\ ^QlW :-'9*a"iVla SS3T5IA/VT3 V ., 10. ,ja3N9i\0 9mm ««aj I iiVS T3W T«VO -% Sl-JHrt '• -IfifVO 30W? JO «*OV9>i i Awhm y?ny ajraxw ?Wt-\ ■" <3V <10i*a "^ ('COS '/,rk{ "■§ '*/ 3SY3 -Ja3*fv> ' L» /It* 4 ^f^Mmi^ \j99 CJ Vium i iVlSU OMW \a-3V\-TSWN\ • ■ *H) KM tOfcUV or.* 3doyoi Jna I V^\m ->*dS>3l ~1*r3^n 3a-\bOMZi na^so xsor t'liw £3\p0 WW 01 WWU 4i«hl ,'CBUOlIdVwOT ?.vv? J-' 'Npnpns* flow* 5i ClON, S*)-f-M|\-ll. 5NM»(«y /VMPNM <0- 3-iaWJ A.NWf» J-IXI04 noA <3raiUJ.3wos. ajNINNHW -J*)iOQ/«. aj-i\->M I 1>>V0, 3MH SAa' T|-3(V\. I 5>o0-> Wct-a-OB ?N\ONId oCfV Q\o c**0H • a<\8 irej \y z^= faa-MMd U^Oa.1, • T\BiM«>ivai.-5 J-Sni- n"A M),i. -JlJ.1 faivio IIOA J> j.r6| " jiVHi. 1.0N ,;;on piKi-'WVUW* -UN' ,0Pn "OOAmON C§WJ- "OCA* -m-1- 0 ax 3A«w ox. Jtf\ TliI inSNOU-yM rM/iiiFowaidSnQ} ^^^-^wia, j-SAvo t iniHSOO 0005/ ->J ?A 'l-TNHWV 3Mi- WW AT»wrja I *vaivJ-<j055,H op Nhrn' an^Joort ?U1 r»»a,fl Ho/. Jl J-^Q |VliCI.aOM ,T«7U« 3N^/«dSWO iwoid m TVtVMis / \ k\, / 11,1 Tlllii,lP*,3ai53Wd V 3HJ. itBX T.-1 <., (|A71»MVS8 QIVW, KTI1NAH VI nil Tiia'i',\rv»i-Nocoyi 3HJ. r.-»fciw> ai (2£b©0 a«» IN. 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Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).