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Western Carolinian Volume 14 Number 11, May 5, 1947

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  • Monday, May 5, 1947 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN PAGE SEVEN Women's Intramurals The women's intramural program seems to have shifted into second gear and will soon be ready for "full speed ahead." Due to May Day rehearsals the girls' softball tournament was slowed considerably; otherwise is "shakin" okay. Thus far Boodleville and the Moore 3rd team are, tied for first spot in softball. Second floor Moore is in the hang-dog opposition, having been defeated by each of the above teams. Wingo and Wier are getting a run for their money in the BA, CA, and HR departments. Hartsie slapped out 3 round-trip tickets, one triple, one double, one single and one OUT—all in the same game. Figure that up—you mathematicians. Jean Miller pulled the outstanding play of the season (shci plays for Boodleville) by rounding up a difficult fly ball after a quarter mile dash. Don't say it doesn't pay to take a first period class, that is. The Women's team sports bunch have gotten all the breaks with the visiting baseball teams that way. Jaxie, Blackie, Jean, Barbara, Darline, Lillian and the rest (even the married ones!) have been getting the glad eye, whistles and dates. Please hold off you girls, the class is already full! We only wish the girls would break the arms of some of those guys the night before the game, not after. Its your duty to your steady and your Alma Mater to help us win games, remember? The table tennis contest is running along pretty much as calculated. Several girls pulled upset wins over Bye. June Wright has come out to the semi-finals with victories over Wingo and Rebecca Lee. The last was a hot match. Wright will meet the Bauman-Patton winner in the next bracket. Wier and Mauney are expected to have a toss-up fight in the second round to determine which will play Melba Crawford for a semi-final post. Warren is also waiting for a victim to be thrown her way from the Blanton-Jones affray. Finals in table tennis will be played next Wednesday night in the gym. Possible contenders are Wright, Patton, Crawford, Blanton or Warren. Anything is liable, to happen in the league, so take your chance. FREE THROW By CHUCK JONES Cats And AC Divided Two Baseball Games Maybe it's the home atmosphere but the Cats are showing ' marked improvement over performances on the road. They have won two of their three games. In the pitching department, Gene Grogan, leads with 2 games to his credit. Walt Deyermond, the workhorse, has probably pitched more than any other hurler, but has had tough luck and is still trying for his initial win. Jim English, fast and curve ball artist, has credit for the other Cat victory. English has improved greatly but still needs polish on his control. The sudden sharping of the batting eye has brought the teams average up. Leading the hitting parade is lead off man and center fielder, Gus Colage- rakis, with a .353 average. Ovie "chatterbox" Heavner, the third sackcr is runner up with .333. The predictions. Letting go with the largest hitting barrage of t he season, the Catamounts rapped out 17 hits for a 16 to 8 victroy over the Atlantic Christian college nine in the first of a two-game series on April 28. Deyermond started on the mound following is the batting average of players who have been at bat 14 times or more, as of April 26. Canton had the honor of defeating some of our badminton players last week. With more constant practice and stamina, our squad should be able to out-maneuver those folks yet. Wingo and Lyda won the first game of their three game match, then gave out on the last two to lose hard-fought matches. Wier and Hartshorn followed the same routine—winning the first, getting the lead in the other two, then banging the bird into the rafters to lose the points. Wier still swears she loves the floor. Honestly, half the time she slid under the net and played for the other team. Anyhow we got some nice souvenir pads from Champion and some good Bar-B- Q's to remember the occasion. Grogan Colagerakis Heavner Gibson McDonald Price Beam Fore Everhart Teague Ellis Barnsorst Stott English Deyermond AB 14 17 27 26 23 21 34 21 14 21 15 2 8 6 9 II 5 6 8 8 7 5 8 4 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 Ave. .357 .353 .333, .330 .304 .238 .235 .185 .148 .143 .133 1000 .500 .333 .222 from The switch of Barnhorst pitching to catcher may prove a big aid in the hitting. Barney ir his first game against Applachian got two for two, scoring two runs and driving in the run that broke the third inning tie. The basketball team held its banquet April 18, electing Barney Barnhorst, captain for the next year's teami and awarding letters to the following players and manager: Jim Gudger, Clair "Ike" Olsen, Howard Barnhorst, Bert Lane, Bob McGinn, Bob Tate, Bob Claxton, Silcox, Press- ley, and manager Wayne Gentry. Hunter Consults Architect On Building Plans Mr. Anthony Lord, Asheville architect, met with Dr. Hunter on Wednesday, April 16, to form premature plans concerning the new science-classroom building. Dr. Hunter called it the "omnibus" building because much of the class- work of several courses will be held in the building. The president said, "No definite plans have been formulated yet. Mr. Lord and I just talked of plans prior to drafting of blueprints and plans for construction. He also stated that they would meet several more times before definite ideas are formed. for the Cats but was relieved :>y McGinn in the sixth inning, who ;n turn was relieved by Crocker in he ninth inning. Deyermond re- ■eived credit for the victory. McGinn had two hits at bat and two rips. Beter Price collected 4 for ") and Gus Colgerakis had 3 safeties out of 5 times up. Davis lead A.C.C with 2 for 4. Cats Lost 10 To 2 Atlantic Christian college came back to chalk up a 10 to 2 victory in the second game of the series with the Catamounts April 29. Grogran, starting Cat hurler, ?ave 6 runs in the first two innings. He was relieved by English n the fourth who checked the Christians, allowing only 2 hits and 2 runs the remainder of the way. Price and Colgerakis led the Cats' lilting each and collecting 2 hits nd 4 trips to the plate. Aycock led the visitors with 2- 1-5. "You Always Save At * A£~*~ OF ASHEVILLE Horseshoes? It seems that they are used only for hanging over doors by Cullowhee girls. If and when they get into action the barnyard golf champions should be either Iris Lanning, Louise Nesbitt, Nellie Runyans or Ruth Hyatt. Wanna bet? There are twelve entrants in the contest Favored players in the double elimination badminton and tennis tournaments are Lyda, Wier, Wingo, Warren, Parker, Wright, Blanton and Patton. They will all have stiff competition and there are several dark-horse possibilities to cause upsets in our SOTTIED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Ashevilto, N. C.

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