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Western Carolinian Volume 19 Number 03

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  • Page 4 THE , : CAROLINLVN Saturday, October 31, 1953 "A Catamount Tale" A student from our alma mater Longed for the sight of roeK and rill. So he walked into the forest Where he came upon a still. The boot-legger was absent. There was no one else around, And he saw a jug of moonshine Standing on the dusty ground. So he took ten rapid swallows Of the hot and firey stuff, And as he downed the tenth one, He was sure he'd had enough. So he started for the campus Feeling higher by the minute, But the way he felt, he wondered Just what moonshine has in it. Then he reached for his tobaeeo, Bit some off and started chewing, But before he reached the campus He forgot what he was doing. Later on he woke up shaking. Said his friend who stood around: "You should not have climbed that flag pole- It was hard to get you down!" —By Charles Koscielny National Science Foundation Fellowships The National Science Foundation has recently announced that it plans to award approximately 750 graduate and post-doctoral fellowships for study in the sciences for the 19J4-195o academic year. These fellowships which are open only to citizens of the United States will be awarded solely on the basis of ability. They are offered in the mathematical, physical, medical, biological and engineering sciences, including physical anthropology, psychology (excluding clinical psychology), physical geography and interdisciplinary fields. Students studying for either their masters' or doctoral degrees are eligible for graduate fellowships at the first year, intermediate or terminal year levels of graduate study. College seniors majoring in the sciences and who expect to receive a baccalaureate degree during the 1953-1954 academic year are encouraged to apply for the awards. Individuals who have received a doctoral degree or who can produce evidence of training in a field of science equivalent to the training represented by a doctoral degree or who can produce evidence of training in a field of science equivalent to the training represented by a doctoral degree in science are eligible to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship. The selection of predoctoral -Fellows will be based on test scores of scientific aptitude and achievement, academic records, and recommendations regarding each candidate's abilities. Postdoctoral applicants will not be required to take the examinations. The evaluation of each candidate's qualifications will be made by panels of scientists chosen by the National Academy of Sciences. The final selection of Fellows will be made by the National Science Foundation. The annual stipends for predoctoral Fellows range from $1400 to $1800; the stipend for post doctoral Fellows is $3400. In addition to providing limited allowances for dependents and travel, tuition and certain required fees will be paid by the Foundation. The tenure of a fellowship is for one year and can be arranged to begin at any time after June 1, 1954, but normally must not be later; than the beginning of the 19(54-1955 academic year at the institution of the Fellow's choice. In order to be considered for the 1954-1955 academic year, postdoctoral applications must be received in the Fellowship Office of the National Research Council by January 4, 1954. Detailed information and app'li- SNOOPY It's your good friend Snoopy back on the ball again and have I got news for you! Just get a load of this—FLASH Miss Pat Stanley who is lugging around a huge diamond that belongs to a guy from 'Tech" was seen at the movie last night with one of our local males. Tell us, Miss Stanley, does Ted know about all of this? If you like, we could send him a copy of the paper and let him kn -w the scoop. Pat Eways and Paul Burton have been seeing a lot of one another. Cardul Pat, I hear that Paul is is rather hard to please. Piekney Su.we and Pat seem to have finally called the whole thing off and it looks as if Dot Owen is taking over. Paupus and Randy apparently "made up" during Homecoming. From what I understand, Fred Henry brought up another gal for Homecoming but evidentally she wasn't around when the lights went off on the football field after the game. Stick in there Caroline! Who is thej young lady tha! Terry Swanger is sporting around these days? What a change has come over Mr. Swanger since last year. Keeter and Jim McJunckin just don't seem to have it anymore. From what I hear, Laura ain't interested! Hester Martin and Bumgarner seem to be getting around these days in "Bums" truck. Where do you go, kids? Shirley Aldred has been seen eyeing a certain nice-looking guy. He must be something cause Shirley seldom looks either way as far as the male population goes. Ted and "Ace" seem to be having quite a time deciding who is to squire a certain Miss Ferguson around these nights. Barbara Matthrews apparently has done a nice neat snow job on Luther Shaw. From what I hear, she is really a cute kid. Charlie Padget/ and Wanda Gibson are soon to wed. Glad to hear it kids, glad to hear it! Pat Hopper no longer speaks to the guy with the crew cut. From what I hear there was quite a mix-up on Homecoming as far as Roy Church and his gals are concerned. It seems that Barbara and Peggy landed in Mr. Church's room, during open house at the same time. Roy was speechless and left his Mother to do all the talking and shall we say, entertaining. How unusual for the "captain" of the football team! It is rumored that Love Gudger has the screaming A-Bomb hotf for a certain miss in Winston- Salem . Could this be true, Love? Dot Martin doesn't seem to have smoothed out her home town situation as of yet. I heard that she was mighty glad to see Jim Wood back up in this section oi the country. Eleanor Dykes seems to be getting the old rush from "Tuba' Conover. Why "Tuba", this is so sudden! Friends, if you wish to subscribe the Farm (corn-fed) Journal, please contact Mr. Dwaine Simpson. My damage is done so I'll take my departure for now. Now don't anyone be good! See you next issue. SNOOPY. A few acres of pine seedlings set out this fall will pay high dividends later on. cation iorms may be secured from the Fellowship Office, National Research Council, 2101 Constitu tion Avenue, N.W., Washington 25, D. C. HEDDEN'S BARBER SHOPS SYLVA, N. C. CULLOWHEE, N. C. ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ NEWS FOR VETERANS ATIQNS Carolina Motor Club Ycu Can Get the Best In Automotive Protection | Fer $18 A Year FEEL SECURE WHILE ON THE CAMPUS !! Let The American Automobile Association TAKE THE CHANCE WINFORD S. HUGHES, Representative Box 131, Whittier, N. C. Reply Card In College Shop Federal grants for "wheelchair' homes totalling more than $29,000,- 000 have been made to 3,123 seriously disabled veterans, including those of the Korean conflict, the Veterans Administration announced. Another 1,735 veterans have received preliminary approval foi such grants. All veterans of war or peacetime service since 1898 who cannot get about without the aid of \: chairs, braces, crutches, canes or the like may be entitled to these il giants. These veti must be entitled to cornpens lor permanent and total si connected disability for or loss of use, of both legs d certain specified :onditkns. VA defrays 50 percent ^ I cost of "wheelchair" homes :ii eligible veterans up to a maximum of $10,000 under grants which wen first authoried by Congress in 1948. Such special features as ramps (instead of steps), doorways .wide enough to accommodate a wl chair, special bathroom lixtures, and exercise rooms equipped tv meet the needs of the indi\ i are incorporated into these homes. Model plans, specification? blueprints of such specially-designed homes, which the ve may use if he wishes, are supp.iec. by VA. The grants may be used in several waj s. The veteran may buy. a lot and build on it, rei his present home to suit his needs, or apply the grant against ir.or gage if he already has a suit able home. Of the total number of grants paid, 2,662 were for new homes, 267 were for remodeling, and 19'i went to pay off the mortgages or. homes already built. Uu:ted States Civil Service 'iiss~on has again announced its Junior Management Assistant and Junior Agricultural Assistant examination for filling positions in Washington, D. C. and through- cut the United Stales. The trance salary for the agricultural rositi.ns is £3,410 a year, an the n msitions, ..nd $4,205. The positions are located in Washington, D. C, and the United States. The Junior Management Aasis- designed u bring into the Federal si ;i and wome for training and development into future Federal executives. The J-mior Agricultural Assistant examination is for filling positions in various fieids of agriculture. Both types of positions offer excellent opportunity lor advancement. To qualify, applicants must pass written tests and must have had ap- prpriate education or a combination of education and experience. Students who expect to complete heir courses by June 30, 1954, may apply. Appropriate experience a- may be qualitying for some positions. es for the Jun ior Management Assistant exami- :i who meet the requirements will be given an oral interview. The age limits, waived for persons .8 to 35 ye posi tion of Agricultural Writer-Editor for which there is no maximum age limit). Further information and cation lorms may be secured from ihe Placement Office or irom the United States Civil Service-Com mission, Washington 25, D. C. For the Junior Management Ass; ist be filed not later than November 12, 1953, for the Junior Agricultural Assistant examination, not later than December 1, 1953. > ♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦<»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Your Dodge and Plymouth Dealer 24-Hour Wrecker Service I PHONES: DAY 295 NIGHT 133 ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« LAUGHS He could neither read nor write, but when a distant relation died and left him a small fortune he started to make a splash. He acquired a check book, but instead of signing his name on checks he put two crosses, and the bank paid Then one day he handed fci cashier signed with three crosses. "What's this?" demanded th' cashier. "You've put three crossc here." "I know," was the reply, "Lu my wife's got social ambitions. Sir says I must have a middle name." leaders Special Service to All Students AGENTS: Charles Venable Carmen Greene Barbara Holland "Red" Jessup TROYS DRIVE! Thick Shakes and Tasty Sandwiches Curb Service SMALL'S 5c, 19c & ft STORE "Where Your Dollars Have More Cents" WELCOME STUDENTS —Home Owned— Sylva, N. C. Waynesville, N. C. »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« SYLVA FKMMACY The Rexall Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST — SUNDRIES I Phone 27 Sylva, N. C. t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦»«♦»»»♦»»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CtLOIEE 1LF Highway 19A and 23 Sylva, N. C. Formerly Watson's Gulf Service Radford Hooper and Odell Pressley CULLOWHEE, N. C. SHOP I Expert Shoe Repair Phone 114-J Sylva, N.C. t CHOICE OF YOUNG AMERICA FOR THE FIFTH STRAIGHT YEAR - CHESTERFIELD IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES ... by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in more than 800 college co-ops and campus stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the fifth straight year Chesterfield is the college favorite. CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY CIGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF OF LOW NICOTINE, HIGHEST QUALITY

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).